Dealing with azoospermia?

SND - Hope your ok, please dont give up until that witch sings! x
Well ladies, I'm afraid the news from my beta is not good. It came back at 14.8 this morning. My nurse said it could go either way and that I am pregnant but the numbers are so low that I need to be prepared for the worst. Went from cloud nine to complete devastation. :cry: I go back in Monday to see if there is any hope or if I'm heading for a chemical.
raelynn~ I'm crossing my fingers for you that things work out. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. :hugs: You are in my thoughts.
Raelynn- I'm so sorry it came back so low. You get tested again on Sunday? I hope your numbers double for you. Big hugs.

SND- I've been thinking about you a lot and want you to know we're all here to support you.

AFM- My DH spoke to his mom and was very clear with her about how there would not be a miracle. She said she has been praying that our journey would be easier and wished we could have forgone all of the fertility treatment. He assures me she is totally accepting of us using a donor and is excited even. I still want to talk to him tonight once our little guy gets to bed.
Thank you ladies! DH is feeling a little better today....good enough to go to work. He is still in pain, so I have to go bring him that jock strap that the hospital gave him. He says it might help him feel better since he is on his feet all night.

Deb - The fevers have gone away, but if he gets another one I will be calling. I am guessing the pain wont go away anytime soon because they went into both and really dug around to find some, so im sure thats why its taking him a bit longer to get better...or at least thats what I am hoping.

raelynn - :hugs: I still have a ton of hope!!! Dont get upset about the numbers!! Tons of women have low numbers at first....dont let them run you down! Positivity always helps!

Tiger - LOL!! Just try to remember..we were all there once lol Good luck with your meds! We will be a week apart on taking the injections! I think I start around the 25th.

CM - Im sorry DH parents are just NOT getting it. I can understand where they are coming from when saying "it only takes one", but when it comes to our azoo....that one is either stuck in the balls or just not there. They really need to come to terms with it. It sucks, but it is what it is. Its just not right that they are having DH go back and forth about it. I am a very religious person, but im sorry, azoo has nothing to do with religion....yes, praying here and there may help, but ultimately, it cant change it....if it would have been preg naturally by now. I wish you all the best with them, I hope they come to terms with it soon and DH goes with his gut on this and not someone else's influence.

snd - Im sorry about the BFN, but your not out until the witch arrives. Hope everything is ok! lots of :hugs:

DG - Have fun at camp!! Glad to hear DH is doing better! I hope you get wonderful news back!!!
Where's Snd got to? Missing you girl :( hope you are ok x

Thank you, but I'm not.

Sorry you haven't had your good news chic xx me either I was so thinking this is my time we've had enough of the bad luck already... but mother nature has other plans

anyway I'm thinking of you hun xxx it sucks that we are still waiting for that second line xx
Well ladies, I'm afraid the news from my beta is not good. It came back at 14.8 this morning. My nurse said it could go either way and that I am pregnant but the numbers are so low that I need to be prepared for the worst. Went from cloud nine to complete devastation. :cry: I go back in Monday to see if there is any hope or if I'm heading for a chemical.

So sorry to hear you are going through the tests of maybe you are maybe you aren't sending you big hugs :hugs: I hope you just have a slow developer a beanie that is a trouble maker

afm otd was today fri 13th usually a lucky day for me..... but jeeze them 2 words hurt.... not pregnant.... and to top if off af arrived today too.

Gutted comes close to how I feel but I also want to say I'm down but not out... I'll bounce back.... just wasn't my time yet
I'm so sorry wibble wobble. I wish I could say something to make things easier on you.

Stinas- Glad to hear your DH is improving. What a terrible recovery. I agree that praying isn't going to change anything. It can help you cope, but it doesn't change what it is.
Wibble Wobble - So sorry for you BFN! I had hoped for the best for all of us! Thanks for the kind words. I too hope I just have a slow poke/troublemaker onboard.

We broke the news to our parents tonight since they have been following us through the IVF process. What a very trying and tearful night. Trying to cling on to hope but it is tough with this whole not knowing lingering over our heads. I'm absolutely sick of waiting at this point but will have to get by until Monday somehow.
WW - Im sorry...lots of :hugs:

raelynn - They told my cousin twice that her betas were low and to expect a chemical....then nothing happened....then they told her they were still too low and to expect to miscarry....her beautiful healthy happy baby boy will be one Oct 3. Just have some just never know. :flower::hugs:
Wibble Wobble - So sorry for you BFN! I had hoped for the best for all of us! Thanks for the kind words. I too hope I just have a slow poke/troublemaker onboard.

