Cycle 1 day 1. Who's with me? *update* It's a girl! Congrats baby_bray!!!

Gosh I forgot what hard work this age is. Lol thank god Finn is a fairly good baby. He was a cranky crank today. Luckily he seems to have gotten over it. Hoping he will wake up shortly for a bottle. He has slept thru his 8pm bottle and I am scared that means its gonna be a long night. Think he's in a growth spurt because he has woken up 2 nights in a row for a bottle at 1. Then he sleeps till 630. Still not bad but I was so used to sleeping straight thru. We have a dr apt next week. So excited to see how much he has grown. I measured him last week and he was 25.5 inches long. He's grown half a foot since he was born. That just seems like a lot. He's over the 95th percentile. Also about to be in 6-9 clothes. Crazy. Also I think Finn is allergic to cats.

Bray... Sorry things aren't moving along. I bet you are so ready for her to be here.

Mighty... How go the Bh?

Tv... I am willing to bet it is the fact she is sleeping more that has her feeding more. Bf is so hard to monitor. Pump and you will know for sure.

Moter... Poor kash. Finn has poopy problems still. He has started going on a more regular basis but they are so hard. Gas drops, hot water bottle are life savers. My mil bought us an owl that goes in the microwave and you rest it on their stomach. Good luck.

Twinkie.... I can't believe Liam is already rolling around. He's growing so fast!

Thanks for the hot water bottle tip, gonna get one. I ordered a rock n play too hoping that he will like that. So far he only wants to be held all the time when he's not feeling well.
Finn only waking once a night is great! How does he sleep so long ? Ask him his secret so I can pass it on to Kash, ha
Thanks ladies for the advice, i did try and express but just couldnt seem to get much, but have read thats sometimes the case. I actually weighed her myself and shes 9lb 2oz which is exactly what she should be so im thinking im just worrying for nothing and maybe shes just going through a growth spurt. Shes sleeping so well @ night so she must be happy.
You are so lucky that she sleeps so well at night! I would take extra feedings for night sleeping any day of the week. :) Glad she's right on track, keep it up mama!
Moter... Hopefully the rock and play works. When Finn gets an upset stomache I find his little vibrating bouncy seat works wonders too. Don't know how I got so lucky in the sleep department. Since my first 2 were sleepers ad still are I was sure this would be my nightmare. He is really great at night. And it's not every night that he gets up. The last post I made when I was worried because he slept thru his 8pm bottle.... He slept til 4am and the oly reason he was up then was because dh woke because he was worried. Lol he slept from 6pm to 4 and might have gone longer. Last night he slept from 8-5 (which was really 6 because of the time change. ) he refuses to eat after 8. The earliest I can get another bottle into him is 1am occasionally. Most times he sleeps til 4 or 5. And he loves his crib. I am so happy. Lol
Hey ladies!!!

I miss chatting it up with you all! These two have us so busy. Well, that and school (work). I can't wait for Spring Break in a few weeks to just catch up on life. I've just finished reading all the posts, but there is no way I could comment on all I've missed.

Couple of things: Our ped just told us this week to use a cool-mist humidifier, saline drops, Nose Frida (THE MOST AWESOMEST TOOL EVER!!!!!) and Vicks on the babies' feet and chest. She said to put socks on after the Vicks on the feet and if possible, use a onesie under the sleeper for the chest Vicks. I questioned the whole, "shouldn't use Vicks until 2 years old" and she said that it wouldn't be a problem--just make sure they don't eat it. We were really pleased with that answer cuz we've been putting the infant chest rub on their chests and feet, but it's much better since being able to use the 'real Vicks'.

Congrats to all the new Mamas!! I've kept up with you all through here and Facebook! Cutie pies all around!! :)

Hoping things calm down for you, Mighty! Man, and I thought I was busy!? Geesh! :)

Any day now, eh, Bray?! How exciting! I'm sure walking at work and staying busy is helping the time pass. I can only imagine how anxious you are to meet your precious. Just know that she'll be here soon. YAY! :happydance:

Colta, how are things going with you, lady? I think about you often. :flower:

AFM: The twins are 7 and a half months! WOW, time sure does fly! They are doing so much cool stuff. It's so exciting to see them learn. Bernard David has mastered rolling both from back to front and front to back. He doesn't do as many rolls as Olivia, though! :winkwink: He starts on his back, rolls over to his tummy and then immediately back to his back. I think he's using it as transportation. He also has 2 bottom teeth! SO CUTE!!!! :haha: Kaylani isn't rolling and no teeth for her yet, but those puppies are gonna pop out any day now...they both are teething like crazy! Several bibs a day in our house! :) Kaylani is making some strides of her own though--she is able to sit unassisted now. It's pretty exciting!

