Dairy free moms

They are called moosh bars, by honeybun...chocolatey, short breast, minty amazingness!! My mum found them for me, am not sure where...could be waitrose, will double check!! Also highly recommend 9 bars, the nutty ones. They are sooooo good. And devonvale crumble! You can get the latter two from Julian Graves...and lots of supermarkets have 9 bars. YUM!

Not a good night, Ally has a horrid cold...10000 feeds and sleep a luxury. She's now dozing, eldest still asleep....

:haha: I will go gOOgle :D
Hey ladies Im BF my almost 8 week old Leo, his brother Nathan has a dairy intolerance and is still on Neocate at almost 2, which he has been since around 12 weeks. I BF him and he had severe reflux and the classic allergy eczema which wasn't any better with a dairy free diet while BF so the pead put him on the Neocate as he really needed every feed thickening.

I have been cutting out the dairy with Leo and had an choc eclaire on Tuesday and today his face has erupted really bad all over with bad allergy sots/eczema. I feel so bad but I did need to check his tolerance anyway. His intolerance seems a lot worse than his older brother but because he doesn't have the reflux I am hoping sticking to a strict diet will allow me to keep BF.

I love cheese and find that the hardest thing to be without.
I was the same as you Aimee, I was a cheese monster! But at home I don't find it difficult going without it, I just tell myself it's all for LO. It's going out for food that is tricky, and having to think about all the sneaky, hidden dairy everywhere! I hope dairyfree route works for you so you can continue your bf'ing journey :)
And don't forget soya free too (this is even harder, it's hidden everywhere!) as babies with a CMPI have something like a 50% chance (depending on which research you believe) of being soy intolerant too! x
Hi Aimee :hugs:

The first couple of weeks are hard...but it's amazing hiw quickly you get used to it...and seeing the difference in my daughter, just incredible!

This thread is great for sharing hints, tips, yummy finds etc, so welcome!
Hello ladies....

Nearly two weeks dairy free now (with the odd slip up)... Rowan's poos are a lot better and his wind has certainly improved although he is still pulling off during feeds, crying and arching his body back. From what I've read, I'm guessing he might have reflux (combined with a dairy intolerance). I have a hospital appointment for him in a couple of weeks and my hv has warned me that they are likely to want me to stop bf to diagnose his problems. I really can't do this as I've struggled so much to keep bf and am absolutely DETERMINED to keep it going, despite the struggles continuing.

I've not given up soya, although I'm trying to cut down... Does anyone have any suggestions for quick and easy meal ideas... especially lunches.... I've been mainly eating jacket potatoes with tuna or baked beans.... or salads. Also, does anyone have any recommendations for where to buy dairy and soya free food... my local supermarkets and holland and barratt seem quite limited. Most dairy free stuff seems to have soya in it...
I find Waitrose to be the best place for buying dairy/soya free food. They have bread that is free from both.

Tesco white pitta is dairy and soya free, I have them for lunch with houmous. I eat a lot of toast for lunch, with pure spread and jam/marmite/sardines

A lot of fresh bread from supermarkets is dairy/soya free, in Waitrose they have labels to let you know allergens.

Once you get into your stride and find a replacement for most of the things you usually eat then it gets easier. I don't feel too limited when eating at home now that I have bread I can eat and pure spread. I also eat more ham now (have to be careful with cooked meats as some have dairy in) in sandwiches.

For sweet treats I eat packets of bourbon biscuits :blush:, nakd bars and green and blacks 85%. I have also discovered moo free milk chocolate (you can get it on Amazon).

Milk replacements are rice milk and oatly (chocolate one is AMAZING warm), you can even add marshmallows!

erm what else..................I am sure other people can give you ideas too.
I second the waitrose recommendation. Most of their own brand bread is dairy and soya free. Also quite a few of the things in their free from aisle are the same. Another good thing is the vegetable oil they use in their products is never soya and it is always specified which type of vegetable oil it is-whereas in most other supermarkets it is soya but will just say 'vegetable oil' xx
Waitrose also stock 'the village bakery' who do awesome cakes! I'm pretty sure they are soya free. We've not had problems with soya, but am pretty sure they are ok from non soya non dairy friend recommendation!

