Dealing with azoospermia?

Sun- I would check into the CMV status. I am - and they told me if we used a + one, it risked the baby being born handicap... but YAY for progress!!!!!! I know it is sooo exciting knowing there is finally a "real" chance in the works! I feel the same!!! HUGS!
Hi Deb, THNAK YOU so much for posting about this and making your journal. OH had this on his last SA and just in the proccess of getting another one done... I've only just stumbled on your journal so gunna take the time to read through it. Hope you dont mind.:flower:

I posted a thread on success stories thread but got no replies. Would you mind if i put the link to your journal on my question i asked for others? If not i understand. :thumbup:
Sunup - great news that you're making progress and are both happy and comfortable with the decision you've made. Out of interest what are the risks of the cmv - / + thing if you don't mind me asking? I don't know anything about it :shrug: As for the social worker thing, in the UK, you have to meet with a counsellor - I would imagine it's more that sort of thing - just talking through implications, who to tell, how and if to tell the child etc xx

Bumphopes - welcome :flower: I'm glad you've found us - I'm so glad I started this thread - it has been a continuous source of support for me and others - although there is obviously a sense of sadness when we see a new member going through this :nope: This is a fab group of women who totally understand what you are going through and have probably experienced every emotion you are, and will go through on this journey - so feel free to rant away :thumbup:

Of course I don't mind you posting a link in your other thread - the more azoo wives and partners going through this to find support and info, the better xx
Thank you! We have only just found out and as much as im hoping the 1st SA was a one off.. 3yrs down the line. Thats the reason! It does feel so unfair on times IYKWIM. Its just random people get PG so easy and then theres me (and others in the same situ) gotta struggle...

ok deep breath rant over lol.
I just a quick question about DH's genetic testing. We're just waiting for the karyotype test now. What would they be looking for with that? I know it's all of his chromosomes, but what are they trying to find on it? Anything that really explains the azoospermia or just trying to rule out other common genetic issues?

I think SB will be able to explain this one better, but it tests for chromosome abnormalities - some of which they would need to know before doing IVF because of possibly passing it on to children - I think they can test any embryos to see if they are affected, but sometimes it can explain the azoo - I think klinefelters (sp?) is picked up on that test and gives a reason for the azoo
BumpHopes - I think I posted after you in your thread! We are the newbies in this thread. So far for me its been wonderful in here...and its only been a few days here. I have learned a lot just reading through the pages of this thread. Very grateful for the wonderful azoo ladies here.

On a side note....found $10 in the parking lot of the supermarket today....hoping its the start of some good luck? I do admit, I felt guilty taking it, but I did look around me to see if anyone did lose it and there was no one. Plus it was super windy today and it did not even move. Weird. Stuff like that NEVER happens to me. Odd.
:hi: Sorry to see new ladies joining the same boat we're all in. :hugs: But like Deb and others have said- you've found the right place for support- when you need to vent away or ask questions about what you're going thru, this is the place to be.
Just counted - we have 75 memebrs of this group now - very sad :nope: but great we can all share and support each other :kiss:
I just a quick question about DH's genetic testing. We're just waiting for the karyotype test now. What would they be looking for with that? I know it's all of his chromosomes, but what are they trying to find on it? Anything that really explains the azoospermia or just trying to rule out other common genetic issues?

I think SB will be able to explain this one better, but it tests for chromosome abnormalities - some of which they would need to know before doing IVF because of possibly passing it on to children - I think they can test any embryos to see if they are affected, but sometimes it can explain the azoo - I think klinefelters (sp?) is picked up on that test and gives a reason for the azoo

I think that's what's confusing me. Not sure why they have the results to the kleinfelters but not the whole deal? I hoped that since they had the "biggies" in, they would book our darn appointment. It takes another 4 weeks to get in after they get the results.

Deb- 75 of us? Sad but somehow comforting. I had no idea how rare yet common this is. I can't imagine going through this without having the support from others who have been there.

