So..... had the urology follow-up today. Genetic test results not yet back, although I guess not so much emphasis on that as they think it's purely related to undescended testicles esp as there were sperm a few years ago. And from the 5 samples he's given at Hammersmith we have the grand total of 1 immotile sperm

which they've frozen, but he's advised us not to rely just on that!!!!!
So offered a referral to UCH and Suks Minhas for mTESE, but I've asked for one to Mr Ramsay instead, and he was happy to do that. He talked about Schelgel and Cornell and said that although he was the pioneer, the microscopes here are the same, it's just that Schelgel will spend hours and hours looking and has an embryologist on standby to analyse the samples straight away which is why his results are better. Not that it matters much, but I think I've read before that Ramsay says the technology is different
OH is not happy to say the least. I think he's come to terms with needing surgery pretty easily after a wobble before, but this is such a long and stressful journey and at the moment I feel like I'm dealing with a toddler who's going to have a tantrum any minute and lie on the floor and scream that it's not fair. Which it isn't, but the prospect of having to seriously consider donor sperm is getting increasingly likely, and that would be a painful thing. Coming out the other side both on board with DS would be great, but the process of getting there could be tough.
Next step is IVF assessment for me tomorrow to go on the waiting list, and then wait for the appt with Mr R. And still waiting for the genetic results and hoping they haven't been lost so we'd be back on the wait for them before moving forward
Sending lots of positive thoughts to all of you. This bit feels tough enough, but must be more manageable than for those of you who're at the treatment stage where the stakes are so high and a rollercoaster of emotions