Dealing with azoospermia?

MJ & MRSC - I wish you both all the best of luck!!!!! Busy week for you both!!! EXCITING!!!!!!!!!

rdleela - :happydance:

Hope everyone else is doing good!!!

As for me...thursday I go see the fertility center! Time to get the ball rolling!

Thank you, I still have a little bit of waiting but it will go quickly. Fx for you on Thursday!

rdleela - That is great news! Hope everything works our great for you!

MJ - Hope its a sticky emby!! Good luck!

MrsC - So glad things will get going for you soon. That is so exciting!

Stinas - Yay for getting started! I'm sure the wait has seemed so long!

As for me, Hubby and I have been taking turns playing phone tag and talking with the fertility center to get our schedule today. Originally, our nurse wrote us up for July 17 but that is right before our vacation and hubby wants a little recovery time if he ends up having to do another TESE. So, I spoke with our nurse and asked if there was any way we could get things going to have ER sometime in the first week of July and she thinks we can make it work. She has to wait to get approval from the fertility center higher ups and our urologist so I'm awaiting the email of our official schedule. I have to call in sometime tomorrow to get my mock transfer scheduled and figure out if we have any coverage for the injections or if they need to be through a certain pharmacy. I'm so excited we may actually be able to get everything in this cycle instead of waiting until August! Keeping my fingers crossed that we get these new dates approved

That would be so great if they could get you in a little sooner. Fx your hubby won't need another TESE. I hope you hear from them soon!
raelynn - Good luck!!! I hope they can get you in earlier!! That would be great!!!! I feel like you have to hound these people in order to get what you want!

Luckily our nurse was really understanding. She was trying to schedule us out so we had a little breathing room in our schedule but when I told her I really wanted to try and make this cycle work she was all for it. Sometimes you just have to let them know exactly what you want though otherwise they have to go off of assumptions. I'm glad I asked!

That would be so great if they could get you in a little sooner. Fx your hubby won't need another TESE. I hope you hear from them soon!

Thanks! I really hope we can just use our frozen samples too because there is no guarantee that another TESE would even have the same results. Hopefully we get lucky a second time if we need to though!
Right now I'm on CD 14 and waiting for AF so that I can start clomid. After that we are on to DIUI#1! :happydance: We are very excited. It's going to be weird with hubby gone but it is what it is. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about the clomid?

Sounds like you have been busy! Sunday will be here so soon :happydance: I'm so excited for you guys!!

So - I am on DIUI #2 this month, took Clomid 50mg round 1 and now 75mg round 2. I take them at the same time every day. My RE wants it anytime between 6pm and 11pm. I take it about 630 each day. It can cause headaches and night sweats but nothing too crazy for me at least. IUI is pretty simple, the procedure is usually faster than a pap smear. I have back to back IUI's done by my FS... and then beta 15 days after the second one.
Right now I'm on CD 14 and waiting for AF so that I can start clomid. After that we are on to DIUI#1! :happydance: We are very excited. It's going to be weird with hubby gone but it is what it is. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about the clomid?

Sounds like you have been busy! Sunday will be here so soon :happydance: I'm so excited for you guys!!

So - I am on DIUI #2 this month, took Clomid 50mg round 1 and now 75mg round 2. I take them at the same time every day. My RE wants it anytime between 6pm and 11pm. I take it about 630 each day. It can cause headaches and night sweats but nothing too crazy for me at least. IUI is pretty simple, the procedure is usually faster than a pap smear. I have back to back IUI's done by my FS... and then beta 15 days after the second one.

Thank you for sharing that info with me. I will have to check on the time he wants me to take it.
Great news that a lot of you are moving on with things right now - we're due for some more :bfp:s in here!! Wishing you all, all the luck on the world xx
Hi ladies! After weeks of processing our news, I am here to join all of you and hope to find some support as well as advice!

After 2 SA we were told my DH had a zero count. Tomorrow we have an appointment with a urologist. Any advice on what we should ask or find out? I have spent hours and hours researching online and it is all so overwhelming! I figure who better to ask than people who have been in exactly the same place! I look forward to getting to know you and build friendships unlike any other!

Hi esuzanne,

There's a list of some things you might want to ask / check with the urologist in a spoiler on the front page of the thread.