Bumphopes- I hear you on the unfair part. It seems like everyone is pregnant this year. I lost count after the 15th pregnancy announcement. I just found out my cousin is expecting last night via facebook. (My tactless stepmom sent me a message before bedtime. She is by far the worse with sensitivity during this process.) I just keep telling myself that those people will be getting rid of baby things next year and hopefully I will be pregnant this time next year.

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate!
Strange about having the kleinfelters and not the others - sorry can't be of any help.

Yes - 75 - I know quite a lot are just in limbo and waiting at the moment and so aren't posting. Also nice to know that because Baby and Bump is searchable in Google, we come up as 6th in the list when someone googles 'azoospermia' :thumbup:
Oohh deb please could you update the front page for me? Thank you! Xxx
Hi all!

Stinas - We are the newbies! lol. Shame we are here but seems there are so many people in the same boat and it feels so great to have found this thread! Hopefully your find is a sign of things to come and your luck changing! FXd!

ladies - Im just waiting for OH to do his 2nd SA to confirm Azoo. Anyone know what the process will be after that (assuming it is confirmed.) My FS did mention would get referred to a urologist. What would they do then, do you know? Like what tests? is it blood first?

I'm one of the lurkers Debs mentioned. I've been watching a while, but not posting. I now realise that's quite rude of me, esp as you've all been so helpful.

Basically, I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud as I've known my BF had fertility issues since I met him (he had undescended testicle op at around 11 years old) and so haven't had to go through the shock some of you have. We haven't been together all that long - a bit over a year - but because of our ages (I'm 35 tomorrow :wacko: he's 37 soon) and also knowing there was a problem, he went for an SA around Xmas. His memory from his last one a few years ago was that the count was <1 million with motility problems also, but this one came back as zero. Even though we knew it was going to be bad, this was awful to hear :nope:

So since then, I've done lots of research. This seems to be standard - he just seems to be waiting for it to sort itself out, while I read everything I can! His GP is great, and we've seen a urologist, who's referred him to Hammersmith for 3 SAs, where they will freeze ANYTHING they find. While he's doing this, we're waiting for the genetic tests - including Y microdeletions, I was prepared for a battle on that one - and by the time all this is in, if still no :spermy: then for mTESE, all NHS funded!!! I've been so impressed so far. He also advised me to go to the GP for IVF referral as that will be the trickier bit as far as funding is concerned. The urologist was so good, and said that he promised if there was anything that could be done, it would be. I felt quite teary, having expected to be told 'tough luck'.

Anyway, now it's all waiting. Again, I feel a fraud as we wouldn't be TTC yet (altho have never used contraception with him), but by the time all the forms/tests are done we will be there. I also know I'm very lucky to live in SW London, so Hammersmith and the amazing Mr Ramsay are nearby. On top of that, I'm a midwife, so blood tests etc are easy to get done. We went along to the urologist with my BF full hormone profile already done (FSH 22, testosterone 12, which I took late in the evening, so might do an early morning one for comparison. Apparently the testosterone can vary a lot, and that might explain why he's much friskier first thing :haha: )

Anyway, hope I haven't bored you, but just thought I'd say hi, and also thanks to you all for your help and support, even though you didn't know you were doing it! I think the urologist was a bit surprised by what I knew...... I felt like saying if you think I know a lot, I can show you an amazing group of ladies who could probably give you a run for your money in the azoo area!!
Stinas - all areas seem to do things slightly differently, but once we were referred to urologist, hubby had a very brief examination of his testes - looking at the size and presence of the vas deferens. Hormone blood tests had already been done at the clinic for both of us. CF carrier, karyotype and y chromosome microdeletion blood tests were then done. The hormone results will give a pretty good idea as to whether there is a blockage or not. If dh's body has recognised there is a problem with sperm production, his FSH and LH will be raised to try to compensate. If sperm production is normal but they just can't get out because of a blockage, the hormone results will be normal.

Mercury - welcome :flower: Don't worry about the lurking, I just meant that some of the girls who are having to wait months for appts etc, take a break from the site as there's nothing really totalk about and seeing others moving on can be frustrating.

