So sorry the IUI didnt work out for you dancer
And welcome pink lolly!! i am in the early stages like you!!
We had the 2 SA results in april/may time and found my partner had no sperm. He has had blood tests and an ultraousnd scan which have come back 'normal' but havent had any further info on them!
We have our first consultation about the Surgical Sperm Retireval on 22nd dec! and i think the waiting list for it is about 8-10 months! then its on to what ever we need to do next!!
How is your OH handling it? i think you are a bit shell shocked at first and for me i wish i could say it gets easier to live with in time but actually i think it gets harder and harder every day! my OH is getting more and more upset as the time passes! and in the past 2 weeks he has broken down twice and i have never seen him cry he is such a big strong man you would never think it!!!
Do you ahve any idea why your OH may have Azoospermia? Mumps or undescended testicles?.
I send you tons and tons of

for you and OH because i know how hard it is!!!!
x x x
Hi waitingginger,
Thank you -

to you both too - it really was the most devestating news we could ever have imagined. Had the appointment time through for the second SA this morning and it's 21st December which is a shame coz we were hoping to get the results back before Christmas but never mind - we know they'll come back the same anyway so I don't suppose it matters!
DH had one undescended testicle which was corrected when he was 4 or 5. The GP said he didn't think this would be the cause, as the other one should still be working OK but I wonder if it may be related, otherwise it's quite a about your DH?
I'm sorry your DH is finding it hard - mine has been putting on a brave face. The main problem is that he feels guilty and keeps saying that it's all his fault and that he feels useless - nothing I say seems to help that either and I don't know how to make him feel better.
To be honest I can't imagine how awful it must be for the boys. We have been talking about using a donor (if we need to) and DH is preparing himself for that to avoid being disappointed - that way if they do find sperm and can use it it will be a bonus! He has been great and is prepared to do whatever it takes but it must be so hard.
Have your investigations been funded by the NHS or are you self funding? We are thinking about self funding to speed it up, but it all depends on the costs and what we can afford. The problem is where we live there are few clinics so I think that makes the waiting times are longer.
Keep in touch - it will be good to share our experiences xxx