You ladies are my Guardian Angels, I cried as I read each one of your msg's really close to home
This is our 4th day of knowing and I dont even recognise the Man I married hes so angry and he blames me for nagging him and making him do the test

I dont know why hes so so angry towards me? He even told me he will throw my laptop in the bin if he sees me on it??

Im just trying to educate myself on the subject, I really want to shout at him im hurting just as much as him! his results were MY RESULTS also

, Looking up vitamins is for OUR benefit. And being on this thread is a breather to know I have people that encourage me that there might still be hope.
When ever i tell him subtly the success rates of ICSI or vitamins that he must start soon, he just yells:
'shut up shut up!! I need my space your obsessed even though I have done the test your are still obsessed!" You know ladies I was excited of being a mom and maybe i was into charting tempting, now its all changed, im not obsessed anymore, I have gone crazy over something else how to get him healthy again! Woow for the past 15Months I have been so excited in my 2WW, Going to be weird to let this cycle come and go and know for a fact its a ZERO chance that I am pregnant

i still feel its not hit me?? and I still will symptom spot and think im pregnant? that all i have been used to for so so long..
Yesterday we tried to carry on as usual and do a little Xmas shopping I broke down in the toilets, everywhere were mothers with Babies and pregnant women.. and lovely baby shops.. I almost collapsed I just told my DH I missed lunch and was getting stuffy, I couldnt tell him my TRUE feelings, I used to get so excited seeing new mothers and knowing soon that would me! now my whole world turned black .. Yes it feels like a death has happened.
Oh Goodness, Im feeling so ALONE. The anger my husband has towards me

this morning I tried to be strong and initiate sex to show him i still love him.. His words:
" I know you dont want it! your just doing it to be polite I cant get you pregnant so dont bother' and he broke down.. Im doing my best to be normal. I told him you dont have a disease! its still in function and I love you its a problem that soon will be fixed! he rolled over and said leave me alone.. its walking on eggshells.. saying he would have been happier not knowing and the lord would have helped us!! I told him how can we get pregnant with ZERO SPERM, his words were that i have lost faith in God...

Instead of knowing that theres a problem, that science might be able to fix hes still angry he did the test???

and 100% fixed it would have happened naturally.... hes making me feel guilty that i made him do the test! and what scares me sooo much ladies ok we let 16Months slip by, imagine if he was still stubborn for another 16Months

At least we know what the problem is and its not 'unexplained fertility'
I know ladies with anything in life times a healer..for 15 Month NOT A SOUL knew we were TTC not even my mother, Now what do i say? we have been trying for well over 1 year and my husband does not have Sperms??
I just hope and pray over Christmas no one brings it up, I will probably break down, while my usual answer would be very soon..
We will be going up North to spend Christmas day with my family and I will be surrounded by babies and kids, just wished Christmas was over now and i can focus on this. I love Xmas so so much but now

will be tough to be merry when its so so heavy on my mind!
Pink Lolly- Its Tuesday 28th also my husband gets to do the 2nd test, you will be in my prayers x I dont know if im just being stupid or naive but im telling myself the sample will definitely have some, it just has to!

Maybe im setting myself for a 2nd crush to the heart, but another ZERO Noo Lord please it has to be some. I guess were in this waiting period together

Is your husband talking anything Dear at the moment? The urologist gave nothing.. But I have made him take FertilAid for Men has Zinc and all sorts inside it?? Hope its a MAGIC pill
Debs- I read alot on the TurkClinic he sounds amazing!! and yes even with 5 im sure that will be ample to make your baby xx They emailed me within hours asking for a phone interview, I will see what 2nd sample says? but I will get back to them either way. If it means going to America I will ask my family for a little help with £ and im willing to go over... I want OUR babies more than anything...
Looby-lou- Huge congratulations on your pregnancy, Well done you deserve it xx I have not thought of a sperm doner and i dare to ask husband about it just yet.. if there is no way i may consider it?? .. Its a personal question Dear you dont have to answer, but would you tell your baby that He/She was a sperm doner? or as far as the babies concerned He/She is made from you both?? Again sorry for the question Im thinking would i tell or would i keep it to myself? I have soooo much running through my brains. I would consider it before adoption though, as i want to FEEL AND BE pregnant

my heads spinning right now....
WaitingGinger- Thank you again for your kind words, will update everyone on here. 8Months is such a long time to wait in limbo, Im also eager to know with the DEAD SPERM found is there more dead ones hidden in there? can they bring it to life..? I have soo many questions in my head.. What i find out in the next test will share with everyone.
My husband said he will go alone on tuesday 28th and when he gets the results on the 29th

he does NOT WANT ME THERE, those words killed me, even though this is about US he still feels its not my business and to leave him alone.. Which I will

Just want to feel loved again.. this is the time we need each other the most, yet its all my fault??
I just hope hes just going to get over the shock as im worried stress will tarnish his next sample

and realise either way IVF or ICSI is the next step whether he wants to believe it or not, the old fashioned way was not in our destiny
I went online quickly while he went to the garage, I bettr get going before it will be a reason for him to have a go at me
Again thank you so so much for your precious time and information, and i will try and pop in daily. Have a lovely weekend.
Love and hugs x