Dealing with azoospermia?

Deb- Can you update mine to say that we are still waiting for genetic results and hope to see the urologist in May/June?
raelynn - YAY!!!!!!!! Thats AMAZING news!!!!! You have given me tons of hope for our Urologist apt tom!!! I wish you all the best with those spermies!!!

Deb - You are doing a wonderful job here!!!
I have a weird question....could there be any possibility for some sperm to come out? Maybe just none came out during the test? Just wondering...wishful thinking I guess. Starting to get nervous for tomorrows apt.
Ladies, I'm glad our positive news gives you guys hope. We really went into the TEST appointment a few weeks ago not expecting to find anything. We were very pleasantly surprised. Hubby has NOA too so apparently the few sperm his is producing just aren't making it out. Glad we have some saved now though! Unfortunately, they can't guarantee they'll survive so urologist will be on standby on egg retrieval day in case we have to do a last minute TESE to try and find fresh samples. Hubby is a bit disheartened about this but hopefully we won't have to go down that road.
Great news Rae! :thumbup:

Snd - I can't believe about the abortions, life really doesn't seem fair sometimes xxx
I have a weird question....could there be any possibility for some sperm to come out? Maybe just none came out during the test? Just wondering...wishful thinking I guess. Starting to get nervous for tomorrows apt.

I guess it's possible. I know 'MumandDad' got a natural :bfp: but I'm not sure what their azoo cause was.

If it's down to hormone levels, they can fluctuate, but we were told hubby's numbers were so low that there's no way they would make it into the ejaculate. I guess miracles can happen, but I really wouldn't get your hopes up hun xx
Hello girls!

I just wanted to pop in and update those of you who haven't already heard my news....

On Wednesday this week we got our :bfp: on our second DIUI :cloud9:

I was so tempted to post on here, but thought you'd much rather announce yourself :cloud9:

Thank you very much for the fast responses!!!
I will make DH let me come! They told him on the phone that they will do a sonogram to see whats going on. Hopefully they do it on tuesday.

I'm so sorry you have found yourself here, Stinas, but am overjoyed to see you've had so many helpful responses from the lovely ladies here. I really hope all goes well today at the appointment and you guys make some progress. I do find it very sad that your DH won't let you go with him though - this is something you're both going to have to deal with as a couple and not independently. Also, a lot of fertility experts expect or even insist on seeing couples together and not just 1 of the couple. I hope he comes around to letting you attend appointments. :hugs:

Let us know how he gets on today.

Finally! DH came right out and said it this afternoon. We will have a baby either way. His sperm or with a donor. OMG!! For the first time in months, I feel like there could be a baby at the end of all of this. For the longest time, it was going to be his sperm (feeling unlikely about finding any) or none. I cannot tell you how amazing it felt to hear those words. I would actually put it up there with when he proposed.

just a quick question about DH's genetic testing. We're just waiting for the karyotype test now. What would they be looking for with that? I know it's all of his chromosomes, but what are they trying to find on it? Anything that really explains the azoospermia or just trying to rule out other common genetic issues?

Excellent news, Becky! :hugs: I think some guys just take a little longer to properly process the news and come around to other options. I'm so pleased you're so happy and a 'plan b' is in place.

Karyotype testing is for Klinefelter's syndrome when it comes to testing for infertility, so I have no idea why they've told you they're waiting for this if you've been given the all clear for KS? The test checks the size, shape and numbers of chromosomes in cells. Obviously with KS there will be an extra 'X' chromosome in there. Given that karyotype testing is to check size, shape and numbers and they've given you the all-clear for KS then how can they say they're still working on the results of karyotype? It doesn't make sense, as they will have done the karyotype testing already to tell you there's no KS! I really don't understand this. Could they have told you incorrectly?

As for me, they sent DH tese sample to John Hopkins to review! Crazy!?!
Anyway, the TESE was negtive, which they think was related to damage from a surgery he had as a child. They did think there was a good chance for mTESE. However, DH and I talked a LOT, and the risks (I wont go into detail - this is due to the previous surgery as a kid) for mTESE are just not something we want to deal with. Plus, we would have to have donor backup, in case the sperm weren't of good quality. So after much discussion, we CHOSE to do DIUI.

DH and I are soooo excited. We know it might not work right away, but the thought of us having our baby - actually being able to feel like its happening - is exciting :happydance:

Only thing left to do is meet with the social worker before IUI- DH hates this idea but its mandatory. He thinks its our kid -we don't need someone else giving us suggestions/ telling us what to do. :dohh: I told him I think we will be more meeting with her to hash out some possible questions and find out how other couples do in this circumstance.

