Could use a buddy

I'm waiting on my security clearance and background check; once that is processed I'll negotiate a start date which will be ASAP, lol. I'm desperate to get back to work. I hope I have a door to slam too :)
LOL everyone else in my office is so bad about door slamming. All I want is to just get one good SLAM in on a really noisy day. :haha: Are you wanting to go back to work to have that structure and stimulation during the day?
Yes!! I'm bored out of my mind and I'm starting to feel really unproductive. Of course vacation should help solve the boredom issue!
Uggggghhhhhh my temp is way down today and it's only 11dpo!! If that progesterone ruined my already short 12 day LP I will be so mad!!! As soon as I mentioned the flat temps they changed. Boo! Already, now that's out of my system :). How is everyone else today?
:hi: everyone!!

So yesterday I went and saw my brother and sister. It has been a year since I saw them last. We were in the pool a majority of the time. I am BRIGHT RED from sunburn!! I was wearing sunscreen but me and my sister have very fair skin, so we both burned. It was so hard saying goodbye. My sister (who is now 11) started crying, and then I did. I miss her so much!!

So my temp dropped ALOT today, and I haven't even O'd yet!! I think it is cause of the sunburn though, so I am not really worried too much.

I haven't really been on here lately due to the emotional rollercoaster I am on.

Hopefully everyone is doing better than I am. :hugs:
lauren - argh!! I just saw your chart! AF showed?! Hope you're feeling okay

sleepy - vacation definitely helps with boredom! I can't imagine not working... especially if I have to be home alone with MIL. I would go :wacko:

pino - Such an emotional time huh. Especially you don't get to see them so often. Hope you are feeling better. Ooo ... just saw your chart! Nice BD streak!! Those 50 shades worked huh! :haha:
Hi Gang! It's been quite an eventful couple of days. At the risk of writing a novel, I'll stick to the fertility developments. OH and I met with our fertility doctor today, I went in fully expecting to plan the lap and get answers regarding the surgery. We did a full review of all my tests and I learned that I have a low ovarian reserve. This means that biologically, my reproductive system is older than I really am. This doesn't mean I have poor egg quality, it just means that time is not on my side and I am approaching TTC like someone in their late 30s as opposed to someone in their early 30s.

The second thing we found out was that while OH has the gold medal winning sperm count, his actual fertility quality is just good. It's on the cusp of being good to excellent, so not bad but not great either. It's just okay. The doctor feels the sperm is surrounding the egg, but not penetrating it.

Because of the low reserve, a lap could be risky. The doctor doesn't want to do anything to disrupt the existing reserve, so it has been recommended we go straight into IVF. I could do a couple more IUI, but he would really ramp up the fertility drugs. He said I could do a lap, but he doesn't feel it's necessary at this point. So we talked about IVF, the cost, the procedure and then we ended an hour long meeting for me to go home and think about it.

I was pretty shaken up while walking back to work. I was checking Facebook on my phone when I saw a photo with the quote: Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.

I really needed to hear that at that very moment. When I got back to work I went to see our HR person and told her flat out that I can't have kids naturally and due to recent developments, there is a bit of an urgency for me to do IVF. I told her we have tried for a year, had multiple failed procedures and I'm running out of options. The HR person immediately broke down into tears and said she was going through the same thing. That she has had two MCs since the beginning of 2012 and is now seeing a fertility specialist. We really bonded and discussed all the stresses of TTC. She told me she is part of a fertility yoga and support group and she is going to see if I can join. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. We came up with a game plan and she went and spoke to my manager and said that I have a problem with my "lady parts" and would require a medical procedure that would cause me to work from home certain days. I later spoke with my manager and said I have an unexplained abdominal problem and would require a surgical procedure, but would give as much notice as I can... It's true really, IVF is kind of like surgery in a way...

The HR person also informed me that my benefits cover up to $4000 of the IVF drugs. About 3-4k of IVF is because of the drugs so that helps. She also even said if I couldn't afford it that she could look into getting me a cash advance from the company and then I could pay it back from my paychecks. I was overwhelmed and blown away the generosity and support for something like infertility.

That's another thing. Today is the first time I actually said out loud that I have infertility and I felt okay with that. My name is Sashimi, I have infertility and it's okay. This must be how a drug addict or alcoholic feels when they finally admit they have a problem. It was really nice to connect with someone in the office who is going through the same thing as me and know that I am in an environment where I can be supported.

