Dairy free moms

Well I'm having a terrible night :cry: DH cooked breaded chicken for dinner and within two hours Oliver was projectile vomiting and his nose got totally stuffed up. I got DH to fish the packaging out of the bin and the chicken had milk in. I know he didn't do it on purpose but I'm SO annoyed at him - he KNOWS to check the label before cooking something, but he says he didn't think to check this time because he didn't think that chicken in breadcrumbs would have milk in. I didn't realise he was a bloody expert on processed food recipes! That's what I get for letting him decide what to eat for dinner. I usually ask him if he's checked the label but I was busy feeding Oliver tonight so I just let him get on with it. I think I'll need to go through everything in the freezer and put a big red mark on anything with dairy in so it doesn't happen again.

The poor baby is in a right state, his eyes are running and his nose is so stuffed up that he sounds like a blocked drain. He's obviously in pain with his tummy and he's already got a few spots on his cheeks, and he's got awful dark circles under his eyes. I've been trying to settle him for two hours but I think I'm in for a bad night. He's fallen asleep now but he's very restless and he had a bad choking fit on some mucous a while ago, so I've had to put him on his side and now I'm afraid to go to sleep :nope:

On the plus side there's now no doubt in my mind that it's CMPI. Thankfully the HV is coming tomorrow so I can show her what happens after one little bit of dairy, she commented on how well he was looking last week so she knows how much he'd improved. Maybe now she can convince the know-it-all doctor that I'm not just a neurotic mother!
Bid :hugs::hugs::hugs:

How was your night in the end? At least you didn't have a huge amount, I bet it will be out of your system very quickly.

The hv will have to sit up and listen, as you say.

Labels are just a minefield, dairy sneaks in all the time.
Aw bid that sounds awful :( I was also put down as a neurotic mother until i had a few bits of pizza after being daryfree for 8 weeks or so, and 'proved' it that way :/ my HV was convinced i 'just' had PND and that was causing my 'neurosis'. She avoids me now lolol.

Well, when I done the pizza test, it took 2 days of him being really bad with reaction and he was much better again - another few days of puking and rash and stringy poo but not as bad with the reflux symptoms and acidic smell etc.....and pizza is quite highly concentrated dairy compared with chicken bread crumbs so hopefully your LO won't even take that long to get it out his system xx

It IS good to do a "test" though, just so you know you're not restricting your diet for months on end unnecessarily :)

hang in there, it WILL pass!!!!! You should be dead proud of yourself, not many people are willing to change their diet so drastically to be able to continue to BF :hugs:
I'm meant to be on a 2 week dairy free trial ATM but it's so hard. I need my sweet treats every so often but everything has dairy, even more cakey/biscuit stuff. Oh well I may lose some weight! x
I'm meant to be on a 2 week dairy free trial ATM but it's so hard. I need my sweet treats every so often but everything has dairy, even more cakey/biscuit stuff. Oh well I may lose some weight! x

Marshmallow, foamy shrimps & bananas (get em in tesco :D ), jelly beans, rich teas, bourbons, oaty crunch things (i got asda's own), party rings......might help the sweeties craving :D
I was up with him pretty much the whole night, I think I managed about two hours sleep in total, just napping when he did. He was still in a lot of pain at 7am and his tummy was rock hard, but I gave him a tummy massage and he did a huge stinky green poo that leaked everywhere, then seemed a lot better! He's just woken up from a two hour nap and he's still a bit squirmy and whingy but nowhere near as bad as he was last night. What a day for it as well, we're getting his little hands and feet cast in an hour and he's just going to scream the place down!
:hugs: Bid.... When I first decided to try 'dairy free' I sent my husband to the supermarket and asked him to be mindful of my dairy free status... He succeeded with finding rice milk and dairy free spread but also bought pizza, cheese quiches, mozerella escallopes etc, etc... In fact, I don't think I've ever seen such a 'cheesy' shop!

LOs stuffy nose and cough, which he'd had since 3 weeks old, had miraculously disappeared after eliminating dairy so I'm guessing the dairy must have been causing him some problems... However, last night he was in agony after his 5oz bottle of formula and the stuffyness and cough have returned. I know the formula has dairy in it and I wish I didn't have to give it... in fact I haven't been giving it every day (just don't tell my hv!)... but he's still so skinny :nope: I'm hoping my success with the dairy free will be enough to convince the paediatrician (who we see on Monday) to prescribe the special milk.
I think you ladies may be able to help me not entirely sure as I haven't read through the whole thread so forgive me if this has been asked.

When I had my daughter she was given some Enfamil in the nursery at the hospital and when brought back to us they said she was lactose intolerant (My OH is but wasn't as an infant) she broke out in little red bumps all over her body (not her face) and since then she's been on breastmilk and a little formula but for the last 2 weeks or so maybe a little longer she's been strictly breastfed.

