Could use a buddy

Sashimi, when I mentioned EWCM to my mom, she just laughed and told me I was being crazy. Such a different experience for them. My mom got pregnant on her honeymoon. Clearly no issues for her at all! For your results, are you going in on Saturday and then they call you? Or will you know right away? I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way!

I'm going to buy that book today and spend the night reading. Something new to busy myself during the TWW :)
I think they will call me within a day or so with results. I'm assuming since it is a blood test, it will take some time. But thanks for the positive thoughts in advance, I need all the good vibes I can get!
My mom got PG with my brother while on the pill, then after him had her tubes cut because she didn't think she wanted any more kids. 5 years later she had her tubes sewn back together which was a rare procedure in the early 80s and got PG with me on her first try after healing from the surgery. SIL joked that my mom used up all the baby dust and that's why she and I have dealt with not getting BFP right away.
Sleepy, I think I already said this in another post but when I explained EWCM or any time of CM for that matter to my mom she went silent for a minute and said "Now I hears Jennifer Anniston say cervical mucus in a movie once and I thought she was just being vulgar!" it makes me LOL when I think about that.

I'm going to look for that book tomorrow. We can have a book discussion in our thread here while we continue with our 2ww!
Country - I feel the same way!! It should be taught in school, absolutely. There are so many reasons for girls to learn about this process more in-depth. I felt, too, that ANY time I had sex without protection I would get pregnant, including during my period. The thing is that some women do become pg during their 'period', but it's not a real period...But that is absolutely the exception and not the rule!

When we first started talking about TTC, my mom asked me if I'd gotten a fern test or if my doc had tested to see if our blood types went together. I had no idea what she was talking about. I'm pretty sure my mom temped, but I don't know if she knew the significance of the information she got, lol. It only took her 3 months with me, so she's one of the people in my life who's always saying 'just relax!'. I do know that she quit smoking a year before, and didn't drink alcohol or coffee for an entire year before even starting to try. That's serious dedication to the process! At least that's what she says she did...I remember asking my mom when I was around 5 where babies came from and my mother explaining in a very scientific but accurate way. My dad left the room immediately, lol. I was super young, and very skeptical about the stork... My mom gave me the nitty gritty without any of the emotional info, which I think was skillful of her.

I'm in agreement about a book club!! Even if one (or ALL :)) of us gets our BFP this month--the book is helpful during pg, too, from what I understand.

Sashimi, it sounds like you will find out close to the time that Sleepy and I find out. Country--when are you testing?

Fx for everyone!! Picturing this whole thread lit up with BFPs!
Well at least we are all in this together! It's nice to know we are all (almost) testing around the same time!! Whatever the outcome, it's so great to feel supported. What did women struggling with fertility do before the Internet? Or fertility clinics for that matter!? I'm glad we live in a day and age where we at least have options!
I tested Monday (just for fun cause I ordered some IC's) but am due for AF either today or tomorrow. I've heard the IC's don't work well before but I'm not overly optimistic for this cycle since I wasn't temping till after I o'd. I'm gearing myself up for next cycle though by reading TCOYF and temping/charting.

We haven't told anyone we are TTC but I casually asked my mom last summer what it was like when they decided to have kids and she said "it was no problem at all, basically we made up our minds to try and there you were". I don't know if it's our generation but it doesn't seem like they had much trouble.

I'm in for the book club!
Wow. It's so crazy that our mothers just can't relate to the TTC struggle! I'm so grateful for this forum!! My mom just really, really doesn't understand.

I'm starting to think I'm out for this cycle. I had a dream that I was staying at a friend's house for her family's reunion and got my period in their bed--lol sorry if that image is too much! I woke up dry but got a little pink-red blood when I checked my cervix. I know that a lot of women get some spotting before their BFP, but it's hard for me to stay optimistic. I feel like spotting is always a sure sign that it's over for me in any given cycle. That coupled with my - hpts so far is not encouraging.

I'm not too upset at this point--I know there are still a few more days, I've just sort of rounded that corner from hopeful to neutral, and am not getting my hopes up any more for a Christmas baby.

How are you ladies?? Anyone start their book last night? :)
lauren i feel the same, not too upset. If anything I'm more excited to get AF started so I can focus on next cycle. They say you aren't out until she comes so there is still hope for both of us but I know I'm ok for it to not be this month. I'm thinking it'll be lucky 13 (2013) babies for us!