I'm not sure what I am going to do, I admit I am leaning toward IVF because I feel like another IUI would be wasted time, energy and money.

Oh, and I found out there are other people in my office who have gone through this. One guy that I never speak to brought his very pregnant wife to our company BBQ. They have 5 MCs before this and did assisted conception. Someone who had my job before was told she would never get pregnant and then she did, but had a severe MC and hemorrhaged to the point where she was in the hospital. She had told everyone she is PG and ended up quitting and moving to the UK where her husband is from. So it just proves that everyone has their story. And when we see those PG women EVERYWHERE, maybe they strugged, too.

I'm feeling confused as to what to do, but I feel for the first time in ages that I am coming out of limbo. I've been do down and depressed, the thought of IVF terrifies me, I never thought I would be one of those women who have to go that route, but this is what it is and at least this option is available to me.
Sashimi I have written to you already but want to say that I'm really excited that you have information to work with, that I feel IVF will knock it out of the park, and that it's so amazing to find out about women IRL who can relate and/or have paved the way!! I also know how impactful that information must have been and I encourage you to take space, rest, and not put any more pressure on the timeline than you already feel. The right answer will surface :)

Ladies, I also had a big day! I woke up hoping for another nice, steady temp, and got a huge plummet with an early AF!!! I didn't write this on here because I thought it would go a different route, but the other day after work I decided to POAS and thought I saw a hint of pink. There was a line but I didn't know if it was pink, so I took a pic and inverted it and all of that obsessive stuff and it looked like a very faint but definitely there line--similar to when I had a chemical in Feb. I thought, ok.....well we'll see tomorrow!!! The next morning I POAS and again there was a hint of pink but a little lighter, then in the evening even lighter, and this morning stark white. I got AF at work. The POAS combined with the sudden giant temp plummet and AF two days early makes me wonder. I called my doc and they said it would be too late, probably, for a blood test, though it might show up, but that it wouldn't change their recommendations about the lap etc. SO. I got another call an hour later saying that my early AF messed up the surgery schedule and they wanted to do it on Tues--of next week!!!! I quickly talked with my bosses and OH and the financial person at the hospital and decided to go ahead with it. The timing is a little crazy with work since I just got back but they were really supportive and actually I think it'll be easier to do it now than later. This way I can get it out of the way and not have it looming!! And I sometimes love when I have to make big decisions really quickly like this because it doesn't allow me tons of time to rework it from every angle and make up a million stories and obsess. This way I know it's coming, my shock factor will keep me from worrying too much about it between now and Tues, and it'll be done. I am totally scared, of course, but my OH will be there and my mom AND stepmother wanted to come, lol. Very sweet and a little embarrassing! So! That is my big news for the day. I will be out for 4 days next week--plenty of time to hang around on BnB! :)

How is everyone else doing? Pino, that IS a serious streak! Sorry to hear about your sunburn!! That's painful.

lxb, How are you?? I'm glad you're almost done with the bleeding and you can start working on the coconut bun! :)
Sash--- Sounds like a long day :hugs: At least you were able to get everything explained!! And you are not alone!! :hugs:

Lauren--- Your lap is so close!! I am excitedly nervous for you!! I am sure everything will go smoothly!! :hugs:

I am determined to have sex as often as I can :haha: and OH isn't really complaining :blush:
hi everyone ...again.
l joined this thread when it was starting by felt a bit overwhelmed with ttc and didn't even know where l was in my journey cause of my gynae and dr who were not clear about the next step....don't think they knew what they were doing.

just to recap: am 30 DH is 32. ttc for 18 months. DH SA - 17 mil in march motility & morphology - great. l have fibroids (outside the uterus). anyway, l decided to see a Fs last month who did some tests and found out l have a low ovarian reserve. so he said ivf was our only way to concieve and in a way he sounded as if he was saying we are running out of time. so l have my appt with the nurse,counsellor and administrator(for fees) on the 24th of August.l am going to have the down regulation cycle. l am so afraid that it will not work.think l am going crazy and just need to be around some lovely ladies who might have any ideas of what l am going through.

Sashimi-sorry to hear about your news too. atleast you know what the problem is and you can move towards the right direction. when are you having your appointments? do you have any information about the cycle you will be doing?

