Dairy free moms

Girls I'm in love!! I discovered the Nãkd cocoa mint bars today (sold in sainsburys or online) and they are divine! Mmmm :munch:

*runs to sainsburys in my jammies*

(*remembers about forgotten baby when gets to sainsburys...which is closed...its 11.15pm....*)

*comes home with tail between legs*

*makes plan to go tomorrow*

/end loss of sanity
oh booda you poor petal! I hope you managed to get them today! Just so you know, the cocoa mint ones weren't in the free from section in the sainsburys where I got them, they were in the chewy bars section! Good luck with your choco-quest :happydance: x
Thanks ladies... yes poo varies between runny and mucousy/stringy and is either yellow or green.... very rarely the mustard colour I got with my daughter. He has been wheezy/ stuffy nosed since 3 weeks old and had a cough since 6 or 7 weeks old ... but GP says it's not on his lungs so not to worry.

Booda- this is exactly what I thought about the formula. Obviously I don't want to be giving it at all and hope that I'll be able to give it up eventually but LO was getting scarily skinny. I was assuming that if I cut out all dairy from my diet I'd see some sort of improvement which would enable me to put the finger on dairy intolerance and therefore justify giving up the formula because LO would feed more happily from the breast. ...I'm also seeing a paediatrician in 3 weeks time and I hoped that if I noticed an improvement from giving up dairy myself, they might be able to prescribe the necessary formula (if that was still the route I needed to follow... iykwim?) I am aware that I was eating A LOT of dairy...
Bluehorse I've just started eliminating dairy from my diet too for same reasons. My LO has bad reflux and the meds don't appear to be working. Are you cutting out soya too? I'm starting by cutting out just dairy and if there is no improvement in3 weeks I'll eliminate soya too.
Can I just ask everyone, what is the likeliness that LO will be intolerant to soya too? If she was intolerant to both would I still see an improvement by cutting out just dairy to begin with?
The likelihood of them being intolerant or allergic to soya I have heard anything from 35% to 80% from different studies and articles. In my experience they can develop an intolerance to soya later too, but you never know so for now i'd try cutting out dairy only and see what happens, more than likely you'll see an improvement xx
Thank you. I so hope I will see an improvement it's starting to get to the stage where she doesn't want to feed. She's been on omeprazole 2 weeks and domperidone 1 week and no improvements with the reflux yet.
Can I just ask everyone, what is the likeliness that LO will be intolerant to soya too? If she was intolerant to both would I still see an improvement by cutting out just dairy to begin with?

All babies are different (i know, i hate that answer) but my wee one is not as bad with soya as with dairy - the dairy causes practically all the intolerance symptoms, whereas the soya just causes his eczema and mild stuffiness, so if i can have the odd chinese takeaway in a while then he can just get covered in eumocream and sniff for a couple of days :P
Ok, so LO is 6 months old. He has improved quite a bit with the reflux and hasnt had green stools in over 2 months. Even though I was pretty diligent with diet before, he would still be bothered by random/hidden things. I have eliminated soy, dairy, & eggs. I am thinking about trialing a bit of something.... havent decided what... He was really sensitive before, so I am thinking maybe a small piece of pizza, or couple bites of ice cream, etc. what would you "splurge" on? what do you think?
Mrs cupcake, it can take up to 3 weeks to get all traces of dairy out of LO system and symptoms can seem worse before they get better so give it time.
Mrs C, we've never had any issues with soya :)

DarlingMe, I trialled with chocolate, things like crunchie, snickers (not brave enough for a galaxy yet!)...and so far, so good! I had butter, A was fine, but I felt rancid (staying careful with certain things, as we seem to have swapped tummies! And I have never been good with milk)

I have also had a bit of Parmesan. I've been scared to try ice cream...I'm building up to it! Largely, however, because certain stuff doesn't sit too well with me, so am worried it will hurt A. Sooo, I may wait on that one. Or have a spoon...just to see if we really are ok. If you dont have any pains or GI issues with ice creamy yumminess...trial! Mmm!

God luck, enjoy whatever you have, and let us know! :hugs:
I'm having a bad day today. DS has had a terrible eczema outbreak and the doc said it's likely to be an allergic reaction. I have been SO SO careful with the dairy free diet. Something must have snuck in somehow. :cry:

Sorry, just a little vent.
Massive :hugs: Dont feel bad, it's ridiculous how dairy gets into almost everything. I was eating some READY SALTED potato shape things, and they had milk in?! What on earth?

Hope your littlie is better soon xx
Hope your LO's eczema clears soon raisin. I had tomato sauce yesterday (not a creamy one) and four out afterwards it contained milk! I don't get why?! It's so frustrating!
mrscupcake- I've just cut out dairy for the meanwhile... It's so tricky- I've lost weight already and it's only been 5 days... All the things I used to snack on are out and I've obviously stopped adding butter and grated cheese to dishes! I had one day when he seemed a lot more settled but the last couple have been equally as bad... he's constantly squirming... burps and farts loads but never seems relived by expelling the gas.
mrscupcake- I've just cut out dairy for the meanwhile... It's so tricky- I've lost weight already and it's only been 5 days... All the things I used to snack on are out and I've obviously stopped adding butter and grated cheese to dishes! I had one day when he seemed a lot more settled but the last couple have been equally as bad... he's constantly squirming... burps and farts loads but never seems relived by expelling the gas.