Now my question, I wasn't told to cut dairy out of my diet or anything like that so since about the 12th I've been eating dairy products (lots of chocolate, icecream, lactose-free milk and food with milk in it) pretty much daily and now she's broken out all over her face in little bumps, they aren't red like they were when she had formula so could this possibly be because of me consuming so much with dairy in it? I'm going to ask her doctor when we go back March 1st but thought you ladies might be able to help in advance.
I'm not a big dairy eater except the things listed above and cheese so I'd rather know if it is because of me consuming it before I just cut it completely out of my diet, she doesn't appear to be in pain or anything like that but her face looks like she's hit puberty at around 2 weeks old. Also when she poops she passes gas and it looks like maybe it hurts her? She gets really fussy and squirms around really bad. She's not constipated she's still having consistent poops and it's been the bright yellow seedy color it should be but yesterday it was a little darker than normal but still yellow and seedy, she also has really bad gas it had stopped after giving formula and seems to be back since I've been eating dairy everyday.
I think you ladies may be able to help me not entirely sure as I haven't read through the whole thread so forgive me if this has been asked.

When I had my daughter she was given some Enfamil in the nursery at the hospital and when brought back to us they said she was lactose intolerant (My OH is but wasn't as an infant) she broke out in little red bumps all over her body (not her face) and since then she's been on breastmilk and a little formula but for the last 2 weeks or so maybe a little longer she's been strictly breastfed.

Now my question, I wasn't told to cut dairy out of my diet or anything like that so since about the 12th I've been eating dairy products (lots of chocolate, icecream, lactose-free milk and food with milk in it) pretty much daily and now she's broken out all over her face in little bumps, they aren't red like they were when she had formula so could this possibly be because of me consuming so much with dairy in it? I'm going to ask her doctor when we go back March 1st but thought you ladies might be able to help in advance.
I'm not a big dairy eater except the things listed above and cheese so I'd rather know if it is because of me consuming it before I just cut it completely out of my diet, she doesn't appear to be in pain or anything like that but her face looks like she's hit puberty at around 2 weeks old. Also when she poops she passes gas and it looks like maybe it hurts her? She gets really fussy and squirms around really bad. She's not constipated she's still having consistent poops and it's been the bright yellow seedy color it should be but yesterday it was a little darker than normal but still yellow and seedy, she also has really bad gas it had stopped after giving formula and seems to be back since I've been eating dairy everyday.

It's unlikely (not impossible, but very unlikely) that she is lactose-intolerant. It's more likely she is intolerant to cow milk proteins. Lactose is in breastmilk, it's the main ingredient, so cutting out lactose from your diet wont change the fact that your breastmilk is mainly lactose. However, cow milk proteins -when eaten by you can get into your blood and therefore into your breastmilk.
Formula contains lactose and cow milk proteins.
Is she having any other symptoms such as frothy or mucousy or greeny poo? Any stuffy nose/congested noises? And refluxy symptoms or projectile puking? They would all point to CMPI. If you think she may have CMPI then the best thing to do is diet elimination to test the theory unfortunately theres no medical "test"....

There is a picture file I'll need to find which has a list of the various ways in which cow milk protein is "hidden" in foods (it's ridiculous even some crisps have milk proteins in them!) I'll be back and post when i find it.......

ETA: Found it:

ouuu i like this thread! im a vegan already so no problems for me
I think you ladies may be able to help me not entirely sure as I haven't read through the whole thread so forgive me if this has been asked.

When I had my daughter she was given some Enfamil in the nursery at the hospital and when brought back to us they said she was lactose intolerant (My OH is but wasn't as an infant) she broke out in little red bumps all over her body (not her face) and since then she's been on breastmilk and a little formula but for the last 2 weeks or so maybe a little longer she's been strictly breastfed.

Now my question, I wasn't told to cut dairy out of my diet or anything like that so since about the 12th I've been eating dairy products (lots of chocolate, icecream, lactose-free milk and food with milk in it) pretty much daily and now she's broken out all over her face in little bumps, they aren't red like they were when she had formula so could this possibly be because of me consuming so much with dairy in it? I'm going to ask her doctor when we go back March 1st but thought you ladies might be able to help in advance.
I'm not a big dairy eater except the things listed above and cheese so I'd rather know if it is because of me consuming it before I just cut it completely out of my diet, she doesn't appear to be in pain or anything like that but her face looks like she's hit puberty at around 2 weeks old. Also when she poops she passes gas and it looks like maybe it hurts her? She gets really fussy and squirms around really bad. She's not constipated she's still having consistent poops and it's been the bright yellow seedy color it should be but yesterday it was a little darker than normal but still yellow and seedy, she also has really bad gas it had stopped after giving formula and seems to be back since I've been eating dairy everyday.

It's unlikely (not impossible, but very unlikely) that she is lactose-intolerant. It's more likely she is intolerant to cow milk proteins. Lactose is in breastmilk, it's the main ingredient, so cutting out lactose from your diet wont change the fact that your breastmilk is mainly lactose. However, cow milk proteins -when eaten by you can get into your blood and therefore into your breastmilk.
Formula contains lactose and cow milk proteins.
Is she having any other symptoms such as frothy or mucousy or greeny poo? Any stuffy nose/congested noises? And refluxy symptoms or projectile puking? They would all point to CMPI. If you think she may have CMPI then the best thing to do is diet elimination to test the theory unfortunately theres no medical "test"....