Lauren- GL with the lap.

anyone headed for ivf too?

haven't had a chance to read through the whole thread yet but wanted to wish all the ladies on this thread lots of baby dust. hope we get that Bfp soon whichever way.
Ladyf welcome back!! I'm not sure if you read my last post but yesterday I found out I also have a low ovarian reserve. I'm 31 OH is 38. IVF was strongly recommended as next steps. I've done 3 failed IUIs since starting this post, so I feel like it is time to move on to IVF now. I'll either go for it when my next cycle starts or wait until september. Part of me feels I need an extra month to emotionally prepare... So if you are going for IVF, we can be buddies along the way! The low reserve thing is shocking and I don't totally understand what it means for me.
Sashimi- l did read your post, it sucks to be in our position. l was told about the low AMH last week Wednesday. mine is less than one.:cry: they need me & DH to do a police check and child protection check before we can start, and that takes two weeks to gives us a month and a half before the appointments to start the process. so we will probably start during the September cycle. so, yes we can be buddies.
the clinic sent me some information about the cycle l will be doing. seems like there will be a lot of injections,not looking forward to that.

yes,this ttc journey had taken a turn l never expected and sometimes l feel drained, physically and emotionally. it's such a rollercoster.
Hey everyone!! So my temp went waaayyy up today, but it's usualy to early for me to ovulate :shrug: I am wondering if it's the sunburn. I mean yesterday it dipped pretty low, and today it shot up. I am a bit confused. I am starting to think this monitor was a waste of money!!! Grrrrrrrr.

On another note I guess there is supposed to be a big storm tonight. I really hope so, that way OH can FINALLY get a day off!!

How is everyone doing today?? :hugs:
Sashimi - It's great that you've finally have some answers!! And it seems like the doctor is helpful. And have a clear direction as to where to go from here. And I'm soo glad the HR person is so helpful and you have someone to talk to, relate to, and so understanding about this. Infertility is definitely something hard to come to terms with. The only way to make things better and feel better about yourself is to accept your issues. You are one strong lady! And I'm so glad you find a way to handle this and moving forward :hugs:

lauren - work sounds crazy! And I am so glad everyone around you are being supportive. This is all you need and all you can really ask for at a time like this. I can understand what you mean by you like making big decisions quickly to avoid thinking too much about it. Sometimes you just need to bite the bullet and push yourself forward. :hugs:

pino - you two are some bd machine! and which guy would ever complain about bd eh?? :haha: Yea.. perhaps your temp today is because of the sunburn! I'm allergic to sunblock~~ my only option after my sunburn is to use cooling gel! (Just checked the weather in my area) Guess there is big storm coming this weekend!! Oh my... hot & humid... :wacko:

ladyf - welcome back! ttc is definitley an emotional/physical roller coaster. we are all here for you :hugs:

afm, i see TWO tiny spots today! :happydance: and it's about time!! DH kept asking me if I'm still bleeding as it has been a while since we dtd :shy: :haha: One order of coconut bun.. coming right up! :bodyb: (or ... try to... )

Blood work is scheduled today to measure my hcg level. Dont think it's back down yet as my body still thinks I'm preggo. Had bloody taste in my mouth yesterday and canker sores! :wacko:
9dpo and bfn for me this afternoon! I know it's early ad I dunno why I bother testing I just can't resist haha. My boobs have been ridiculously sore and swollen since ovlulation so if im not pregnant this month that's another symptom to add to the random unhelpful symptoms list! Im going to see batman tonight with oh though so very excited! I guess I'll test again on Sunday or Monday unless af shows her face! Il also post later on when ib the computer to everyone individually :) love to all xx
Sashimi, what a couple of days you have had. I am sorry about your news but am pleased that you seem to be very well taken care of both at work and by your doctor. IVF may seem like a slightly surreal and daunting next stage but we know lots of people for whom it's successfully worked and who said it wasn't anything like as bad as they were expecting it to be. I wondered how your doctor could tell from your tests that you have a low ovarian reserve? Which tests need to be done to show this? I think this may be something that I also have a problem with.

Lauren, things have been moving fast for you! I can definitely see why only a few days notice is perfect for types like us who agonise over the ifs and buts continually! I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend and feel like the responsibility of deciding what's next is off your shoulders.

