Hello ladies
How are you all doing today? Man, this thread is moving, lots going on, which is great!
Deb, how are you doing? When do you need to go for blood work/tests etc? It's just so... awesome!
Sun, glad the HSG went well
SND, hope your HSG was okay.. With all these tests we have to suffer, you begin to understand how the turkey feels on Christmas morning!
WanB, I wish I could help, hun. Hopefully your Dr will go over them with you. I didn't even get the levels from our consultant, he just said "it's fine, just lose weight". Hmm, I think the 'bedside manner' was MIA that day!
Rae, wow, that is fast! I guess sometimes it's good that things are moving along, stops you from having time to think about everything. The sooner you get moving, the sooner you'll have that baby, darling! And don't forget, we're all here supporting you all the way
SilverBell, gosh, I didn't realise your cycle was that soon! How are you feeling? Keeping everything crossed for you, hun, we 'Azoo Aunties' (love it!) want lots of nieces and nephews to coo over!
MoBaby, hope you're doing okay, darling
DeafGal, fingers crossed the medicine does the trick you and have a nice little surprise on the way
I'm sorry if I've missed anyone, I'm sure I have (I'm a real 'blonde' at times!), big

and positive vibes heading your way.
AFM, well, we got our TESE appointment through, so roll on 23rd April (cue little shriek in my head). We have the follow-up appointment on the 16th May - three days before our wedding anniversary, so it'll either be the best or the worst anniversary imaginable. Gulp.
We still don't know what we're going to do about using a donor. We've discussed it a little, but DH's response is always "let's decide when we know for sure" (he's a scientist, it's always about the results *bangs head off brick wall*). I know he thinks this is all HIM, but he forgets that I'm 37 in June and my eggs are not exactly in cracking (excuse the pun) condition and time is against me/us.
The only thing we have agreed upon is if it's bad news, we're booking a lovely, exotic holiday. I can't remember who said it, but you need things to look forward to when you're dealing with all this, well, cr*p.
I hope you all have a marvellous weekend. The sun is popping through here in London, so I'm hoping it's here to stay!
Much love,
C xx