Dairy free moms

We have omeprazole...I want to wean off it by six months, but my consultant aka Sledgehammer...disagrees. He seems to think everyone should be on it for ages, without any kind of discussion.

I had DS off his meds for a couple days and I could definately tell a difference. He was also up at night everytime he refluxed without the meds. Not a good plan!
Oh no, :hugs:

We only started them a couple of months ago...she does seem happier, but...weirdly...her sleep is worse!
I had my DS off his meds at about 10-12 months when he was fully weaned. We tried earlier but it just made him refuse meals etc. He's happy now and no signs of reflux :) it's just a shame our little girl has to go through it all. Hoping we can get it sorted earlier though this time as we know more about it.
Well I started the dairy free diet today! I'm starting off with soya and see if there's an improvement, if not then I'll cut that out too. I'm finding the hidden dairy confusing though as alot of things don't advertisexas being dairy free but I can't see milk or eggs in the ingredients. What is in normal White bread to make it non dairy free? And I've noticed some ladies are still having eggs? Are eggs less trouble with dairy intolerance in babies? I have a lot to learn! Lol
I cut out eggs at first, as their structure is similar to that of an egg! I've reintroduced those now, and A hasn't been bothered at all.

I always look at the label, if it says 'milk' on the allergy advice, I put it down...if it says 'may contain milk', I will take it. I think sellers are obliged to give allergy advice, but I could be wrong ;)

Whey and lactose always got me at the start, and 'assuming'....am still ranting about walkers salt and vinegar crisps having dairy in them!

Hope it goes well :hugs:

I've ordered 2 thingies of cheese from this site: https://www.veggiestuff.com/acatalog/vegan-dairy-free-cheese.html

No idea if it will be any good or not, but i'll let people know - im a veggie anyway even before LO was dx'd with CMPI so wasn't too happy at having to give up cheese.

It does seem to have some soya protein in it though. I do have to watch soya as it affects Danny's skin but none of the other symptoms, so I'll just cake him in eumocream after a cheese toastie lol

It's effing rancid :( Actually tastes like vomit...........
I bought some, too. It is actually how I imagine 100 day old rancid sock tastes...
boooo about the cheese.
mrscupcake - I haven't elimnated egg because it is not strictly dairy, dairy comes from a cow and eggs come from a chicken. AS Tennisgal said eggs do have a similar structure to milk i think but eggs aren't actually dairy.

I hope your new diet helps

TG - how is the trialling going? Still well I hope?

As for me, well we did a trial a week ago today with some success (ish). Cora's poo still turned to mucous, but only for one day and she didn;t seem to suffer any wind pai which was always my biggest concern. I only had dairy on one occasion (some pizza and a slice of cheesecake) and it does still affect her so I am going to leave it for a few weeks and try again. It is a defnite improvement though and it means that if I am out to eat (yeah right i can't remember the last time I went out to dinner :haha:) I will not worry too much about dairy as I know she won't be in pain.

I also went to the doctor this week to discuss a few things regarding Cora
1) was that her lymph nodes had been up n her neck since she was tiny. I googled and thought that maybe it had to do with her allergy as your lymph nodes come up when your body fights something off, so either an infection or something it seems as harmful (like an allergen). She disregarded my theory and would not have even checked her nodes had I insisted.
2) I wanted to see where we went from here in terms of Cora and her allergy. i haven't got a doctor yet to believe she has an issue (all just normal baby behaviour apparently). Anyway she asked her previous symptoms and what she was like after the dairy trial. She said "hmm it does sound like there might be an issue, have you spoken to a health visitor?". Now I haven't spoken to a health visitor as I assumed if I needed to be reffered to a pead then a GP would have to do that. Anyway she said I should speak to a HV as she basically isn't interested. I can just imagine what the HV will say "have you spoken to your GP"
3) Cora's weight gain had slowed down quite dramatically I think. She had dropped from 91st centile to around about 65th, I am not majorly worried in terms of her general health, she seems happy, plenty of wet and dirty nappies etc, BUT again I thought maybe it might be to do with allergies. Anyway guess what she said - "have you spoken to a HV" :haha:

Now I have not had bad experiences with a HV but then I haev never had to actually ask them anythign before. I would have thought that a doctor should be of more use than a HV but hey ho! So if Cora isn't at a certain weight by next Monday then I will take her to see the HV but I can already see how the conversation will go.