Some less than pleasant news: babies got colds around the first week of February, passed it back and forth to each other, were better for about 3 days and then BAM!!!--Bronchiolitis! Man, is that virus a beast!! They were so congested, runny noses, sneezing, wheezing, Kaylani vomitted a bit. Urgh-it was a horrible couple of weeks. K was so bad that they almost sent us to the ER during one office visit to check on them. Luckily, they gave her a breathing treatment (albuterol) and steroid (Prednisolone) and she got a little better. I am so thankful and grateful that they were good babies through it all. They never slacked off on feedings or playing. They did sleep a bit more, but that's to be expected. Thankfully, we are all better now! :thumbup:

I'm in a little breastmilk-producing slump fact, I'm about to post in the breastfeeding forum to look for some advice, ideas and just support. Ugh, this is hard! So, we leave for work about 6:30am. I breastfeed at 5:15am before getting ready. The babies then have 3 bottles of pumped milk while at work and then I breastfeed again around 6pm and then again around 1am (if we don't give them solid food at 6pm). So, in all that's almost 36oz of breastmilk a day for 6 bottles (3 each). At first, I was doing it. Then, it dwindled down to 30-32oz a day that I was able to pump. Now, I'm down to only about 20oz. I know that formula isn't going to harm them, but I really wanted to make it the full year on breastmilk. Supplementing with formula hasn't been bad--just wasn't the plan, you know??! :shrug:

Well, my husband thinks I'm just "in a slump", so I'm going to try and stay positive. I'll up my water, food intake and Mother's Milk Tea. I'll also sprinkle some Fenugreek pills in my tea. I can't really increase any pumping sessions. I already make time/find time to pump 3-4 times while at work and then again while I'm driving home. It's just so weird/frustrating cuz when I was only pumping for them (no nursing), I was able to pump excess of what they were drinking. :shrug:

Well, thanks for listening to my rambles...hope today was a good day for all and I hope to be able to check in more frequently. Miss ya'll! :hugs:
Thanks for coming in to give us an update on the twins! I'd love to see a pic or two if you get the time. :)

As for the BFing: I'd recommend renting a hospital grade pump for a week. It's amazing what a better pump can do for your milk supply! I had the same issue at 11 months and renting a Medela Harmony pump made a BIG difference. Brought my milk back up. Just a thought! Also when you nurse, do you nurse both sides every feeding? That's the only other idea I could come up with.
Thanks for coming in to give us an update on the twins! I'd love to see a pic or two if you get the time. :)

As for the BFing: I'd recommend renting a hospital grade pump for a week. It's amazing what a better pump can do for your milk supply! I had the same issue at 11 months and renting a Medela Harmony pump made a BIG difference. Brought my milk back up. Just a thought! Also when you nurse, do you nurse both sides every feeding? That's the only other idea I could come up with.

Well, I nurse both sides all the time cuz I tandem feed. Yep, both babies at the same time for about 30 minutes.

I have a Medela Freestyle. That's pretty much top of the line, right? If not, yeah I can rent the hospital one for a bit to see if that helps. Ugh...
Have you tried the fenugreek pills, instead of the tea? I took those for a couple days and it really helped my supply. I am slowly weaning myself off of the pump :( I am sad about it because I really wanted to go a year, but since little guy never got the hand of bfing pumping exclusively is a lot of work. I probably could have managed it anyway, but we are going on vacation at the beginning of June and there is no way I could pump several times a day (plus I don't want to have to stop during our family vacation and pump). I am trying to decide if I want to try to keep up a morning and night pump to give little guy some breast milk (I could manage this on vacation) or if I want to stop alltogether.
Menb.... So good to hear from you!!! We definitely need some pictures. Sounds like the twins are doing great despite the cold. Bronchitis is the worst. Had it 3rd tri and wanted to die. Tore a ligament I coughed so hard. As for bf I am obviously no expert so have no advice. Lol in hind sight as a formula feeder I am actually kinda glad because when it comes to feedings I don't have any worries. I was lucky to have the decision made for me though as formula is my only choice. Still feel guilty occasionally. Especially when around Dhs family as they are big formula downers and my kids obviously won't be as great as their kids.

That being said.... I should start a blog for formula feeders. This stigma has to go. Yes breast feeding is the way god intended but after having raised 3 kids on formula I don't buy the better bit. My kids are extremely smart, healthy and awesome and didn't have any breast milk. Lol this isn't pointed at you Menb I know you don't judge. Just sometimes want to scream at women who do. Drives me insane. So my advice to you all is do what you can but don't freak out if it doesn't work out. Don't feel guilty or less of a mom. Your child will be just as great as the next kid. Also relaxing is supposed to help milk supply. Good luck ladies.

