I'm one of the lurkers Debs mentioned. I've been watching a while, but not posting. I now realise that's quite rude of me, esp as you've all been so helpful.
Basically, I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud as I've known my BF had fertility issues since I met him (he had undescended testicle op at around 11 years old) and so haven't had to go through the shock some of you have. We haven't been together all that long - a bit over a year - but because of our ages (I'm 35 tomorrow

he's 37 soon) and also knowing there was a problem, he went for an SA around Xmas. His memory from his last one a few years ago was that the count was <1 million with motility problems also, but this one came back as zero. Even though we knew it was going to be bad, this was awful to hear
So since then, I've done lots of research. This seems to be standard - he just seems to be waiting for it to sort itself out, while I read everything I can! His GP is great, and we've seen a urologist, who's referred him to Hammersmith for 3 SAs, where they will freeze ANYTHING they find. While he's doing this, we're waiting for the genetic tests - including Y microdeletions, I was prepared for a battle on that one - and by the time all this is in, if still no

then for mTESE, all NHS funded!!! I've been so impressed so far. He also advised me to go to the GP for IVF referral as that will be the trickier bit as far as funding is concerned. The urologist was so good, and said that he promised if there was anything that could be done, it would be. I felt quite teary, having expected to be told 'tough luck'.
Anyway, now it's all waiting. Again, I feel a fraud as we wouldn't be TTC yet (altho have never used contraception with him), but by the time all the forms/tests are done we will be there. I also know I'm very lucky to live in SW London, so Hammersmith and the amazing Mr Ramsay are nearby. On top of that, I'm a midwife, so blood tests etc are easy to get done. We went along to the urologist with my BF full hormone profile already done (FSH 22, testosterone 12, which I took late in the evening, so might do an early morning one for comparison. Apparently the testosterone can vary a lot, and that might explain why he's much friskier first thing

Anyway, hope I haven't bored you, but just thought I'd say hi, and also thanks to you all for your help and support, even though you didn't know you were doing it! I think the urologist was a bit surprised by what I knew...... I felt like saying if you think I know a lot, I can show you an amazing group of ladies who could probably give you a run for your money in the azoo area!!