Their chocolate orange brownies are just yum!

Ladies, I'm doubting myself again. I saw the cons on Weds (I think! So tired!) and he is v Pleased with A and formally recommended reintroduction of dairy bit by bit, and eating 'normal' egg. I'm worried, though. I've still not had anything much more than chocolate, parmesan and two bits of dessert that had butter, but no other dairy, in. I just keep bottling it :haha: Thing is, A keeps waking at night...always before midnight...wide awake...two or three times. She's also had a runnier nose (she does have the end of a cold) and she's pooing lots (but normal, tiny bit green with cold) and has a bit of bot rash. She is teething, too...but I'm starting to wonder if it's all my fault with the dairy :( I'm just tired and at a bit of a loss, as this has been pretty much two weeks, with the odd good night. I even think she is now feeding less when I have dairy, but dh debunked that and said she's probably just done with her cold related feedathon.

Don't know what I'm really saying, here! Just going a bit crazy :(Cons wants me to log the reintro for him, but I don't think I will eat anything for a few days, am nervous. Argh, I don't know if I'm helping or hindering my daughter! 5 months 3 weeks manual anyone?! L was just totally different, so can't compare!
Ps she's to stay on omeprazole for another few months, as cons said dairy or no dairy, reflux can flare with developmental milestones...
5 months 3 weeks manual anyone?!

If you find it, let me photocopy it yeah?
I think dairy might have sneaked in on saturday. I had a baked potato from spud-u-like, with baked beans......(was out with mum and was no other edible option in the shopping center food court, out of 8 food places!!!) and im wondering if the idiot serving me put butter on it anyway.....
This might sound daft but i haven't eaten butter in years so dont know what it tastes like :haha: so probably wouldnt notice.......I specifically stated no butter though, but the kid behind the counter stared at me blankly for about 10 seconds before saying "EH?" and i repeated myself.....assumed he'd got the message.

But now Danny looks like he's been slapped on both cheeks (raised red patches), has been moaning all night, twisting and arching his back, waking up and complaining but still mostly asleep if that makes sense.....had a massive explosion of vinegary poo......although wasn't too stringy.


Also I had a dream last night I was eating a massive pizza topped with macaroni cheese and maltesers :/ this is getting ridiculous.
Oh nooooo. How is Danny now? What is wrong with people....seriously, asking for a sandwich without butter has become the bane of my life, too. It's like people think 'you can't possibly, possibly mean that?' No *butter*?...I'll put it on anyway, you'll thank me for it'

*face palms*
He seems fine now, was quite squirmy last night and twisting himself about, farting a lot too....milkdly stuffed up nose too but that could always just be a cold, who knows! his face is a bit flared up at the moment but i think that might be a drool rash as it's not in his "usual" patches.. (always seems to be the same patches that flare up if i let some soya into my diet, it's strange!)

It's hard not to symptoms spot when it comes to sneaky butters and stuffs :/
This thread is very helpful, thanks ladies! I've just read all 30 pages while pinned under a sleeping five week old! I've been dairy free since he was about two weeks old beause he had an awful rash all over his face, a stuffy nose, runny eyes, projectile vomiting, painful wind and explosive poos. The doctor completely dismissed my theory on CMPI even though I'd had it myself as a baby - apparently LO was very unlucky and had exzema, reflux, colic and a cold all at the same time (!). I decided to cut dairy and soya out completely and noticed a difference within a few days. His skin is perfect now and his cold symptoms have gone. He still has a lot of bottom wind but it doesn't seem to bother him as much, no screaming in pain anymore. He's just much happier in general. I'm about to start cutting out egg to see if that helps with the wind. I probably should have done that at the same time as dairy because my mum has an egg allergy, but I don't eat much egg anyway (just a bit of mayo on sandwiches).