Good luck tomorrow - I hope you get some answers. Make sure you write down your questions before you go and take a pen and paper with you. You think you will remember what the urologist tells you but in reality - you don't xx
Ahhhh! SO much progress on here! I feel left out! :cry: :haha:

MJ- Best wishes honey!!!! I really hope this one sticks! Go in there with the mind set that by the end of this month you WILL be pg!!!!! :dust:

MrsC- Best wishes to you too chick!!!! Hope this is the one and only time you have this done!!! :dust:

Sun- Same to you my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust: And I take mine at 6:30 every night too, so I can bypass the side effects while sleeping. Great minds think alike! :thumbup:

Wouldn't it be great if half of the azoo girls were pg by the end of this month!!!! A true BLESSING!!!!! Hopefully I won't be far behind you guys! :thumbup:

AFM- My clinic said they wanted to continue just like before and won't up the clomid since it was only one "bad" month and the follie was a mature one, but only just one follie is what worries me!!! BOOOOO!!! I would just like to be better safe than sorry since I only have 2 vials left! When AF shows, I will call and ask them ONE MORE TIME!!! At least upping it to 75mg wouldn't hurt like they did Sun??? The girl I talked to wasn't my "regular" one, and I had to get snappy with her the first call. Then she called back all nice and sh*t with this report. I just don't like change (in people that is) and will refuse talking to her again. :nope: I got my new car, so I have a reliable way to go! Now it is just a waiting game for AF to rear her ugly head, hopefully for the last time this year!!!! [-o<

Deb- When do we find out if we have a niece or nephew?????? I am dying to know!!!!

:hugs: to anyone else I missed!
A week today snd :happydance:

Keeping everything crossed that you can talk them into upping your doseage a bit xx
esuzanne - Im sorry to see you here but glad you found us!!! Deb is right....write things down because you wont remember a thing. When you go to the urologist for the first time your upset and its like information overload. The first page of this thread is a great help.

SND - I hope they up your dose!!! Fingers crossed!
Hi everyone

Deb exciting that you get to find out next week :blue: or :pink:

Snd don't feel left out :hugs: you'll still get to be a bump buddy :hugs:

Esuzanne sorry you've found yourself as a victim of azoo. you've found a great place for support though everyone here is lovely :hugs:

MJ sending you super sticky vibes for your frostie on sunday

Mrsc and Sunup good luck with the iui :hugs:

Raelynn hope you get everything sorted to start asap

sorry if I've missed anyone thinking of you all

Afm I'm over half way through down regging now, just 7 injections to go before the baseline scan, then hopefully I'll get to start on stims. Side effects haven't been too bad, a couple of days have been rough to get through but it will all be worth it in the end :thumbup:
wibble wobble - Hiii!!! Glad to her things are moving along nicely!!!
I'm so far behind in personals. I have been lurking, but have found it hard since it feels like I am the only one not making progress in my journey. My pregnant coworker has a cute little bump and I find it hard to talk with her. It makes me feel bad too. Only 11 more teaching days until summer... But, it makes me really happy to see that so many of you are getting to an exciting stage!

We see the urologist again tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous, I really hope he listens to us and we can walk away with more information and be able to actually make some decisions. I'm trying so hard to find an article about clomid or something and azoospermia but can't find anything worth printing off. :(

MrsC- I've been thinking about you this week.

snd- I hope you have a great cycle and can convince them to up the clomid or at least explain more to you why they don't want to. I'd be anxious too.

Good luck SunUp! I'm excited for you!

raelynn- So happy everything is moving along for you and your nurse/clinic is so great.

esuzanne- I'm so sorry that you have found yourself here, but you are in good company. So many of these girls have gotten me through tough times. I'm really happy that you get to see a urologist so soon, we had to wait about 5-6 months for our genetic tests to come in before they would let us see ours through the clinic.

wibble wobble- I took so long to post this, I missed your post. I wish you all the best this cycle.
Snd - I agree with you that asking can't hurt. I've been asking a ton lately trying to get the schedule I want. Even if things don't work out in the end, at least you'll have the satisfaction in knowing you tried! That is how I'm looking at it.

Deb - That is so exciting that you get to find out soon!

esuzanne - As the others have said, it is sad to see you here because of the diagnosis but this is a wonderful place for support!

Wibble Wobble - Hoping things continue to go well and you get to stims soon with no major side effects!

Canadian - Sorry you are feeling down. Azoo is such an emotional train wreck! Hopefully you get some answers and a game plan soon.

AFM - Played phone tag with our nurse some more today. Poor hubby works from home and he's been playing messenger service for us. Our original plan of the 1st week of July has some issues because if we run into the 4th for ER our fertility center will be staffed but urologist probably won't be so that causes problems if we need a TESE. Also the beta tests would run into our cruise. Our nurse said if we were vacationing on land it would be ok because we could get the beta done at another hospital but we'll be on a ship so that isn't possible. So I did my begging again and asked if there was any way to push it forward a week (end of June) and again the fertility clinic says that will be fine but our urologist had said they didn't want to do another TESE until July. Our last meeting with the urologist he said he just wanted to wait at least 3 months and June 21 would be the 3 month mark so nurse said she would call them and ask. So more waiting for me. Praying the urologist is agreeable to the new dates. I would love to get started right away but if not at least I know I tried everything!
esuzanne~ Good luck tomorrow! Like the other ladies said, I'm sorry you have found yourself in this situation but everyone here is great. I have met so many wonderful ladies here and they are all a great support system.

snd~ Thank you! I'm the same as you. I don't like change in the people dealing with my care at the clinic. I hope they listen to you and up your dose. Please don't feel left out. When are you thinking your next IUI will be? :hugs:

wibble~ Sounds like things are moving right along. Fx for you! :thumbup:

Canadian~ Fx for you tomorrow! I hope you are able to find something related to whats going on and what you are requesting. I have been thinking about you as well and crossing my fingers that things get better for you. :hugs:

raelynn~ If they could get you guys in a little earlier that would be great! Fx they are able to work something out for you guys. Would you be able to test on the cruise and then get your beta when you get back? Or is the timing to far apart?