Twinkie... Advice on the formula transition if you decide to make it. Do it soon so he has time to adjust before the vacation. Formula will change a lot for him. Stools get harder, gas increases, he'll eat less. Etc and you will want to figure that out before traveling. I say give yourself a week to see how he acclimates and find the right brand. My first 2 could eat any formula and switch back and forth. Finn has to have similac or he gets crazy sick.
Menb.... So good to hear from you!!! We definitely need some pictures. Sounds like the twins are doing great despite the cold. Bronchitis is the worst. Had it 3rd tri and wanted to die. Tore a ligament I coughed so hard. As for bf I am obviously no expert so have no advice. Lol in hind sight as a formula feeder I am actually kinda glad because when it comes to feedings I don't have any worries. I was lucky to have the decision made for me though as formula is my only choice. Still feel guilty occasionally. Especially when around Dhs family as they are big formula downers and my kids obviously won't be as great as their kids.

That being said.... I should start a blog for formula feeders. This stigma has to go. Yes breast feeding is the way god intended but after having raised 3 kids on formula I don't buy the better bit. My kids are extremely smart, healthy and awesome and didn't have any breast milk. Lol this isn't pointed at you Menb I know you don't judge. Just sometimes want to scream at women who do. Drives me insane. So my advice to you all is do what you can but don't freak out if it doesn't work out. Don't feel guilty or less of a mom. Your child will be just as great as the next kid. Also relaxing is supposed to help milk supply. Good luck ladies.

Twinkie... Advice on the formula transition if you decide to make it. Do it soon so he has time to adjust before the vacation. Formula will change a lot for him. Stools get harder, gas increases, he'll eat less. Etc and you will want to figure that out before traveling. I say give yourself a week to see how he acclimates and find the right brand. My first 2 could eat any formula and switch back and forth. Finn has to have similac or he gets crazy sick.

Thanks mail, my first was formula fed and we went through a couple different kinds before we found what worked for him. Liam has had formula before (he gets the occasional bottle when we are out and about) so I think we know what brand works well for him. But I am definately going to transition him before we leave. I plan on starting 4 or 5 weeks before so he can be used to it. I would hate for him to get consitpated or his belly be upset on vacation! Plus we are driving, so 13hrs in a car with a baby who doesn't feel well does not sound like fun to me!

I feel you on the whole breast feeding/formula debate! My first was completely formula fed and is smart and extremely healthy. He is in 3rd grade and has never missed a day of grade school! I really wanted to BF Liam because I wasn't able to with my first (not physically, I was a full time college student and working part time and just didn't have a schedule that allowed for BFing). I felt like an utter failure when Liam never got the hang of it and I know that it was partly because I put all of this pressure on myself to do it because it was so much healthier than formula. Which is silly! It is not like formula is going to make him sick!
Have you tried the fenugreek pills, instead of the tea? I took those for a couple days and it really helped my supply. I am slowly weaning myself off of the pump :( I am sad about it because I really wanted to go a year, but since little guy never got the hand of bfing pumping exclusively is a lot of work. I probably could have managed it anyway, but we are going on vacation at the beginning of June and there is no way I could pump several times a day (plus I don't want to have to stop during our family vacation and pump). I am trying to decide if I want to try to keep up a morning and night pump to give little guy some breast milk (I could manage this on vacation) or if I want to stop alltogether.

And thanks for taking the time to respond on both threads! I am SO sad right now...:cry:
I know how hard it is to have your mind set on something and then your body not cooperate! I was convinced I would BF little guy. But as with everything else when it comes to parenting, sometimes you have to change our expectations. Your babies are healthy and doing so well! That is something to be proud of! Have you got your period back? Maybe that is what is causing your dip and it will be temporary?
Thanks ladies...and thanks for knowing that I am in NO WAY judging, Mail. I applaud Moms all around--no matter what!

I just know that hubby and I had visions of what we wanted to do with our babies. That's the frustrating part...feeling like a failure. I know I shouldn't, but I just do. :cry: And, now I just got a text from the babysitter that Bernard David ate/drank his bottles in less than 7 minutes. She had to give him some food after both bottles this morning/afternoon. They are up to 165mL which is a little more than 5oz. UGH...I'm just feeling like a total loser! I don't know what to do! Im feeling like just giving's so depressing to look down after 30 minutes of pumping and see only 2oz from each breast. UGH!!! If crying would help, I'd let it all loose on the way home in the car. :shrug:

Well, thanks anyway ladies!
I know how hard it is to have your mind set on something and then your body not cooperate! I was convinced I would BF little guy. But as with everything else when it comes to parenting, sometimes you have to change our expectations. Your babies are healthy and doing so well! That is something to be proud of! Have you got your period back? Maybe that is what is causing your dip and it will be temporary?

Thanks! I know...I just need to wrap my mind around supplementing and having them have more formula than breast milk. UGH!!!

