Dealing with azoospermia?

Tigerlily1975- Thanks for asking. We're still at a total standstill. Good luck with the appointment. I hope you have all of the answers you need to proceed.

Stinas- Good luck with the u/s!

Raelynn- I've been thinking about you.

MoBaby- I hope they find lots of sperm and you get the ones you need. It's nerve wracking to wait and wonder.

Luckdragon- So great to see happy news in here! :)

I have to go to work and can't flip back right now to totally get caught up. I know I missed some of you and I apologize.

I know I should call the clinic but haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. I'm just so mad at the clinic. We have not been told the risks/recovery of any of the procedures and we didn't even realize the TESA would have to be done twice. DH is refusing TESE at this time. I feel like the doctor didn't really lay it all out for us. I still want to ask about testosterone but then I wonder what that would mean? More delays? Would they keep checking his levels and support us? DH is warming up slightly to DS, but I'm seriously scared of that option. For the first time, I am really thinking about giving up and reclaiming my life.
Cm: clinics make me mad not calling you! Mine didn't call me back recently about the results of my ultrasound. it's so frustrating when you're waiting for results especially the ones you want hopefully you guys get some good results and fingers crossed for finding sperm
I know I should call the clinic but haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. I'm just so mad at the clinic. We have not been told the risks/recovery of any of the procedures and we didn't even realize the TESA would have to be done twice. DH is refusing TESE at this time. I feel like the doctor didn't really lay it all out for us. I still want to ask about testosterone but then I wonder what that would mean? More delays? Would they keep checking his levels and support us? DH is warming up slightly to DS, but I'm seriously scared of that option. For the first time, I am really thinking about giving up and reclaiming my life.

Could you email the clinic so you can get exactly what you want to ask down on paper in front of him and then speak to him in the phone to discuss your email. That way he is prepared for what you want to ask and you're not left feeling like things haven't been asked or answered once the phonecall is over? I just think you might feel more in control - I know I would if it was me. Also, please remember not to feel bad about questionning him - you are paying for this, it is a very important issue for you and your dh (even if you feel just like you're a number to the FS!) and you have a right to these answers xx
The clinic doesn't do email, as far as I know. I called them today and they knew it was me right away, after I told them what I was asking. She quoted me a "ballpark" $3500 for the mTESE. I was surprised since the price of two TESAs would be $3000. But, I don't think DH will go for it.

I asked her what to do about my unanswered questions about the urologist. She wanted to pass me off to the nurse, but I told her the nurse had already talked to me and said he should have explained those things. I told her I needed risk/recovery times to help consider what we want and I told her we had other questions. I suddenly feel really nervous asking again for medication for testosterone. He didn't check his prostate and I worry about his prostate being enlarged. I don't want him throwing meds at him without checking that since it can become enlarged. I have some of the stuff written down at my work, but am going to throw it in my purse, just in case he calls my cell when I am not at work. I can't be caught off guard.

Suddenly I am really wishing he would do the mTESE. I have to watch myself, I am not wanting to push him.

CanadianMaple - Why is it that your hubby is so against the TESE? Has he given you reasons?
Hi ladies!!
Just got back from our u/s apt! We do have some answers. I think it went well. It is a blockage. He has a cyst in his prostate that he was most likely born with. Doc said it looks like thats the main issue here, BUT we will be doing a biopsy to make sure sperm is being made before we make a decision on surgery. Doc said he can go in through the tip of the penis and "scrape" out around the cyst to make room for the sperm to go through. There are risks with this surgery, less than 1%, but still...enough to make you think twice. Risks are leakage/trouble peeing, trouble pooping, and ball pain. Sorry about all the non technical terms, but we got a lot of info and I could never remember those crazy words.
The next step is for me to set up myself as a patient at the fertility clinic and get a regular workup, so the urologist can do the biopsy there and then freeze sperm if found. This can happen within the next month or so. We need to work around DH work schedule since its busy time for him and recovery is 5-7 days doc said.
As of right now DH does not really want to do surgery. I dont blame him, i am also leaning towards not doing it and moving on to IVF. I guess we will have a better sense of direction once we see what the biopsy results are. Besides that all his testings are all regular...even the genetic tests.
Im happy that the ball is rolling. I already called the fertility clinic and am waiting for a call back. Once I set that up, the doc will be calling the doctor I will be going to directly to explain our situation. He said once you have an apt we might be able to go in and do biopsy before they see you since our situation is slightly different than the "normal".
Just glad its moving along.
Hi girls,
Just thought I'd share this with you. An article I read today.
There is always hope
This one is interesting too:
You can listen to the couple on a radio show on a podcast that you can download on you pc
Meanwhile, my copy of Helping the Stork arrived today so I'm heading to bed to start reading it. Reluctantly, but hopefully.
Sleep well girls.
Canadianmaple - so sorry you're having all these difficult decisions :hugs: it sounds like you don't know which way to turn to get advice you can trust. I really feel for you.