Do any of you ladies have a journal on here? I was thinking of starting one :blush:
Hey ladies! I caved this morning and took an HPT and it was BFN. Total lack of self-control. First time in 3 cycles that I have actually tested before AF was late. I had some seriously wacky dreams night and could barely get out of bed from exhaustion this morning so I thought it was worth a shot. Safe to say I'm DEPRESSED!

I feel like the only person that really understands this struggle is my sister. It took her 3 years to get pregnant and she finally did on her 4th IUI. I can tell she gets it because she never asks me about anything related to TTC. She just lets me bring it up when I want and never pries. She answers only the question I ask and if I want to talk more, she lets me. It's nice having her around especially in contrast to some of my other, more rude family members. It might be a culture thing - but people have NO boundaries I tell you.

Lauren: You're not out yet. Alot of women spot and still get their BFP. But it's good that you seem neutral about the whole thing. Trying to get that attitude as well.

Countrygirl: I've got a journal, but really it's just me talking to people and ranting and raving and not saying too much of substance. Sounds fascinating doesn't it?? Lol! You should start one! It's nice to be able to get out some of those feelings and talk to others who can stalk your journal (read: me).
Sleepy - I have done an hpt every day this cycle since 6dpo---NO self control whatsoever! I resolved each night not to test in the morning. When I wake up, before I know it I'm peeing in the cup and tearing open a Wondfo packet. On that note, I love that I got 100 tests (OPK and hpt) for under $20, but I've been hearing all week that people have had bad luck with Wondfo. I've heard good things this entire time until now!! I bought them because of my POAS addiction--I can't afford to pee on the super sticks 14 days of the month, lol.

On the emo note--I AM trying to stay neutral, but honestly I was very, very disappointed when I got the spotting this AM. I do know that some women still have success, I just have also heard that many women who spot knew they were pregnant when they didn't spot that cycle at all. I guess it's different for everyone.
Sleepy - I have done an hpt every day this cycle since 6dpo---NO self control whatsoever! I resolved each night not to test in the morning. When I wake up, before I know it I'm peeing in the cup and tearing open a Wondfo packet. On that note, I love that I got 100 tests (OPK and hpt) for under $20, but I've been hearing all week that people have had bad luck with Wondfo. I've heard good things this entire time until now!! I bought them because of my POAS addiction--I can't afford to pee on the super sticks 14 days of the month, lol.

On the emo note--I AM trying to stay neutral, but honestly I was very, very disappointed when I got the spotting this AM. I do know that some women still have success, I just have also heard that many women who spot knew they were pregnant when they didn't spot that cycle at all. I guess it's different for everyone.

LOL @ on the emo note. I know it's sooo hard to stay neutral and positive when it comes to your own body and TTC process. I always feel so optimistic for others and negative for myself.

Where did you order your Wondfo's from? Amazon. My cheapies are from and the OPK's seem to work fine, but I don't every fully trust these cheapies. I'm saving my expensive HPT's for when AF is late...which apparently is never.
Hey Sleepy, that's where I got my cheapies from lol so far only tried one HPT (-). How long have you been using them? Are the OPKs pretty accurate?

So far I haven't developed a POAS addiction but I can see it coming in my future lol
Hey Sleepy, that's where I got my cheapies from lol so far only tried one HPT (-). How long have you been using them? Are the OPKs pretty accurate?

So far I haven't developed a POAS addiction but I can see it coming in my future lol

This was my first month using OPK's and they seemed to work fine. I was out of town for a good portion of my fertile period so I didn't have them with me, but I used them on CD 13, 14, 15, 16 and based on my EWCM the OPK's seemed to be correct (+ on CD14 and near + on CD13).
Well, my 'spotting' has not officially become spotting (knocking on wood! fx fx!). I had the spot of blood when I checked my CP this morning and since have only had a drop or two on a pantyliner (sorry TMI), and that was very light pink/orange?/brown. No cramps yet, hopes back up! Lol. Totally got line-eyed with my tests from this AM, even though you're really not supposed to look at them 8 hours later. And really, nothing there anyway. Fx for all of us--whether it's fx for BFPs or just plain staying sane!

