Could use a buddy

Totally agree Sashimi. The not knowing is the hardest part. If someone told me, you know what you'll have to wait 6 more months for a BFP, I would honestly be okay with it. At least I would know and not have to play this guessing game every month.

As for the stuff nose and bleeding gums, that was totally me my first month TTC. I swore everything was a symptom. I was a lot better last month, prob because I had no hope of being pregnant and hoping to be even better about it this month. Honestly, this was the first month in our TTC that I felt like BD'ing was fun again for me and OH. I feel like the last two months I was so mechanical about it and OH was really having issues with it. Even if I don't get my BFP this month, I feel more hopeful about the coming months since we are on the same page now and are back to enjoying being with each other.

Sashimi, when you do IUI is your TWW the same as before? You just wait til AF does or doesn't show or do you have to go see the doc beforehand?
Yes, the not knowing is the. worst. If someone told me that I would be guaranteed to get my BFP ever I would feel optimistic! If I knew it would be a few months that would be fine! If I knew it would be a few years, we could start the adoption process (my OH wants to have natural and adopt). It is totally the not knowing. For me it's been a real eye opener around how I generally feel about life...that's why I said I'm a closet pessimist, lol. I generally hold a very positive perspective on life etc, but somehow when it comes to my own hopes and dreams I get least that's where I'm at this week ;)

I totally symptom spotted the first month we TTC, and realized after that the multivitamin that I was on was making me horribly nauseous. Lol. I was getting nausea on, like, CD 8 and thinking it meant I was pregnant. This was before I learned about the timing of ovulation etc etc. I get pretty serious PMS symptoms, so I've sort of stopped looking at those signs since most of them are identical to early pregnancy symptoms.

I'm glad we're all in the same boat! If ONE of us gets a BFP this month I'll feel happy and hopeful!

Fx for all of us!
Lauren, my vitamins did the same thing! Taking them later in the day with food seems to work a lot better.

Sleepy, the 2ww is pretty much the same. I did a natural cycle IUI, which means it was non-medicated. The only thing now is I'm on progesterone to help the process. This can actually mimic pregnancy symptoms, so I'm trying to be aware that anything I feel might just be the progesterone. I will go back to my clinic on April 7 for a pregnancy test. This will be day 28 of my cycle... Normally I'm 30 days, so at least I'll know one way or another before AF is due!
Well, I'm only 4dpo and I'm fixating!! Took a nice walk in the warm weather today, which helped. I am thinking that if I don't get my BFP this cycle I'm going to have my hormone levels checked and OH's SA done. Fx fx fx!
Well, I'm only 4dpo and I'm fixating!! Took a nice walk in the warm weather today, which helped. I am thinking that if I don't get my BFP this cycle I'm going to have my hormone levels checked and OH's SA done. Fx fx fx!

Generally speaking, how much do SA's cost in you all's experience? If we don't get a BFP after a few more cycles, I'd like OH to get one as well, but I'm not sure if he'd be for it.
Well, I'm only 4dpo and I'm fixating!! Took a nice walk in the warm weather today, which helped. I am thinking that if I don't get my BFP this cycle I'm going to have my hormone levels checked and OH's SA done. Fx fx fx!

Generally speaking, how much do SA's cost in you all's experience? If we don't get a BFP after a few more cycles, I'd like OH to get one as well, but I'm not sure if he'd be for it.

I think that our insurance will cover it, so I'm not sure what it would cost at a fertility clinic. I know, also, that you can get kits off of Amazon to do it at home. They are around $70, I think. My OH committed to getting an SA if we weren't pg by April 1. Coming right up! Of course, I can't test as soon as Sunday....though I probably will, knowing me!
Gals, I'm getting a little nutty this month!! As much as I'm trying not to symptom spot, I have noticed that I am not getting the symptoms I had last month before CP....Which is, in turn, making me think this is not my month. Also, FF gave me cross hairs, but based on the temps I wonder whether I even O-ed--or if I did, whether my progesterone will kick in and get me the higher temps...My post-O temps seem really low this cycle!

I feel like a crazy person writing all this! I am trying my best not to think or worry about it, but you know how that can go...

Hope everyone's weekend is great so far!
Lauren, you are not the only nut!! :) I have no symptoms at all, but I think it's too early to tell as its only 6dpiui and implantation doesn't really occur until days 6-12... I'm not feeling overly optimistic and last night I got very emotional about it. OH and I went to a basketball game and this annoying couple in front of us brought their baby to the game. It was so loud even my ears were ringing afterwards, and the poor little thing was covering his ears and cringing. Also when the "dance cam" was scanning the audience, the mom wanted to get on the jumbotron so bad that she started making her baby "dance" by shaking him around furiously for an unreasonable amount of time AND she wouldn't stop even after her baby started crying. I felt myself turning into that bitter childless woman thinking "who brings a baby to a basketball game??!!! How does SHE have a baby!?! She's a terrible mother!!" I got worse as the night went on and even stormed off from OH after something he said irritated me. Later on I said "what if we dont get our BFP? After everything we went through?" and he said "then we start the process all over again." Which I guess is true, it's all we can really do...