Stinas - yay for getting the ball rolling!! :happydance:

Tigerlily - hope your appt went well [-o<

AFM - still dealing with the news from last week that we need mTESE. OH is really struggling. It seems to be getting better rather than worse which is something. He's also trying to sort out a career change so it's loads of pressure all at once. But veering between anger and sadness about it all :nope:
Stinas- I'm glad you got some answers today. My husband is also nervous about any surgery and would do anything to avoid it. Since they think it's a blockage, they must be pretty confident that he will have sperm. Your ball is rolling!

Thank you Mercury. It's really difficult. I really wished someone at the clinic would have talked with us and gave us all of the facts/details while we were there. We were a bit shell shocked and it would have helped to have had someone talk with us after or for them to send home something with info to read. It's so frustrating seeing that most of you are getting better care than us. We have felt like we're been left to navigate/research this on our own.

raelynn- DH was in a serious car accident in Sept 1998. His car was hit by a drunk driver. He had a fractured back (L3 and L4) and they found out about 4 days later that they had missed a perforated bowel. He spent 18 days in a coma because of septic shock and had an ostomy for 6 months. It took him a few years to get back to normal. He has had so much surgery/pain/medical tests in his life, the thought of more makes him feel sick to his stomach. My family doctor told me that would likely be the case for him when I talked to him last December. People who have been through trauma like him often avoid quasi-elective surgery but would get a radical surgery to save their live. It makes sense but it's so hard. I didn't know him back then, but after reading his medical docs (I used to be an RN), it gives me a reality check for those days I feel frustrated about his hesitation/refusal. The urologist told us we would never know why he has azoospermia or low T, but it could have been damage from the septicemia he had.
Hi everyone just wanted to let you all know I'm thinking of you all. I've been lurking just haven't really had the time to write a catch up post.

There seems to have been a lot of bad news recently so sending you all huge HUGS....

I'll have to try much harder to write reply's I feel like I'm not really being supportive to you all and for that I'm really sorry
CanadianMaple - That makes complete sense. I can imagine after going through trauma like that it would make someone very hesitant to want to go through any type of operation again.

My hubby hasn't ever had any type of serious surgery and had a very quick recovery from the last TESE and even he said if we end up having to do it a second time he will seriously start considering a donor if it doesn't work. So even in the best conditions it isn't something that is taken lightly. I hope things get worked out for you soon so you know what your next step is. It really sucks that this isn't easy for any of us.
Raelynn- I'm trying to remember, did they get a lot from him to freeze with the TESE? Did he have NOA?
He has NOA. They didn't give us any numbers but told us they found "some" in 3 out of the 5 samples taken during the TESE. The urologist was originally going to take 6 samples but saw sperm in the first sample he took so he took 3 samples from that side and 2 from the other.
cm - Thank you! Yeah, it feels nice to get the ball rolling. OMG I cant believe your DH went through all of that! Thank god he is still alive! Thats just crazy!
WW - no need to apologise - hope you're doing ok

CM - how horrific for your dh. I understand his hesitance. I really hope you guys can get a solution sorted that you're both comfortable with.

Stinas - good news that you're starting to get some answers

Tiger - hoping to hear some good news from you

I know I have been MIA over the last couple of weeks during my TWW. But I thought I would share my update, the old witch got me last night. I am really annoyed with myself for letting myself convince myself that maybe i was PG, you'd think after 3 years of experience I would know better. But I was convinced I felt different, but maybe that was down to this sudden heat wave we have had over the last week or so, (if you live in England you will know that the weather just increased from 10' to 27' in just four days, so it has been really hot)!

Anyway I rang the hospital to organise my next lot of drugs ready for day 3 injections, but I think they want to meet with me first for a review as we have now done 4 goes, but I hope not, because she said there aren't any free appts within the next few days. and I can tell you I am not wanting to wait and miss out another month again so they better sort something out!

Oh well, on we go with this never ending nightmare!!!

Looking on the bright side, as my DH just said to me, it was probably a good thing I was not PG because someone hit our beautiful new car this morning, and I was crying and in shock, he said it was probably gods plan because the stress might have caused me to MC (although I am sure it would take a bit more than that).

I think a large glass of cold white wine, whilst sat in the sun this evening, is in order - I deserve it!!!!
StepMummy - I'm so sorry this cycle hasn't worked out for you and hope that the clinic can fit you in for an appt asap xx
Step Mummy sorry this cycle hasn't worked out, hope you can get your meds sorted without going for a review.

Canadian hope you and your hubby can come to some sort of agreement over how to go about treatment. I can understand why he doesn't want to go for surgery after everything he has been through, but on the other hand I can't see why he's willing to go for a pesa but not the mtese when the latter surely has a higher success rates for men with NOA. I thought the pesa/tesa was just recommended for obstructive azoo.
Sorry to hear that StepMom.... :hugs:

I'll catch up on everyone else in a minute.

AFM- No go this month. :cry: My good side isn't producing, and the bad side only had one tiny little bitty folly on it. :shrug: And my cycle is ALL screwed up! Today is suppost to be CD15 and I had a + ov test this morning; one day ahead of time. So who knows! Got a call into Jackson to see if upping the Clomid will help. Seems like I may have become immune to the current dose? I swear IDK! :nope:
StepMummy, I'm so sorry, hun :hugs: After all you've been through lately you definitely deserve that glass of wine, a large one! I hope you get your appointment through very, very soon.


C xx

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