I'm going shopping to tesco tonight to look for oaty milk and that AWT chocolate spread - hope they have it!
Hello and welcome!!!! Apparently tesco's have chocolate thats dairy-free, i've not tried it as dont really like chocolate anyway lol, im off to holland & barrett today to see if they have cheezly, cheese is the main thing i miss!

also, oatly do a chocolate version of their milk.......ive heard of people warming it up as hot chocolate :D
The alpro almond milk is amazing!!! I'm not sure I'll ever go back to cows milk! Sainsburys currently have it 2 for £2 and also the hazelnut milk which is nice but I don't think as nice as the almond.

Regarding the baked potato with butter, I went for lunch the other week and ordered a potato and beans and asked for no butter, the waitress checked with the kitchen and said their potatoes are all pre cooked and basted in butter! I wonder if other places do that? Seems crazy cause a baked potato seems like a good lunch out option.

I've got an appointment with a dietician in a couple of weeks, my LO has been amazing since I cut dairy, I know it's cliched but she is honestly a different child. However, she still has green mucous nappies so I wonder if she's still Intolerent to something. I don't eat a lot of soya but the bread I have for breakfast has soya in it so maybe it's that.
Must remember to get the alpro almond milk! I am an Oatley girl, but willing and happy to try something to shake things up a bit :D

Bid, the chocolate Oatley is amazing. Definitely delicious warmed up with a square (or ten) of green and blacks ;)

Evasmum, that's interesting about the jacket pots! Dairy is just snuck in everywhere...!

Doctors today, so...the night wakings and general grumpiness are not down to dairy...but inflamed ear. Poor little love. Lots of tlc.
Booda, do my eyes deceive me...you don't like chocolate?!

Dairy free hot cross buns hitting the shelves now, ladies, as so many supermarkets make theirs with butter.
Tennisgal - sorry to hear your little lady is sufferng with her ears, but glad it is not dairy. I honestly think the only way you are going to be able to move forward with regards to dairy is to have a good amount and see what affect it had. It is scary but unless you have quite a lot on one occasion and see the effects then you are always going to question yourself I think.

Go for it!

I just had a mug of hot oatly chocolate and a packet of bourbons :blush:

I am confused. So I trialled Cora again with some dairy last Saturday night 9i didn't intend to but we went out for dinner and there wasn't anything non-dairy I could have). Anyway i had pizza and Cora seemed fine, no wind issues no mucousy poo by Tuesday (she usually gets a mucousy poo approx 36 hours after dairy). Anyway so on Wednesday I got a bit carried away and had some grated cheese with my dinner (to see if she could tolerate a bit of a build up), anyway the next day she (appeared to ) suffered with tummy pain and trapped wind, so I was devastated and was expecting a nasty poo by Friday. But no..........nothing. So was she really upset with tummy ache or was she just over tired (the only other thing that she really cries about)? It is so easy to assume it is dairy!

Did I tell you that I spoke to a new HV who told me that assuming I was happy to continue breastfeeding until Cora is 12 months (which I am), that I should wean her dairy free and then trial her directly with dairy after that in the hope she has outgrown any issues. Not sure how I feel about this.
Hi Shiv, I think you are right with the dairy. I'm just so nervous! I think, as we are out on Saturday, I may order just anything without my usual in depth analysis. I don't think I will do a creamy dessert, as I am not good with those (so think that both of us will feel it)...but maybe something else indulgent ;)

As regards what your HV said, our consultant said the same initially...but then said we could try little things. I may wait until Ally is nine months, and then try something...I'm still unsure. What were you thinking?

I'd say your trial sounded very successful! Perhaps you could try again, and see what happens? The no nasty poo is a massive positive...so perhaps it was over tiredness? I know Ally, and Lizzie (still!), both raise the rafters when they are tired, and Ally makes a very strange growling noise that took me ages to realise was tired, not dairy. Very hard to not immediately think 'dairy' isn't it?
Alpro also brought out a hazelnut milk, it doesn't taste like milk per se but tastes like nutella without the chocolate xx

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