Hi girls,
She gave me what I can only describe as an internal ultra sound. She didnt explain to me at any time what she was doing so.... Anyway she seems to think I have a bicornute(!) uterus. I´ve googled it and it doesnt seem to be the best of news. So I have to go for blood tests during my period and right after it for a hsg (is that the correct abbreviation?). Then on March 20th I have an appt for a
scan. Is this all pretty routine? Ugghhh...
I wish we did have only 9 to chose from, our consultant uses a Danish clinic, we have OVER 500 to chose from and yes I definitely think the more info you have the harder it is to chose. Some of them have baby pictures, there is the nurses view of the donors personality, family tree and a personal questionnaire; education, temperament type questions. What we narrow it down with is, hair colour and eye colour. I feel so much pressure chosing, I know there is not a wrong choice, but its overwhelming at times.
We will get there I guess
What is the next step for you now Silverbell?
In total shock!!!!!
In total shock!!!!!
I wish we did have only 9 to chose from, our consultant uses a Danish clinic, we have OVER 500 to chose from and yes I definitely think the more info you have the harder it is to chose. Some of them have baby pictures, there is the nurses view of the donors personality, family tree and a personal questionnaire; education, temperament type questions. What we narrow it down with is, hair colour and eye colour. I feel so much pressure chosing, I know there is not a wrong choice, but its overwhelming at times.
We will get there I guess
What is the next step for you now Silverbell?
Blimey! That must be tough. Well I would cross out all the ones that don't fit the hair and eye colour. Then look at those and decide on one more feature or characteristic you don't really want and cross them off ... and so on. Eventually you should have whittled it down quite a bit. I'm sorry you have such a difficult decision ahead of you!
Next step is literally ringing the clinic on day 1 of my next AF (due mid-March) so they can get me in by day 3 to show me how to do the injections and give me the drugs and then it's a scan the following week and hopefully (all being well with the scan) donor insemination the following week. I'm so excited now!![]()