It's like bashing your head against a brick wall, isn't it? Our first visit to a GP was 'colic, deal with it' pretty much...but I knew that crying when you spit up, and that level of pain wasnt 'colic'
Luckily I have a supportive hv who basically made me phone back, ask for a certain GP, and insisted I had another appointment! We got a great GP...unfortunately, we now have a few issues with the consultant!
Regarding the weight thing, I am permanently worried about this! We seem to have found our groove, and if Cora is gaining happily on 65th, that could just be her groove? If she's happy, got lots of wets and enough dirties, that may be her 'line' so to speak? Our consultant initially said he was concerned about Ally's weight gain, as she had a few weeks where it wasn't great, and she dropped a few centiles. He did run some tests, but said...eventually after causing me a nervous breakdown...that it was likely she was just finding her weight 'comfort' zone. He alluded to weight issues with allergies being akin to failure to thrive. I don't know if that's any use, as I am not always convinced by what he says (as you all know!) we now have distraction and teething to worry me with feeds, instead
Interesting about the lymph nodes. Lizzie has permanently had a raised one by her ear. She's had it seen three times...and no one has thought twice about it. I am going to raise it at my next appointment, I do wonder if she had some issues with dairy...and maybe still has slight sensitivity.
Sincerely hope your HV refers you...just getting to the bottom of what is going on is a relief. Although between gps, hvs and consultants...I sometimes lose the plot!
Sounds like the trial went well, very encouraging! I bet in a few weeks she will be completed fine
So, I had some dairy yesterday and today (think I left a five day break?) a table spoon of cheese grated and grilled...and then a creme egg today. So far, so good...but A is teething like a trooper, so we have hands in mouth, drool, anger and tooth pain instead...poor love

She bent over the creme egg with interest, and let rip an absolutely massive string of drool straight into it. With a tiny bit of posset. And I carried on eating it...
I am still wary of certain things. Hub and I are out for lunch on Sunday, with the girlies, and I am sooooo wanting to eat the chocolate and walnut souffle with creme Fraiche ice cream....but not brave enough. Feels like a bit too much?
Still, progressing!