Also, as you stated above if you don't get your bfp then maybe it would ease your mind to get some tests done. I know it's helped me! I'm so glad I didnt wait another 4 months to find out about my thyroid or my sperm-blocking CM!!! For months I wondered if my tubes were blocked or if something worse was going on. Lauren, at least you know you can get pregnant after having the CP last month. And maybe it's a good thing you don't have the same symptoms as last time seeing as it did (sadly) result in a CP.

Most of my friends who have had babies recently had no symptoms until after AF was due. Even my SIL who had 4 IUIs was shocked when the 4th one was actually a success. She felt nothing!

So this next week is going to drag on and on for me. I'm going to be completely out of my mind until I go back to the clinic for the PG test a week from today. Let's help keep each other sane!
Well, I'm only 4dpo and I'm fixating!! Took a nice walk in the warm weather today, which helped. I am thinking that if I don't get my BFP this cycle I'm going to have my hormone levels checked and OH's SA done. Fx fx fx!

Generally speaking, how much do SA's cost in you all's experience? If we don't get a BFP after a few more cycles, I'd like OH to get one as well, but I'm not sure if he'd be for it.

Here in Canada our government insurance covered two of the SA tests and we paid $175 for a full Sperm defragmentation test. Figured it couldn't hurt to cover all our bases!
Thanks for the info ladies! If we don't get a BFP this month, I'm just going to mention it to OH to see how he reacts. Just to be safe!

Lauren - sometimes no symptoms are a good sign? I hear that alot from people who have gotten pregnant. That they got their BFP and were totally shocked since they had no symptoms at all. Also, maybe its too early to have any?
Thank you, ladies!! What would I do without you? :) You're right, sometimes no sign is the best sign! I am on my phone (obsessed?) so will write more later...
Thanks for the info ladies! If we don't get a BFP this month, I'm just going to mention it to OH to see how he reacts. Just to be safe!

Lauren - sometimes no symptoms are a good sign? I hear that alot from people who have gotten pregnant. That they got their BFP and were totally shocked since they had no symptoms at all. Also, maybe its too early to have any?

Well, I have calmed down since this morning. Thanks so much for your support, ladies!! We do need to help each other stay sane...I really appreciate this community! :hugs:

After I posted I did an OPK (since my temps have been funky) and it was 3/4 positive...almost as dark as my darkest this month. So now I'm thinking maybe I didn't O, and am gearing up to, though I have no fertile CM right now. I know some women get +OPKs when they are pg, but it is too early for me to have that happen, and I did an hpt anyway and of course got BFN (I am 5dpo). I did another OPK this evening and it was really negative. Just confusing. I guess it's really just a mystery and a waiting game for me this month! I don't know for sure that I O-ed, don't know if I will, and don't know whether I'm in the TWW. Lol. I kind of need to just throw up my hands and this point and try to enjoy the daily BD!

Sleepy, you are right. Also, after the severity of symptoms last month I tried to be much healthier this time. My eating has been pretty great and I'm on loads of vitamins. I have had a few glasses of wine here and there, but hoped that it helped the process...if only just in helping me relax!

Sashimi, that sounds like a terrible thing to witness! I know exactly how it feels, and I can relate to feeling like the childless, bitter woman. My SIL feeds her children soooooo much fast food--sometimes three meals per day. I have felt judgmental around her, too, with that and other things. It can be so triggering to see moms that seem careless when you feel like you've doing everything right and have prepared physically, emotionally, and mentally for a baby so you can be a great, healthy mom and still haven't gotten a BFP. My OH reminded me today that it's super important to let the feelings come up and not try to bottle. Yours sounds very supportive, too, with saying that you can just start over if needed! That's great to hear that your SIL had success after a few IUIs. I feel like it's going to happen soon for you :)
PS Here is a poor pic of my OPKs....the starred one is CD 15, the darkest. The one I did this AM is almost as dark. It's the one second from the right end. That def looks like I have not O-ed yet but am about to, right?
Lauren, I once went through the same confusion with those cheap strip OPKs. One month they started getting dark around CD6 or 7 which is way too early. They would lighten up then get darker again and I was so confused that I decided to conduct an experiment. I stuck the OPK in my bathroom tap water and got a faint, but very visible line. (I'm not kidding!) I refused to believe that my tap water was about to O, so I probably just had a bad batch of test strips!! So now I just use OPKs to confirm my natural O symptoms. If your EWCM is gone and you don't feel the other things you normally feel then you probably already Oed. But...just in case you could BD, but just have fun with it!

