I can't believe it, I got my

this morning, I am in shock! Our 5th IUI worked, so it just goes to show you should not give up, even when hope seems bleek.
I had a feeling it might be positive, as on Saturday afternoon I had some "salmon pink" spotting when I wiped, which then later in the day turned a bit brown and disappeared, there really wasn't much at all, and although I normally get spotting a couple of days before AF but this was too early. At the same time I had an ache, which I can only describe as the feeling I was pulling out a very heavy Tampax (sorry TMI) constantly for a few hours. After that I had a few twinges the next day and nothing except feeling I could sleep for england, not knackered tired but wanting to sleep.
We had the IUI on 5th July, this month they changed my meds to injecting 75ml Gonal-F every day instead of every other day. Then I had two Follies (so I hope I do not have twins!)
Anyway good luck to you all, it just goes to show that we must keep on no matter how hard it gets, and how many failed goes you get.
I think I will have the early scan just to make sure everything is where it should be, to stop me worring, and I hope it sticks, it is quite scarey!
FX for all those waiting and trying.