Country - I used Wondfo OPK strips this month and they worked very well, though they are easy to ruin (I brought some with me on a weekend away and peed directly on them--that did not work), and I got an almost + randomly one morning in the middle of a bunch of definite - tests and several days after O. So far I like the hpts--they don't show evaps, as far as I can tell, so it takes the confusion away.
Oooooh fingers crossed for you Lauren! Hope this is your BFP :)

I've had cramps on and off all day. Totally feels like AF but keeping hope alive til she shows!
Gal-friends: after hearing about Wondfo being a bit unreliable and having one of my tests crack today (weird), I Googled and found that my batch is apparently a bad batch, giving a lot of false +s. In case anyone else has Wondfo! This might be why I got a weird + OPK, too. Going to go buy some different tests....I was sooo happy to spend less $. Oh well! At least I won't be getting a false + and getting a super letdown!
Glad you figured that out sooner rather than later. Can't wait for some new test results :)
Sleepy - Me too! i really wanted to use them all up right away, lol, but that would be pointless since it's night time and I already got my BFN for the day!

I am totally the same with feeling completely optimistic for other people but not myself!! I think part of it is that we've been getting our periods for years and years and, at least for me, it's so hard to imagine just not getting it. I also tend to believe that things that are easy for some people will be automatically be harder for me...I guess that's not the most helpful thought!

Excited to hear where everyone is at tomorrow! Sleepy, the cramps don't necessarily mean anything...I know that I would totally jump to conclusions, too, but I have seen a lot of charts on FF lately that showed cramping before a BFP. Just sayin'!
Wow! I missed so much today not being online! I went on a bit of a shopping spree seeing as I start my new job next week. (I've been working from home for the past year and living in yoga pants, so new office clothes are a must!) I admit it was a good distraction from my 2ww roller coaster, but a big part of me hopes none of these clothes fit in a few months with a bfp.

Lauren what you said about spotting is interesting. I tend to spot a few days before AF and I'm always in denial that it's game over. My doctor said the progesterone I'm taking should help with spotting, but seeing as spotting is a side affect I don't know what to think. I've had spotting nearly every day since the IUI. Another side affect is vivid dreams and every night I've dreamed about something really wacky... Like eating a huge plates of raw salmon, getting AF and it gushing out like Niagara Falls (sorry TMI), getting into fistfights with friends, etc., I wake up exhausted from having such vivid and detailed dreams!

While out shopping I hunted for the fertility book but couldn't find it, so I think I will order it online. Sleepy, I remember you saying before that your sister had 4 IUIs just like my SIL did. I have found my SIL to be so helpful and such an amazing listener during this TTC process. Like Sleepy's sister she never asks unless I volunteer info, and she gives great advice on dealing with the emotional ups and downs.

Tried to speak to OH about what to say when and if our friends ask how our TTC is coming along. He seemed to get a little annoyed at first, again stating that I'm putting way too much pressure on myself. I explained along the lines of what you guys said... That assisted conception is a very emotional thing and I need to feel protected. I explained that as women we have to deal with fertility every single month, whereas men just kind of show up with their swimmers. So it's an entirely different experience dealing with the BFN for women, at least in my own situation.

All this talk about POAS is making me feel like my HPT is burning a hole in my bathroom cupboard. I was going to wait until Friday to use it, but I think I might just go for it tomorrow. Friday is a holiday and I think I rather test when I'm home by myself. I'll still go to my clinic on Saturday for the PG blood test, but why not POAS if I can!
I'm excited for you all! Sounds like we're all in the waiting pattern. I thought AF would have shown by now but it should definitely be today or tomorrow at the latest. If not, I've gotten everything wrong!

Lauren - I haven't heard of Wondfo. I'm in Canada and the only place I could find to order them was It's amazing the roller coaster ride we go through! Fx for you!

Sleepy - I feel the same, I've had small crampy twinges all week which is why I'm so surprised I haven't seen AF. Maybe this is the month for us?

Sashimi - My DH is the same, he doesn't realize that WE go through it all every cycle, it's the waiting and stressing! If I still don't have AF tomorrow I'll be joining you testing. Good luck this weekend with your friends :)

Happy Easter everybody!

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