As for me, haven't really felt any anything new today. Yesterday I had a dull ache around my left ovary area. I've never felt that before so I don't know if it was a weird cramp or if things are going on down there!! Like I mentioned before , I'm taking these annoying progesterone suppositories twice a day so it could always be a side affect from that.

P.S. thanks for assuring me Im not the only judgmental person around other people with kids Lauren. I think even if I wasn't TTC, I would still be annoyed with someone subjecting their baby to loud basketball game speakers/shaking their baby relentlessly to get on the jumbotron!!! ;)
Lauren, I once went through the same confusion with those cheap strip OPKs. One month they started getting dark around CD6 or 7 which is way too early. They would lighten up then get darker again and I was so confused that I decided to conduct an experiment. I stuck the OPK in my bathroom tap water and got a faint, but very visible line. (I'm not kidding!) I refused to believe that my tap water was about to O, so I probably just had a bad batch of test strips!! So now I just use OPKs to confirm my natural O symptoms. If your EWCM is gone and you don't feel the other things you normally feel then you probably already Oed. But...just in case you could BD, but just have fun with it!

As for me, haven't really felt any anything new today. Yesterday I had a dull ache around my left ovary area. I've never felt that before so I don't know if it was a weird cramp or if things are going on down there!! Like I mentioned before , I'm taking these annoying progesterone suppositories twice a day so it could always be a side affect from that.

P.S. thanks for assuring me Im not the only judgmental person around other people with kids Lauren. I think even if I wasn't TTC, I would still be annoyed with someone subjecting their baby to loud basketball game speakers/shaking their baby relentlessly to get on the jumbotron!!! ;)

I'm about to go test my tap water to see if it's about to O!! Sashimi, I hope that little cramp is an egg implanting. I'm so obsessed that I've begun to symptom spot for others :X

Lauren: That is craze. Did you try seeing if that batch is defective? Either way, you better get to it girl, just in case you're about to O!

Just to chime in on the totally hating other people who have young children and are totally unfit to parent. I saw a mom yesterday with the cutest little toddler, who was just being a toddler and the mom was telling her if she didn't calm down, she was going to beat her. And I'm putting it nicely. I wanted to walk over there and punch that woman in her ugly face. SO ridiculous.
Sashimi - Oh my goodness! That sooooo relieves me :) Thank you!! I really do think that I already ovulated. There are no other signs that I haven't besides my weird temps, and even those are OK I think. Since I've been charting I can really tell based on CM and CP what's generally going on. Thank you for reminding me to trust my own intuition about my body.

Yeah--the judgment feels yucky but it's totally normal for it to come up!! Don't be too hard on yourself. I would feel the same way if I saw that! I had a similar experience at a loud, 98 degree baseball game where there was beer and popcorn flying everywhere and these people had their one year old (named "Judge", weirdly) who they were totally ignoring. It made me nervous since it was such a rowdy atmosphere. Anyway. I understand!

The ovary pain could be a good sign!! I know that some women feel a pinch around implantation.
Sleepy - That is AWFUL. I hate seeing that. I hate it. It completely shocks me when I see anyone behaving in that way, especially to a child! That's heartbreaking. My mom once confronted a woman in the grocery store parking lot who was doing something similar. The woman yelled at my mom, of course. I don't know if it made the situation better or worse, but I have absolutely wanted to call people out on that sort of thing in the past.

It may be that my OPKs are defective--like I said, I got a completely negative one in the afternoon, so maybe I was wrong. I sooooooo hope that I couldn't get a false + on an hpt as easily.
This morning I temped and my thermometer went off really quickly. I thought, 'Oh! I bet the battery is low!', so I temped right away with my other thermometer and the temps were totally different. That explains a lot!! I've been using both off and on. I guess that's a no-no....realizing now that I have been freaking out all cycle over a thermometer whose batteries are likely bad. Oh my.
This morning I temped and my thermometer went off really quickly. I thought, 'Oh! I bet the battery is low!', so I temped right away with my other thermometer and the temps were totally different. That explains a lot!! I've been using both off and on. I guess that's a no-no....realizing now that I have been freaking out all cycle over a thermometer whose batteries are likely bad. Oh my.

Oh geez! Well hopefully that will solve the wonky temps you've had. What would be even better is if you got a BFP then you could forget the temping...ahh, what a glorious day that will be, lol!
This morning I temped and my thermometer went off really quickly. I thought, 'Oh! I bet the battery is low!', so I temped right away with my other thermometer and the temps were totally different. That explains a lot!! I've been using both off and on. I guess that's a no-no....realizing now that I have been freaking out all cycle over a thermometer whose batteries are likely bad. Oh my.

Oh geez! Well hopefully that will solve the wonky temps you've had. What would be even better is if you got a BFP then you could forget the temping...ahh, what a glorious day that will be, lol!

Agreed! Though, knowing me, I'd probably still temp....How's it going for you?

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