Hi again! I've been watching what's happening with everyone, and it's so exciting that so many of you are seeing some action

So excited for you all and praying hard it works ..... and getting impatient waiting for my turn

but you've all been where I am and it'll come! Everything crossed for you all.
I am just glad that we will finally have an answer on if there are any in there at all!! I mean maybe you girls can help me, this will be the ultimate test, right? The dr also took blood for these tests...FSH, LH, Prolactin, and Testosterone.
Hi esuzanne - just wondering if genetic tests had been mentioned? Esp if you're paying for procedures out of your own pocket maybe these should be done as it may change things. I assume they've excluded a blockage with an ultrasound? Although the hormone tests he's had will point to whether its obstructive or not. It's just that a biopsy is quite a big thing if this stuff hasn't been looked into first, but at least you have a urologist who's got things moving
AFM, me and OH are in quite a good place after his angry time following the bad results. Still waiting for an appointment to schedule mTESE. He got all upset with himself for missing one day of supplements, so I'm glad he's being so proactive (if a bit oversensitive.....!!). I had my first really bad day at work with all this after delivering a baby and then wondering if it'll ever happen for me. Hope it was just a blip and I can keep personal and professional separate most of the time
Wibble wobble, silverbell, snd, raelynn, sun up, MrsC and MJ - good luck with with your treatment. Sending you all the luck in the world.
Deafgal - fingers crossed for good news with your SA
Stinas - you must be so excited! and sooooo nervous!
Canadianmaple - sorry you've still got tough decisions, but at least you're getting somewhere
I'm cheering you all on from the sidelines!! xxx