Cora actually got worse in the first ten days or so then gradually got better. I was unsure if she was actually any better (as it had been such a gradual change) until I added dairy back in for a day to ensure it was the issue - and it was! So hang in there for a couple more weeks :hugs:
Hi ladies!
I'm hoping you can give me some guidance. I'm not sure if his issues are related or caused by the dairy in my diet, so could you look at this list and tell me if it sounds like dairy is the issue?
- he spits up a LOT right after and during nursing and sometimes an hour or so later. It seems to distress him and he cries as though he's in pain. He also burps a ton and has hiccups at least once or twice a day, which sound 'wet' and seem to cause him discomfort.
- He has small red spots on the side of his face, neck and chest
- Having a BM is a big production with lots of straining and grunting. The crying that used to go along with it has lessened (because his system is maturing?). He is also extremely gassy, even though I take him off every one to two minutes to burp him.
- He has had some mucus in his diaper, with one yesterday with a lot of mucus which caused me to freak out, research it and come across dairy being a possible cause. They are mostly the normal mustard color, but they aren't seedy anymore and there have been a few that were more green than yellow.
- Lately, his nursing hasn't been content. He'll nurse for a bit pull off, cry, lots of arching his back (and sometimes not letting go of my nipple first-ouch!), arms flailing, going stiff as a board. Repeat this over and over until I assume he's gotten a decent amount of milk down and then give him a pacifier, which then seems to calm him. This tends to be worse at night although he did it this morning too. I used to just let him keep nursing for as long as he wanted (sometimes hours) but he would spit up so much more and them want to comfort nurse and spit up more and it was obviously causing him pain. When I mentioned his massive amounts of spit up and wanting to keep nursing the dr (not his normal dr) said it was normal and to not let him nurse so much. But if I didn't let him nurse he would cry so I gave into the pacifier last week- not sure if it was the right thing to do.
There may be other things that I can't think of. It's just so upsetting to hear him cry in obvious pain/distress, especially when he's nursing. I went into this fully determined to breastfeed, but it's horrible to feel like I'm causing him pain and there's nothing I can do but cry with him.
Sorry for the long post, but does it seem like dairy may be the issue? Or could it be reflux? He has an appt with his dr on march 2nd- do you think I should go in before than?
Hi and sorry you're having such a hard time.

My advice would be to eliminate dairy and concentrated soya from your diet first, before trying reflux medications. Dairy intolerance can CAUSE reflux, but a lot of docs will go in and try to treat the reflux first with medications.....(this happened to my LO, he was on meds for ages before I came across CMPI, cow milk protein intolerance) instead of trying elimination diets for mum.......i know it sounds awful but honestly its amazing how quickly you adapt to dairyfree! I've been on it since november and it's not too bad at all :)

I say soya too because (you might know already so sorry if im repeating) somewhere between 30 and 80% of babies with CMPI are also intolerant to soy, usually to a lesser extent but for a fair trial you're as well cutting out both for 2-3 weeks before deciding if it's made a difference.

Some people see a difference in a few days. for others it takes 2-3 weeks. But it's definitely worth a try, all the reflux, colicky behaviour, skin problems (eczema, atopic dermatitis etc etc) and stringy greeny poo can all point towards dairy intolerance.

It doesnt mean your LO will always be intolerant to dairy, or go on to develop an allergy. It IS a possibility but most likely he will grow out of it as his system matures :)

Ladies on this thread are brilliant with their info and support, so if you need any advice or support just keep posting, my LO would be on formula if it wern't for these ladies!
Thanks booda for your reply. Do you think I need to eliminate hidden dairy as well or just the obvious stuff (things that have dairy as a main ingredient) to start with? After going through my pantry I'm a little worried about being able to find stuff to eat!
Sorry to interject but apparently rice dream company are introducing an oat milk in the UK, may end up being cheaper than oatly xx
Sorry to interject but apparently rice dream company are introducing an oat milk in the UK, may end up being cheaper than oatly xx

No sorries your input is always helpful! Oatly is good. Don't like how it sometimes goes a bit weird in coffee though....kind of bitty...think it might be when i put it in when waters still to hot though. I will keep eyeballs peeled for the rice dream stuff :D

Not sure about hidden dairy. Some people get away with it, my LO reacts to it though :( Wondered why he got so refluxy after new year - and then it dawned on me........only thing I hadn't checked were Walkers thai sweet chilli sensations crisps? Yup, hidden dairy >:[

If it were me, I'd just eliminate ALL dairy for 2-3 weeks then reintroduce hidden dairy. But it's up to you though, you might see a difference with the majority of dairy being eliminated and feel you don't need to eliminate hidden dairy....or you might see no real difference and wonder if it's the hidden dairy or not......then have to add another 2-3 weeks on top of your 2-3 weeks to test without dairy and hidden dairy to confirm....sucks i know :/

I have jaffa cakes, mini eggs, cheesy pasta in the freezer, frozen pizza all sitting waiting for me! Oh and these little sachets of cappuccino and latte and mocha......and doritos.....

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