I just can't wait - next month will be our first time, of 'trying' and having a decent chance :) - and DH is just as happy!

Hi SunUP :hugs: This is exactly how I felt - the progress and very real prospect of actually getting pregnant was just amazing and made us so happy and excited.

Don't worry about the social worker meeting. If it's anything like the mandatory counselling in the UK it's easy peasy and just to check you've understood the implications of using donor sperm and how you'll feel or deal with telling, the child possibly locating the donor when they're older, the child having lots of half siblings out there etc etc. I do think it's all a bit silly to be honest because to agree to donor sperm you've most definitely already thought it all through - how can you not?!

Let us know how you get on and when your first cycle starts! :happydance:

Hi Deb, THNAK YOU so much for posting about this and making your journal. OH had this on his last SA and just in the proccess of getting another one done... I've only just stumbled on your journal so gunna take the time to read through it. Hope you dont mind.:flower:

ladies - Im just waiting for OH to do his 2nd SA to confirm Azoo. Anyone know what the process will be after that (assuming it is confirmed.) My FS did mention would get referred to a urologist. What would they do then, do you know? Like what tests? is it blood first?

BumpHopes, so sorry you find yourself here, but I'm glad you're getting all the usual support and help from the lovely ladies here :hugs:

Yes, after my DH's second SA confirmed the azoo we were referred to our local Urologist. However, we wanted quicker answers so we went privately for an initial consultation and by then we'd learned much more than any of the professionals we'd come across could tell us. We'd gotten an ultrasound scan in the pipeline for DH (as this is something a Urologist will often check first to check for blockages/missing things etc) and gotten blood tests for him to check Testosterone and other hormones (again, this is something they'd want). We also persuaded our GP to do the 3 genetic blood tests - y-microdeletions, karyotype and cystic fibrosis carrier. When we finally got to see the Urologist he said the only thing left for him to do was to open him up and 'have a look' but they wouldn't do anything else. By then we'd already decided to have the more thorough biopsy done in London (microTESE) and so we told him 'no thanks' and went to London instead. I hope this helps. The more you can get done before seeing the Urologist, the quicker the process will be (at least, in my experience).

Oh and I also got myself referred to Gynae to check me over too, so that I was completely ready to start whatever treatment as soon as DH had his microTESE. It just cuts out more of that horrible waiting.


I'm one of the lurkers Debs mentioned. I've been watching a while, but not posting. I now realise that's quite rude of me, esp as you've all been so helpful.

Basically, I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud as I've known my BF had fertility issues since I met him (he had undescended testicle op at around 11 years old) and so haven't had to go through the shock some of you have. We haven't been together all that long - a bit over a year - but because of our ages (I'm 35 tomorrow :wacko: he's 37 soon) and also knowing there was a problem, he went for an SA around Xmas. His memory from his last one a few years ago was that the count was <1 million with motility problems also, but this one came back as zero. Even though we knew it was going to be bad, this was awful to hear :nope:

Anyway, hope I haven't bored you, but just thought I'd say hi, and also thanks to you all for your help and support, even though you didn't know you were doing it! I think the urologist was a bit surprised by what I knew...... I felt like saying if you think I know a lot, I can show you an amazing group of ladies who could probably give you a run for your money in the azoo area!!

Hey Mercury. Don't beat yourself up for not posting and you're certainly not a fraud. Like Deb said, the only real difference is that perhaps the 0 SA results weren't as much of a shock as what most of us ladies experience, but that doesn't change all the other feelings that come with that confirmation.

Keeping everything crossed that things move quickly for you. :hugs:

Thanks, ladies! We got some good news. They found 'some' sperm in 3 out of the 5 samples taken. The urologist didn't have exact numbers but we have some to work with which is great! Now we just have to follow up with our RE to get started on IVF.

Fabulous news, raelynn! :dance: I bet you're both over the moon :cloud9:
Deb- would it be too much to ask you to add me to the front page? I suppose I'm a member of it now (long enough)... :shrug: Just put down my sn deafgal01- my tests all came back clear but not as lucky for DH- 0 count in SA two times so far by urologist. DH currently on Clomiphene Citrate along with Anastrozole (follow up in few weeks with blood work to check levels for 2nd time since starting medicine- more details to find out in May 2012).

Thanks a bunch.
Hey Deb - could you update my info too. mTESE - 0 sperm. Currently TTC with donor sperm IUI.