As far as my period...funny thing...I delivered in period and then had a period in October...nothing since then. Weird right? No, I haven't taken a test, but the likelihood is VERY SLIM. I don't have any drive whatsoever. I just see myself as a deliverer of food for the babies...not a sexy wife. UGH...that's a whole other issue! :dohh: I also don't feel like I've stopped losing weight. My clothes are still A LOT looser on me than ever. I guess I should try a test--just in case. :dohh:
A couple thoughts:

FF is NOT failing. You're a good mom! Supplement if you must and no regrets.

Yes the Freestyle is the top of the line...for a home pump. Rent a Medela Harmony hospital grade. Your insurance may cover it if your doctor writes a script.

If it is possible you could be pregnant (i.e. you've had sex since October) I would get a HPT. If you got pregnant it will affect your milk supply!

Finally, I know how you feel. I felt like an utter failure when DD self-weaned at 11 months. I was so sad! I had a vision of BFing for much longer and all my other mommy friends BFed until 2 yrs. That's where the guilt comes in I think, because we see other women do it without a problem. But just like it was so hard to finally get your rainbows, you have to know that there are two things in life you just cannot control: 1. Getting and staying pregnant and 2. Your body's ability to produce milk. No tears!
I just think do what bloody suits, its hard enough being a mum without ppl judging you etc. I'll be honest im only bf because its cheaper and easier then getting up and getting a bottle at night. Yes obviously the bound is nice and breast milk is good but i would ff if i had to no guilt.
I know how hard it is to have your mind set on something and then your body not cooperate! I was convinced I would BF little guy. But as with everything else when it comes to parenting, sometimes you have to change our expectations. Your babies are healthy and doing so well! That is something to be proud of! Have you got your period back? Maybe that is what is causing your dip and it will be temporary?

Thanks! I know...I just need to wrap my mind around supplementing and having them have more formula than breast milk. UGH!!!

As far as my period...funny thing...I delivered in period and then had a period in October...nothing since then. Weird right? No, I haven't taken a test, but the likelihood is VERY SLIM. I don't have any drive whatsoever. I just see myself as a deliverer of food for the babies...not a sexy wife. UGH...that's a whole other issue! :dohh: I also don't feel like I've stopped losing weight. My clothes are still A LOT looser on me than ever. I guess I should try a test--just in case. :dohh:

Remember too that humans were made to have ONE baby at a time not TWO! Your body has already done an amazing thing carrying two healthy babies :) Have you asked your Dr. about a prescription to help increase your supply?

I still haven't had a period yet, not even a hint of one. But like you I know that pregnancy is NOT the reason. My sex drive is pretty much nonexistent LOL. Yet for some reason DH wants it all the time? Where was this guy when I was trying to get pregnant??? Men!
Moter... Hopefully the rock and play works. When Finn gets an upset stomache I find his little vibrating bouncy seat works wonders too. Don't know how I got so lucky in the sleep department. Since my first 2 were sleepers ad still are I was sure this would be my nightmare. He is really great at night. And it's not every night that he gets up. The last post I made when I was worried because he slept thru his 8pm bottle.... He slept til 4am and the oly reason he was up then was because dh woke because he was worried. Lol he slept from 6pm to 4 and might have gone longer. Last night he slept from 8-5 (which was really 6 because of the time change. ) he refuses to eat after 8. The earliest I can get another bottle into him is 1am occasionally. Most times he sleeps til 4 or 5. And he loves his crib. I am so happy. Lol

Lucky!! Hoping to get there starting around 12 weeks. Poor Kash is another reflux baby. My first had it too but very severe. At least Kash has a milder case. Doing lots of trial and error right now while we wait it out. Ordered the hot water bottle, should be here tomorrow
Menb... Hang in there girl. Finn eats a 6 oz bottle in 5 min 5-6 times daily and he's only 2 months. I really agree with mighty. Get the pro pump and drink a beer. Apparently non alcoholic beers have the same effect on milk.

Moter... I couldn't imagine reflux. Finn eats way too much for reflux. Hope the water bottle helps. I used to get it warm and lay dd over it on her stomach. Really helped so hope it works for you.

Well Afm... Off to the pediatrician for our 2mo well check.
Good luck at the checkup! Let us know how little Finn is doing (although I am sure he is not so little :))

Well my great sleeper has decided that he doesn't like to sleep! I am about ready to pull my hair out! We used to be able to put him in his crib and walk away and he would go to sleep, but not anymore! He slept maybe an hr from 9:30am to 9:30pm yester day! Then he didn't sleep well last night either! He kept waking up screaming, but with nothing obvious wrong with him! I would get him back to sleep and try to lay him down and he would start screaming again! I surely hope this is just a phase, because I am very sleep deprived. I got him to sleep in his swing a couple hrs.

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