Pino hope you're still enjoying your raunchy book and are keeping up your routine.

Lxb excellent news that the bleeding has stopped, and onwards and upwards for you two, I have all my fingers crossed.

Sleepy/Country, how are you?
Welcome Lady and exciting you're moving on to the next steps, hope it all goes well.

lxb - Thank you! You are such a supportive lady and I really appreciate having you as a resource :) I hope that HCG is way down and you guys can get workin' on that order!! Lol. Glad your bleeding is done, though, and hopefully you and OH can 'relax' together tonight...

Pino - Def. looks like you ovulated, girl! It could be the sunburn, but it looks like you Oed. Fx! Your sure BDed enough to catch the window, lol.

haribo - Thank you, I do feel like things are sort of out of my hands now. Don't know if that's good or bad, but it is!! Lol. It's not a relief yet because I'm scared, but it'll all be over soon.

Afm, had my pre-op today and it scared the sh*** out of me. They have to tell you every single thing that can go wrong including death etc etc and it was just terrifying. The first half was with a physician's assistant at the clinic and the second half was with two delightful older nurses at the hospital. I wanted to smack the pa by the end of our meeting because she was totally unskillful and tasteless about how she described some of the procedures. I don't want to go into it because it will make me squirm, but she just gave me waaaaaay more info than I ever cared to have about what they do, and delivered the information in an off-handed and careless way!! Anyway, the older nurses saved the day by answering every single one of my questions and listening to my fears. That was nice. I make a bunch of jokes when I'm nervous and they really hung in there and laughed at some! Lol. So I am very nervous and not looking forward to all of this, but I am glad that it will be done soon and will be relieved to be diagnosed with endo and not cancer. Plus, I did learn that it might not be as bad as they told me it could be. The pre-op stuff I have to do is sort of unpleasant but that will go by quick, too! And I feel like I will at least be able to report back and support anyone else on here that might end up with a lap, though I hope none of you ever have to do it!
Hey all! Looks like I've missed a lot of big news since yesterday. For some reason BnB wasn't working on my computer :( It's back now though!

Sashimi - I'm sorry you've had to go through so much these past couple of months, but I am happy that you finally have an answer and something to work off of. You seem like you are handling it so well and you are being so strong. How crazy that the HR rep is going through a similar struggle. It's so true - we see pregnant women everywhere and we have no idea what their TTC journey was like. One day women will look at you with your belly and probably feel the same way. I also think emotionally and mentally you have reached a good place where you can accept your fertility issues and hopefully that acceptance will make IVF somewhat easier. How is OH dealing with everything?

Lauren - Ahh, those disclaimers are so frightening!! Glad the more experienced nurses were able to answer all of your questions. Hopefully being informed and knowledgeable about what you are about to have done will put your mind at ease - even if only slightly. It's on Tuesday right?

Treasured - 9DPO is sooo early! Have fun at Batman - I'm looking forward to seeing it next week. Hope it's good!!

Haribo - Hi!! Nothing new on my end. Just in the TWW which is actually going by fairly quickly this time around.

Lady - Welcome! Sounds like you have been going through a lot too and you're right. TTC is absolutely overwhelming especially when you feel like your body won't listen to you and get things right. There are so many IVF success stories and I hope we'll be hearing yours soon. I hope it goes smoothly for you!

Pino - Woahh! Your temp is super high. Are you having any O symptoms? Is it possible to be O'ing right now - like a fluke or something?

Nothing new here! Family is coming over tomorrow to sleepover then we are heading to the beach bright and early Sunday morning so we can hit traffic. It's a 7 hour drive, but we'll have 2 dogs and a 4 year old so I'm hoping we can pull this off! I'll try to sign on as often as I can - so much going on, I don't want to miss out on anyone's news.
Hi Sleepy, yes it is on Tuesday. The nurses did help, though they of course confirmed that dying is always a risk. I know that it's sooo unlikely but right at this moment I am really freaked about it. Also that horrible shooting happened in Aurora, CO last night and it has me kind of wound up. I am sure everything will be fine, I think that going to the hospital and talking to people made it real and made me realize that these people are doing crazy and potentially dangerous things to my body! I have never had surgery aside from wisdom teeth, so this is all new and pretty scary for me.

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