Thanks :thumbup:
Deafgal and SB - all updated.

I guess I also don't like to assume what people want putting on the front page :thumbup:
:happydance: rae!!!!!

SB- How much longer til test date? :dust:

Deb- you can update mine anytime w/out my permission! :haha: Starting 1st DIUI in May!!! :wohoo:

How is everyone today?
Guess what girls! We picked out our donor today!!!! Hubby was off work today and came by my work and we went through the list and he picked one out! :happydance: He picked out one I had saved but looked more like me w/ dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Kinda sad he didn't like the ones more like him, but at least he made up his mind!!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited now! Now to call the company and ask how to get the order in..... And then my boss came home from the hospital today and is doing good, so today has been a good day!!!
Snd - that's amazing news!! Congrats!! Glad dh had a complete turnaround. I'm super happy for you!!!! Yay!!

Dh just came home from his apt. No real answers yet, which I knew would happen, but it's nothing majorly bad either. He just left to drop off another sa, they took blood from him as well as doing an ultrasound. Doc said it could be hormonal, does not look like a blockage, and could also be because he has a few more veins down there they would be blocking it. There's a few things that could be wrong that the blood tests could show.
Now this is all dh version. As of now he has agreed to let me come next time.
What do you ladies think? Bad good can't tell yet?
Great news snd - so happy you're moving on with things :thumbup:

Stinas - all sounds as it should be so far. Sounds like he's got a decent urologist who knows what to test and look at. The veins he mentioned could be a varicocele which could be causing an issue although you would need to google it - I don't know much about them. Hormone tests will give an indication about a possible blockage too. It sounds like your dh has remembered info well :thumbup: but great news hat he's going to let you go with him in future xx
Good luck stinas! Hope it will be a really simple fix! Everything crossed for you!!!

PS- what part of the states are you from?
Guess what girls! We picked out our donor today!!!!

That's freaking AWESOME news :dance: Sooooo happy for you :thumbup:

(testing date is in my siggy - 7 days left ... if I can hold out or if AF doesn't show prior to that. She would actually be due a week today normally but I'm not sure if the drugs will have prolonged it).

Dh just came home from his apt. No real answers yet, which I knew would happen, but it's nothing majorly bad either. He just left to drop off another sa, they took blood from him as well as doing an ultrasound. Doc said it could be hormonal, does not look like a blockage, and could also be because he has a few more veins down there they would be blocking it. There's a few things that could be wrong that the blood tests could show.
Now this is all dh version. As of now he has agreed to let me come next time.
What do you ladies think? Bad good can't tell yet?

Stinas, I'm sooo pleased he's said you can go to appointments from now on - that's brilliant and definitely best for the 2 of you as you're in this together.

It all sounds normal to me and good that he's doing the bloods and ultrasound - that's exactly what we had to get done too.

Unfortunately with azoospermia you never can tell if it'll be bad or good. There are men with completely off the wall blood results who have had successful sperm retrieval and men who have had near-normal results with a poor outcome. The specialist I saw said that there is no test available that can tell you if it'll be a good or bad outcome in the end - they just give the specialists an idea as to what's wrong and what they're dealing with. The ultimate outcome is really only known by doing a biopsy (when it's non-obstructive azoo).

I am keeping everything crossed it's a simple solution for you, Stinas. As much as it's lovely to have this thread so active it still breaks my heart when I see newcomers and all those first couple of months post-SA memories come flooding back. :cry: None of us should have to go through any of this. I honestly believe you'll both be stronger for it at the end though. This thread is full of amazingly strong ladies.
SND - I am in Northern NJ....about 30min from NYC.

Silverbell - Thank you! I can imagine how sad it is to see newcomers to the thread. Hopefully these few months go by fast.

We hit a small snag. DH came home from his apt...made a SA in a cup to bring directly to the place the doc told him to bring it to.....well...he got there and the receptionist told him they dont do those kinds of testing there.!! DH was super mad and when he called the office they had already closed. He is going to call tom to see where he really needs to go.
I guess the bumps in the road have already started! Yay.
Stinas- oh no... Now that sample will be no good. Don't they know what difficulties they're putting you two thru? :grr: Hope you figure out where he's supposed to go. I'm glad they did my DH at the office- he gave the sample there and they took care of the rest from there (but it was a urologist office that he went to). :shrug:
Deafgal - I know its no good now...he trashed it. It was a urologist office he went to. I think im going to look into a better urologist. DH just booked whoever had the earliest available apt. Just another snag in the road I guess.

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