We broke the news to our parents tonight since they have been following us through the IVF process. What a very trying and tearful night. Trying to cling on to hope but it is tough with this whole not knowing lingering over our heads. I'm absolutely sick of waiting at this point but will have to get by until Monday somehow.

I'll keep everything crossed for you :hugs: Monday isn't too far away now
Rae - I'm sorry you're having to go through this worry - I hope MOnday brings you good news :hugs:

WW - so sorry about your result and the witch. Your time will come hun :hugs:

I couldn't agree with CM more about prayer - it's not going to change azoo, but can give you the strength to get through the tough days - although I have to admit, I've had my struggles with my faith through all of this

Hugs to you all xx
Thanks girls, but tested again this morning and negative again. Stopped the progesterone and now waiting on AF to show. Yesterday and last night were the worst. I thought this was the one. But last Thurs night a storm came through and tore the place I worked at up and we had to move in literally 4 days, and I can't help but think that is what happened... I only have one more shot at this and I am out. I think I am going to take a few cycles off and try to loose some weight before wasting my last vial. I am so gutted and heart broken, so I will prolly be awol for a while. I am in such a low place right now... thanks again and sorry to be so negative...
Sending big hugs your way Snd - I am so sorry. This journey is so damn hard and it makes me angry.

Take whatever time you need away, but please know you are always in our thoughts xx :hugs:
SND - I am so sorry you got a negative. My heart breaks for you. Just remember we are all here for you, we all have a very good idea of what you are going through, so please come here to vent as much as you like.
We have all been here for each other at all of our different lows - the same way you have been here for each one of us - chin up :) sending you hugs x
Hey Snd just want to send you a great big (((((hug))))) hope the time away does you some good... see you when you get back :)
snd -:hugs::hugs::hugs: Please dont stay away too long...we like you too much here! :flower:
It's been one month since we heard the news about my hub's first SA. I woke up feeling pretty positive about it. I am still here, we are still together, the Sun is shining. No matter what bumps come in life, it still goes on.

I'm sure that we're going to resolve this issue one way or another. I'm no longer asking the "why me?" questions, or comparing my situation to couples who conceive naturally. That would be like pouring raindrops back into a cloud, as Miss Underwood would say. :)

This sort of thing happens to those who can handle it. I am strong enough to do it. Sometimes I break down and get all weepy, but then I pick myself up because what good is that going to do??

I daydream about my babies, and how much of a good mother I am going to be. I feel like If I picture the end-goal, it will happen! And can you all imagine just how sacred OUR children are going to be? It is going to be much different than those who can just have sex and conceive whenever they want. We are going to be so much more grateful- and it will show in our relatiponships with our children forever.

There will be no wandering thoughts of "am I going to be a good mother, is my husband going to be a good father??" Are you kidding me?!? MESA, TESE, mTESE, ICSI/IVF....we're already sacrificing leaps and bounds before even the faintest beat of a precious heart.

You girls on here have what it takes. :hugs:

Hope my message today has inspired at least some of you.

Love always,
Snd sorry about negative :( I think your plan sounds good. We have had several months off since mc in feb then surgery for me but I think the wait has been good. And you will be doing good for yourself by trying to lose weight etc and you will know you have done everything. We will all have our bfp one day :) hugs girl!
Well... ET was today.. The actual transfer went great ad we got two embryos in..
It was a very emotional day for me.. My clinic chose to do a 5 day transfer bc I had 8 perfect quality embryos.. Well 5 mins before they take me to the operating room for the transfer, the Embryologists came in to show me Which embryos she picked and why.. Well she practically said I didn't have any great quality embryos and they weren't were they really wanted them to be but they have seen many ppl get pregnant from that quality and worse. They grade them on a scale from 1-4 With 1 being completely perfect, 2- bring above average 3 being a little below Average and 4 just bad--- well they graded mine at a 3 and I guess I just didn't expect that.. This is our first IVF cycle and we are using ICSI due to blockage with my hubby.. Since we started.. Everything has went perfect.. My body responded very well to the meds, I had 36 follicles growing-- we retrieved 13 eggs- fertilized 11 with ICSI and then 8 were doing so good they wanted to wait til day 5 to make sure they pick the best...

I'm just a little unsure and don't understand..

I go next Tuesday the 24th for beta preg test..

Should I hpt early?? Looks like I could do that by Thursday/Friday this week..

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