MJ~ Sunday isn't far now!

Deb~ I look forward to hearing your exciting news in the coming week!

Nothing new for me to report. I just wanted to make sure I stay up to date with all you girls. :flower:
MrsC - They said they really want to be able to do the betas to make sure everything is ok in the pregnancy. I guess since IVF is so much more involved they really want to monitor everything closely. I don't really get it myself since a natural pregnancy you could not even know the first week if you aren't testing but I guess its their policy.
Esuzanne- sorry to hear you're in the same boat and joining us, but like everyone's already mentioned. You're in the best place possibly for support. :hugs: Hoping you get some good news today at least. Even if it's not good news, there's various things the dr can do or try to see if they can at least extract sperm from your hubby.

Deb- how exciting! We all can't wait to find out if you're bringing a girl or a boy into this world for us to be his or her azoo aunts!

MJ, MrsC, and SunUP- :dust: Good luck with the frostie and IUI!

Hope everyone is doing alright!

As for me, DH has a SA coming up next week. :wacko: On the 15th so I'm feeling more nervous as that date approaches closer. Part of me wants to know whether or not they'll find any spermies. Part of me don't want to know if it's 0 again. :wacko: I can't win can I? I really feel sorry for him if they're looking at surgery next- they have mentioned surgery as the next step if it's still 0. I'm assuming they mean the ones for "unblocking" the blockage happening down there if that's the case. I'm not sure yet. I'll have to get DH to ask questions for me (if he will). At least I'm able to keep myself busy with taking my 2 online classes and going to 1 class in person. I have two full days of workshops to attend as well on Wed and Thurs next week so that'll keep me busy and from thinking too much about poor DH who has to get his SA.

:hugs: to all of you. Hope it's a good day for everyone!
WOW! Thank you all so very much! :hugs: It is so great to be able to share this with all of you...its something that you can't understand unless you've experienced it! We just told my DHs parents last night. They were so supportive and I feel better having shared it with them! Of course my very best friend knows but I just feel like keeping infertility a secret isn't right, even though its so hard. It seems that admitting it to more and more people, makes it real ya know? But it definitely isnt something to be ashamed of!

We are off to the Urologist this afternoon and I am about to bust with all of the questions I have haha. My DH is in the military and right now we have plenty of time off to just tackle this and found out what our options are! If they say there is any chance we might find some sperm somewhere, then we are not willing to give up!...I say that now haha ;)

Thanks again ladies and good luck to you all! I will let you know how our appointment goes! I am trying to follow all of your stories and I hope to learn each one of you quickly!

I feel blessed to have found all of you!! :hug:
esuzanne - I hope everything works out for you guys today!!! I dont think infertility is something to be ashamed about, but when it comes to keeping it a secret, I think its more because most people dont understand, so it just makes it somewhat easier for you to deal with in your own way. Thats the way I feel at least. Dont get me wrong, you need to tell those who are close to you and you truly trust, just because you need to vent, but its nothing at all to be ashamed of.
Im glad you found us! Everyones cases are just sooo different that you will learn a lot.

deafgal01 - I hope DH SA shows improvement! Hopefully thats all he needed! FX!

raelynn - I think the waiting and not knowing while waiting is the worst! I hope the dates work out with your urologist!

Canadian - How did your urologist visit go>?

As for me....I just got back from the fertility center. I cant believe how nice everyone was, it was such a nice experience, I was not expecting that at all. Everything went super fast and it looks like end of July early Aug we will be starting IVF....IF they find sperm during DH biopsy, which they will know right away. So far we are aiming for that to happen second week of July. I am going to an IVF class on tuesday and wed we sign consent forms. I didnt expect any of this to go so fast, but im excited that its working out. Now all we have to do is pray harder for sperm. Only HUGE downfall to it all is insurance pays pretty much nothing. I dont event think they will cover DH biopsy, but our urologist is trying to see if they can, which is another hold up. DH is going to call them up today to just say dont bother, its not even worth waiting longer, might as well pay the $2k its probably going to cost. All in all the whole IVF + meds will cost around $15K. Crazy, but it is what it is at this point.
Stinas- you're on a roll! Hope it pans out the way they plan it and then you get a bfp at end of summer. :dust:

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