Just because you knew there were issues with your BF, I'm sure you're still going through pretty much the same as we all have, except maybe some of the shock we initially had. Although I'm sure going from a count of 1 million ish to zero hit you both pretty hard. It's great that you are able to get blood tests sorted easily - even that has been a battle for many of us. When you talk about the urologist you've seen, is that Mr Ramsey? He's fab and such a humble man. Without him, I wouldn't be sitting here 10 weeks pregnant! I'm glad you've already found this group helpful - it really does make so much easier for you (and the specialists) if you have a clear understanding of what they're talking about when you have appts. You can get so much more out of your appts that way. Wishing you all the best on your journey xx
Girls i feel like a mess right now. I just had a talk with OH about babies and we have completely talked everything through i go through with him the things i find out on here and he is so amazing and supportive. Hes more worried about me i htink and said the focus is now getting married - to get my mind off things i think. But the reason im so upset..

We was just talking and i explained what the SSR is and it may happen but obvs went thru its only a maybe and we will have to wait and see what FS says. He looked at me and said he was so sorry for being the problem and he would do anything to give me a baby and he feels like a failure because he cant do that. Then he said 'we can dream of having our baby but i dunno if this is ever gunna happen sweetheart'.

I know this myself and been thinking the same thing, but him saying that just felt a bit like a slap in the face as a wake up call. Thinking oh my god this might really never happen. It feels like im finding out the results all over again - im so upset. I thought i dealt with the crying and being upset and its just come again. Please someone tell me im not crazy. I feel like a ive taken a step back in dealing with our situation.:cry:

Sorry for the long post x
You are NOT going crazy :hugs: This is all very new to you and you will both go through so many ups and downs and different emotions on this journey. You are having to deal with shock, grief, anger, frustration, jealousy ... you name it; you're likely to go through it. You will also find that you and your dh will go through these emotions at different stages and process things differently.

Unfortunately just as you think you are dealing with things better, something trivial will happen and it will all feel like it's on top of you again, but then things slowly improve. I know I don't just speak for myself when I say that every time some more bad news / test results etc hit me, I fell apart, came on here and said I just couldn't pick myself up and move on to whatever was next, but somewhere, you get the strength. You wallow in it for a few days (quite rightly so!)and the something kicks back in and you realise that carrying on is all you can do, because the alternative; giving up on your dream, is unthinkable.

A few quotes I found when I was doing my video journal have stuck with me and might help you ...
"To get through the hardest journey in life, you only need to take one step at a time, but you have to keep on stepping."
"When you feel like giving up, just rememebr why you held on for so long."
"Crying doesn't mean you're weak; it just means you've been strong for too long."

I think many of us have found that we have been more pro-active in researching things and making things happen, whislt a lot of them men don't want to discuss it or find out about what happens next. i guess part of it is fear and part of it is guilt, feeling it's their fault.

Some of the girls on here have already got their happy endings and others are on their way. One thing I am sure of is that we will all get our happy ending. "Things will be alright in the end and if they're not alright; it just means you haven't reached the end yet."

Sorry for the essay! xx
Debs, thanks for the welcome. We've only been to the local urologist so far, but as mTese has been mentioned, my plan is to request it's with him which shouldn't be too unreasonable as we're close by. We'll see......

One of the issues which came up is the risks with mTese - we were quoted 1-3% risk of damage to testosterone production, with our risk being on the higher side due to previous surgery. The BF is taking some time to get his head around this, esp as he is already feeling his masculinity has been compromised by this whole diagnosis. I guess we're just going to have to work out if that risk is worth it given what the alternative is.

BumpHopes - I'm fairly new to this too, but am I right in thinking you only got this diagnosis a few days ago? Be kind to yourself - getting your head round all this and what it may mean is huge. Some days are OK, others (esp with AF or dealing with friends and their bumps/babies) can be harder. But you have a man who loves you and you'll get through it together. It's unspeakably unfair that anyone has to go through anything like this, but when it's hard just take one day at a time. :hugs:
p.s. Debs - forgot to say many, many congratulations on your pregnancy. To have been through so much and still come back to this board to help is amazing. I just hope Mr Ramsay can repeat it for us!! :thumbup:

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