I wrote about it in my journal but I'll share here so you know too- some of you probably are curious.
We went there by 9 am and checked DH in for the biopsy procedure. They had a male nurse take us up to the 3rd floor lobby. Very friendly guy- he has a deaf cousin so he was interested in sign language. So we wait in the lobby on the 3rd floor. About half hour or so they came out and fetched DH, he went in alone to change and get settled in the bed. Then they came and got me and we waited in his private room for the dr to come talk to us (both about the biopsy and the general anthesis). Anyways, we waited a long time (maybe it wasn't that long, just another half hour to an hour)... The dr shows up (first time I've met the man that has been checking my DH's sperms/stuff since Jan when we first got the diagnosis). Nice man. Anyways, he explained about the biopsy, what he was going to do and the incision that would fall out on its own. He explained the aftercare too (we got papers on it too). We asked whatever questions we had at that point too- my main one was how long to abstain from sex obviously. 10 to 14 days so no chance of sex before I go to camp.

But that's ok cuz we'll make up for it when I am in between camp and have a quickie before I head off to the other one.

Back to the point, the lady came in and explained the process of putting DH to sleep for the surgery. We didn't have any questions for her. Then they came and walked him to surgery- no wheelchair or beds, he had to walk in the gown they gave him to wear.

Poor guy... But anyways that was the point I had to go back to waiting room (with his glasses) and waited. It took about half hour if not less and then they put him in recovery room. I stayed in the lobby another 30 to 40 minutes during that time and the dr came out to let me know the procedure went fine and again explained the after care- medicine every 4 hours if needed, med must be taken with food, he can shower Saturday and take off the dressing on it. I shook hands with the dr that touched my man's balls...

The only one who has done it in the past one year.

Anyways, a nurse finally came and fetched me so I sat with DH in the room again and he told me about his experience... They put some drugs in the iv and he started feeling whoozy, so he asked "you gave me something didn't you?" They replied with "yeah, just a little cocktail to help you sleep." To which DH replied, "Give me another, bartender."

He's hilarious when he has to be. So anyways, we waited another 20 to 30 minutes before they released him to me. I fetched the car and waited out front for the nurse to wheel my husband to my car (they used a wheelchair this time after the surgery). The jockstrap they put on him looks makeshift.

But it works. I took him home and he's been sitting in his "man" chair all day yesterday and slept in our bed last night, and is back in the "man" chair this morning.
The good man is behaving and not lifting a finger so far.

He said last night that he had wanted to do something productive because he felt useless watching me do everything.

I reminded he has a very important job and that was to rest and take care of these guys in his balls.

He's told me he's not in any pain - just a little discomfort occasionally so overall, not bad for him.

He definitely has been keeping ice on it all day yesterday and today.

So I keep refreshing the ice pack with new ice.
Our cat won't go to my DH though.

Maybe he smells a little funny or something now from the procedure who knows... So she's been coming to me for a lot of attention.
That's our experience with the biopsy in a nutshell... Less than 1/2 hour procedure, checked in 2 hours before, with it scheduled at 11 am and out by 12:45 pm. Glad they put him to sleep for it... I sure wouldn't want to be awake for this kind of procedure. We got home by 2 pm after all the stops I made (to drop off medicine and pick up dog food). Lots of ice and resting while I cater to his every needs. He's able to go to the bathroom on his own.
Good luck to all the ladies out there.