I left the doctors feeling deflated and not overly suprised:nope:

It's like bashing your head against a brick wall, isn't it? Our first visit to a GP was 'colic, deal with it' pretty much...but I knew that crying when you spit up, and that level of pain wasnt 'colic'

Luckily I have a supportive hv who basically made me phone back, ask for a certain GP, and insisted I had another appointment! We got a great GP...unfortunately, we now have a few issues with the consultant!

Regarding the weight thing, I am permanently worried about this! We seem to have found our groove, and if Cora is gaining happily on 65th, that could just be her groove? If she's happy, got lots of wets and enough dirties, that may be her 'line' so to speak? Our consultant initially said he was concerned about Ally's weight gain, as she had a few weeks where it wasn't great, and she dropped a few centiles. He did run some tests, but said...eventually after causing me a nervous breakdown...that it was likely she was just finding her weight 'comfort' zone. He alluded to weight issues with allergies being akin to failure to thrive. I don't know if that's any use, as I am not always convinced by what he says (as you all know!) we now have distraction and teething to worry me with feeds, instead :wacko:

Interesting about the lymph nodes. Lizzie has permanently had a raised one by her ear. She's had it seen three times...and no one has thought twice about it. I am going to raise it at my next appointment, I do wonder if she had some issues with dairy...and maybe still has slight sensitivity.

Sincerely hope your HV refers you...just getting to the bottom of what is going on is a relief. Although between gps, hvs and consultants...I sometimes lose the plot! :haha:

Sounds like the trial went well, very encouraging! I bet in a few weeks she will be completed fine :hugs:

So, I had some dairy yesterday and today (think I left a five day break?) a table spoon of cheese grated and grilled...and then a creme egg today. So far, so good...but A is teething like a trooper, so we have hands in mouth, drool, anger and tooth pain instead...poor love :( She bent over the creme egg with interest, and let rip an absolutely massive string of drool straight into it. With a tiny bit of posset. And I carried on eating it...:blush:

I am still wary of certain things. Hub and I are out for lunch on Sunday, with the girlies, and I am sooooo wanting to eat the chocolate and walnut souffle with creme Fraiche ice cream....but not brave enough. Feels like a bit too much?

Still, progressing!
Thank you tennisgal & shiv. I'll try with the eggs then for now. I can tell thus is going to be difficult to begin with. Is it difficult going out for a meal? I suppose steak and chips is ok? And most Chinese food? Italian would be impossible really which is a shame as it's my favourite food. If it helps LO though then I don't mind
Just realised I said an egg had the same structure as an egg! :haha:

Going out to eat can be tricky...steak should be fine, provided no butter...Chinese is generally fine, quite a few Indian dishes...pasta is ok, I just avoid adding any Parmesan and aim for tomatoey sauces. Seafood spaghetti is perfect!

I slipped up when eating out - various times. Luckily A was always ok, I wonder if it may be big 'hits' of dairy that would bother her now.

I ask to have dishes without butter, cheese etc...and there is normally enough to choose from. Except dessert, where we have sorbet, sorbet and sorbet!

I may, if brave enough, try a dessert when we go out in ten days. Not sure! Will be canvassing your ladies opinions :)
Dried pasta is fine...it's just fresh that has egg, but no dairy
most restaurants would fry a steak in butter.
Chinese is fine as long as LO doesn't have an issue with soya
I am back on dairy now, but I had to share the fact that today I noticed Tesco Value Plain chocolate is dairy and soya free! It depends how strict you are being as it does say on the packet 'may contain traces of soya' but if I had only known this when I was dairy free! I used to spend about £2.50 per bar on the Vegan stuff! Tesco Value chocolate is not the nicest, but tbh when you need a chocolate fix, it will do, and it is 38p per bar!!
Girls I'm in love!! I discovered the Nãkd cocoa mint bars today (sold in sainsburys or online) and they are divine! I was a serious chocoholic before going dairy free and I honestly never thought I'd find something dairy free that I would choose over a bar. The Nãkd bars are all really healthy, just pressed raw fruits/nuts so are one of your 5 a day :thumbup: Result! I like them all but the cocoa mint one is new out and it tops the lot..... Mmmm :munch:
Girls I'm in love!! I discovered the Nãkd cocoa mint bars today (sold in sainsburys or online) and they are divine! I was a serious chocoholic before going dairy free and I honestly never thought I'd find something dairy free that I would choose over a bar. The Nãkd bars are all really healthy, just pressed raw fruits/nuts so are one of your 5 a day :thumbup: Result! I like them all but the cocoa mint one is new out and it tops the lot..... Mmmm :munch:

*runs to sainsburys in my jammies*

(*remembers about forgotten baby when gets to sainsburys...which is closed...its 11.15pm....*)

*comes home with tail between legs*

*makes plan to go tomorrow*

/end loss of sanity

I have a cupboard full of the cocoa orange and gingerbread NAkd bars! Amazzzzimg!!!

*sends one over to booda, no words necessary, understands the chocolate thing*
This is a great thread...

After trying everything in the book to help my LO, I'm going down the dairy free route too, although I am seriously struggling and only on day 2... So many of my meals revolved around cheese!

LO has always struggled with weight and after 3 weeks of only gaining 1oz or less a week, I am now on domperidone and giving 5oz of formula a day (I express while OH feeds). I am making more milk but LO is more unsettled than ever, CONSTANTLY squirming and straining like he wants to poo. He takes a few sucks of milk and cries (it takes over an hour to feed from the breast and a good 45 minutes to take the 5oz of formula so something certainly isn't right. After 2 weeks like this he still isn't gaining fantastically. He poos 5 or 6 times a day and usually seems more settled for a short while after each one. Does this sound like an allergy to you?
This is a great thread...

After trying everything in the book to help my LO, I'm going down the dairy free route too, although I am seriously struggling and only on day 2... So many of my meals revolved around cheese!

LO has always struggled with weight and after 3 weeks of only gaining 1oz or less a week, I am now on domperidone and giving 5oz of formula a day (I express while OH feeds). I am making more milk but LO is more unsettled than ever, CONSTANTLY squirming and straining like he wants to poo. He takes a few sucks of milk and cries (it takes over an hour to feed from the breast and a good 45 minutes to take the 5oz of formula so something certainly isn't right. After 2 weeks like this he still isn't gaining fantastically. He poos 5 or 6 times a day and usually seems more settled for a short while after each one. Does this sound like an allergy to you?

What are your LO's poos like? A sign of allergy is often mucous in the poo, stretchy and slimy. In some cases there may also be streaks of blood. They often smell really bad too.

My LO really struggled with wind pain and struggled to fart.
This is a great thread...

After trying everything in the book to help my LO, I'm going down the dairy free route too, although I am seriously struggling and only on day 2... So many of my meals revolved around cheese!

LO has always struggled with weight and after 3 weeks of only gaining 1oz or less a week, I am now on domperidone and giving 5oz of formula a day (I express while OH feeds). I am making more milk but LO is more unsettled than ever, CONSTANTLY squirming and straining like he wants to poo. He takes a few sucks of milk and cries (it takes over an hour to feed from the breast and a good 45 minutes to take the 5oz of formula so something certainly isn't right. After 2 weeks like this he still isn't gaining fantastically. He poos 5 or 6 times a day and usually seems more settled for a short while after each one. Does this sound like an allergy to you?

Hi there, if you're going to cut out dairy from your diet to help LO then unfortunately you'll need to cut out normal formula, as it's full of cows milk proteins......it would mean theres no point in cutting dairy out of your diet if he's still getting it from formula.......there are formulas for babies with CMPI/CMPA but they need to be prescribed. You CAN buy soya formula in the shops BUT (the figures vary from all the research i've done) between 30 and 80 percent of babies with cow milk protein intolerance also are intolerant to soya :(

It sounds like he has some reflux symptoms going on, which can also be caused by CMPI, as well as the stringy poo the pp mentioned.....other symptoms can be (but not all babies have them) eczema/dermatitis and wheeziness/stuffiness.

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