As someone else mentioned, the thread is pretty long now, so for the newbies, my story in a nutshell ...
- I'm 38 and hubby is 46. We met 6 years ago and got married in 2008. We started trying for a family immediately - nothing happened. I 'knew' something was wrong.
- Got a referral to a fertility clinic and in April 2010, hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia
- Not a blockage and so the only way to see if any sperm were being made was a random biopsy which the NHS did in Oct 2010. 3 very healthy and precious sperm found, but they got rid of them as they said their minimum criteria for freezing was 100. We were told our only options were adoption or donor sperm.
- Decided that we couldn't accept this until we had totally exhausted our opportunities. So we tracked down a highly recommended private urologist, who felt he could help us. So in Oct 2011, after 3 months of tamoxifen / anastrazole for hubby, he performed a microTESE operation on the same day as my EC and managed to find between 30 and 40 sperm - so still TINY numbers!!
- By this time, my fertility levels had dropped more than they should have for someone my age, but they managed to get 8 mature eggs from me. 3 fertilised and went to blastocyst.
- 2 were transferred back in Oct 2011 but
- They were not sure if the other one would go to blastocyst and be good enough to freeze as it was a day behind development-wise, but the following day they called to say all was good and it was in the deep freeze
- So, jump forward to 14th Feb 2012 and we had the final frozen embryo transferred and the rest is history and here we are