Adopted Little Pink :)
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AFM-We had our ultrasound yesterday and baby M is actually starting to look like a baby now! We are measuring 1 day behind but that is perfectly normal and definitely acceptable for me! It was awesome to see our baby moving around a bit. My ovaries are definitely looking more normal now which is also awesome. Baby's heartbeat was at 160bpm and the u/s tech said everything looked good.
Great news about the scan! Sounds perfect

SilverBell, gosh, I didn't realise your cycle was that soon! How are you feeling? Keeping everything crossed for you, hun, we 'Azoo Aunties' (love it!) want lots of nieces and nephews to coo over!
AFM, well, we got our TESE appointment through, so roll on 23rd April (cue little shriek in my head). We have the follow-up appointment on the 16th May - three days before our wedding anniversary, so it'll either be the best or the worst anniversary imaginable. Gulp.
The only thing we have agreed upon is if it's bad news, we're booking a lovely, exotic holiday. I can't remember who said it, but you need things to look forward to when you're dealing with all this, well, cr*p.
I am feeling good - I just want it to be time now. We're both very excited for the first time in a very, very long time. I know it'll be different once we're in that horrid 2ww and particularly if we get AF show up instead of a BFP, but for now we're excited and that's something we're enjoying feeling!
23 April is the day before my DH's birthday and is St George's Day. I do hope it's a good day for you.
I definitely agree that you should book a lovely holiday if it's bad news. We had booked to go away for the weekend we received our news and it was exactly what we needed. We just needed to be together, talk, cuddle and cry if we wanted.
You're right - us azoo ladies and guys definitely need something to look forward to with all this crap.

Well girls, yesterday was one of those days that I wish never happened..... one of my tubes is completely blocked. I cried the whole way home. Even though they said I could still get pregnant from the other one, it is just so hurtful that we already have all these odds stacked against us than to add this to it. So, I am going from a 10% chance per try now to about a 2% per try! I feel like just curling up in a ball and giving up!!! Why in the hell does this have to be soooooo damn complicated for us?! Why can't we all just get pg the first time we get nutted in like everyone else?! I am seriously thinking of forgetting the whole effing thing! I don't think I can take much more heartbreak! If it is like this now, then when the time comes and it fails, IDK how I will cope?! I am just really over this.... He tried to open it and I about came off that table! I hurt so bad and I have bled like a stuck pig! Sorry for the rant, but it was a bad night and morning so far...

I don't even know what to say. I am very thankful that you still have 1 normal tube, but I know right now you won't be thinking like that and it will all seem like a horrible nightmare. I think it was Deb who said in the past that us ladies have had so much crap to put up with and so much go on and then when it turns out there might actually be a problem with us and a further obstacle, everything feels like it's just falling apart. It's just another blow to an already vulnerable and suffering couple and it most definitely isn't fair at all. I had some bad news about a low AMH this week and it shook me up so much.
Don't forget that IVF is still an option, as tubes aren't required for that. I know you don't want to be thinking about IVF right now, but it's still an option in the future if you wished.
Who gave you the percentages for treatment? 10% seems very low for IUI. I was told it was around 20% for normal IUI (same as any average, fertile couple TTC) but with medication it increased to around 25/30%. Plus it seems weird going from 10% to 2% because of a single blocked tube??
Is it possible to get referred to see if they can unblock the tube for you surgically?
I really hope the bleeding stops soon, you poor thing.
I really don't know what to say, snd. I'm so sorry. I wish I could wave a wand and make it all better. Take your time just dealing with what you have been told and crying it out if you need to. Each day will get easier and I'm sure you'll both come to the right decision for you. Thinking of you lots