There is a picture file I'll need to find which has a list of the various ways in which cow milk protein is "hidden" in foods (it's ridiculous even some crisps have milk proteins in them!) I'll be back and post when i find it.......

ETA: Found it:


Oh gosh that's a lot of things to look for, she does projectile vomit and now that you've mentioned it she hasn't been doing it for long iykwim? Like it's just been recent she's been doing it before it was just she'd spit up a little when burped and sometimes it sounds like she's having a hard time breathing but I just assumed it was because both me and my OH have asthma and any weird breathing she'd do would be because of that. I'm definitely going to ask her pediatrician about CMPI I've never heard of it before definitely going to look into it to see if she may have it and if so I'll be cutting some food out of my diet.
ouuu i like this thread! im a vegan already so no problems for me

Oh yeah great thread full of people forced to drastically change their diet in order to continue BFing after weeks if not months of sicky unhappy babies and ignorant healthcare 'professionals' :thumbup:
Oh gosh that's a lot of things to look for, she does projectile vomit and now that you've mentioned it she hasn't been doing it for long iykwim? Like it's just been recent she's been doing it before it was just she'd spit up a little when burped and sometimes it sounds like she's having a hard time breathing but I just assumed it was because both me and my OH have asthma and any weird breathing she'd do would be because of that. I'm definitely going to ask her pediatrician about CMPI I've never heard of it before definitely going to look into it to see if she may have it and if so I'll be cutting some food out of my diet.

Aww i'd definitely speak to her paed. Unfortunately the main way to diagnose CMPI is to do the dairy elimination for at least 3 weeks, and re-evaluate things there. To be sure I had pizza after 3.5ish weeks, and all his symptoms flared up like mad again - so we were certain it was CMPI.
Its surprising how quickly you get used to the dairyfree diet though, it is horribly restrictive at first when you're so used to your usual foods and wouldnt even think of some of the things that would have dairy.

I should also mention, depending on what studies you rea, between 30 and 80% of babies with CMPI are also intolerant to soya. It IS up to you, but i also cut soya out of my diet at the same time as dairy. When i reintoduced soya, his skin reacted but that was ALL. None of the gastro symptoms or snuffliness, so im not *too* strict on soya now.....
Mb2012, welcome! Booda gives fab advice. We have always been fine with soya, which is fortunate, but have been a bit more careful with egg (has the same structure as milk, do I limited it at first, now it's fine)

You do get very used to it, and it's weird...after a while it doesn't seem that restrictive. I've definitely made some changes for life!

VeganMama, am pleased you don't have this issue...but it's been hard for a number of us. Battling with doctors, radical diet overhauls, analysing and over analysing. Bit of compassion, hey? I think we've done pretty well, to be frank.

Ladies...tomorrow is the big trial day. Am going for something a bit more 'dairy-y' so I can put my overanalysing to bed. Wish me luck.
Hey girls,

I'm wondering if my Lo is dairy or wheat or any other kind of intolerant. Can anyone tell me the symptoms to look out for please?


Sorry just read and found some symptoms. So Lo doesn't projectile vomit but he is sick a few times after feeding and it can be a lot. He had 1 green poo but none before or since. He sounds conjested when feeding. He writhes in pain quite a bit tho when pooing, even screaming but does the toilet ok. He makes gurgling noises. He is ebf.

Do u think its worth cutting dairy out for 3 weeks based on these symptoms?
Mb2012, welcome! Booda gives fab advice. We have always been fine with soya, which is fortunate, but have been a bit more careful with egg (has the same structure as milk, do I limited it at first, now it's fine)

You do get very used to it, and it's weird...after a while it doesn't seem that restrictive. I've definitely made some changes for life!

VeganMama, am pleased you don't have this issue...but it's been hard for a number of us. Battling with doctors, radical diet overhauls, analysing and over analysing. Bit of compassion, hey? I think we've done pretty well, to be frank.

Ladies...tomorrow is the big trial day. Am going for something a bit more 'dairy-y' so I can put my overanalysing to bed. Wish me luck.

Good luck! Don't be afraid, just to for it x
Thank you, Shiv :hugs:

Elephant, Ally never projectile vomited...she just posseted lots! Thankfully that has finallh stopped, and i can go out without streaks of milk all over me ;) We had no green poo, mostly explosive and VERY eggy. If I were you, I'd give it a go and see what happens. At the least, you will know it isn't dairy...and at best, it will make life for your LO so much happier...I'd go for total elimination, and then you can play around and see what works for you both :hugs:
I'm pleased to report that Oliver is almost back to normal after my little slip up on tuesday - just a bit snuffly in his nose but that's clearing too. I think it probably takes 48 hours to get out of my milk and then the same again to get out of his system, so hopefully by tomorrow it'll have passed :thumbup:
Tennis Gal - what did you eat and how did it go?

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