Wow, I'm off for a fewday & SO much happens
Happy birthday to everyone who is having birthdays. I'm with SND, sending you a virtual Happy Birthday song
(although with my singing skills you're lucky it's just virtual
) and MASSIVE, warm, snuggly birthday hugs
& some cake too
Birthdays can be hard for us LTTTC, but just know that all your azoo buddies are surrounding you with love & like Deb said you're definitely another year wiser... That makes me very wise indeed
Mrs C, I know it's a bitter sweet time
but isn't it lovely to know that you're not alone in moving onto DS? There are such a great supportive group of girls here. It must feel great to be doing something so soon.
SND, I'm sorry hun that your good side wasn't playing ball
this cycle, keeping everything crossed for your next cycle. Look at your new baby...Nice! Jealous much!
WanBmum, thinking about you & sending you loads of
for your 1st cycle; not long now.
Mo, so sorry about the surgery hun, make sure DH spoils you rotten afterwards.
Tiger, ooh things are getting exciting hun. I know that I was so nervous about the injections, but at the time, just said to myself (literally-out loud
) "How much will you go through to get a baby?" Of course the answer was 'anything'... Honestly, the 1st one was the worst, after that I would just take a deep breath & jab myself. You are such a strong
, beautiful woman & I know that you will get through this next challenge
Sun, so sorry the last cycle wasn't your cycle & glad that you enjoyed your little
drinkypoo. I think it is amazing, the resiliance of women on this thread. I love that you're already looking forward to the hotel stay & are facing this next cycle with optimism & hope. Much
your way.
WW, loads of
for you gorgeous girl with this cycle. Glad you're not experiencing any nasty side effects yet. FX, it stays that way & you have a breezy cycle.
Stinas, not long now till that appt. Keeping everything crossed for DH's biopsy
These things always seem to fall when we are busy at work
Step Mummy, so sorry that this cycle didn't work out
. I'm glad that you are ok after your car accident. I'm hoping that you can go ahead with your next cycle as you want to do, without having to go through the bureaucratic nightmare of more appointments; you guys have been through enough.
CM, it sounds like your DH has been through so much, I can't blame him for being reticent about surgery. Like everyone else, I hope that you can reach a resolution that meets both your needs & makes both of you happy in the long run. In the mean time, know that you are surrounded by caring & love here
Everyone else, a big hello
& lots of
AFM, well, we have decided to go ahead & use our last frozen emby
this cycle. Like now! I was at CD8 when we saw the FS & decided to go ahead. We do unmedicated cycles for frozen so no meds, just U/S & BTs. Had our 1st yesterday & everything seems to be on track. I estimate our transfer will be around Monday the 11th, assuming Ov happens according to plan. This could be our last chance to have DH's bio child, so everyone's FXing, babydust, anti-AF & ninjas are so appreciated & welcome.
I've said it before & I'll say it again, I just couldn't get through all this without my azoo girls. So thankyou