Well I'm not going to go into details, but we had the most horrific journey down to the appt and Terry seems to think that travelling 130 miles and arriving at 11.27am for an 11.30 am appt is 'perfect timing'!!!!!
Anyway, after the day we're had, my BP was VERY high when we got home so I've just been and slept for an hour and all is normal again thank goodness!
So ... today's appt
Firstly, some great news is that, as things stand now, Terry's testosterone is at a level where it wouldn't be necessary for TRT. I think the lowest in the acceptable range is 8 and his is 8.3 Obviously it will need keeping an eye on, as it is likely to frop with age, as it does in all men, but there no risk to his health with a low level right now
CM - he doesn't really seem bothered about the TRT when the time comes, although a mate of him told him it can cause all sorts of problems and he shouldn't take it - I think he's talking more about people who abuse it - in terms of bodybuilders etc. I guess when the time comes we will research it more and who knows what will come out of the woodwork
Now in terms of a future mTESE. He says he needs to sit down and have a good chat with the embryologists about the quality of what they froze and how they feel about it's viability. The possible options being:
- They feel it's good stuff and would be happy to do another cycle thawing it and only having the mTESE as a back-up
- They would rather use fresh sperm from another hopefully successful mTESE, but are happy to try to use the frozen sperm as a back-up
- They feel the frozen sperm is useless and would only use fresh sperm from another mTESE (which I hope isn't the answer they come back with, else why have they charged us over £900 to freeze it?!!?
Now in option 1 or 2 above, he would happily go ahead and says the blood test results don't suggest a concern over doing it again. However, if it ended up being option 3, he would feel he had to go in really agressively and severely excavate the testes, rather than just see what he could easily get, he would not be happy to do it as it would mean removing a lot of tissue and this would have a big impact on his testosterone production level and his health.
So he's going to speak to the emryologist at the beg of Sept when he's next there and we will go from there. Obviously there's no rush right now. the only reason for going to see hom at this stage was to see if we were wasting time getting him onto the TRT.
Another thing that surprised us was that even he was AMAZED that Terry didn't need so much as a paracetamol after the last procedure. He said considering what he did, he was absolutely astounded!
Anyway, it was a lovely appt - I'd emailed him to tell him we'd been successful with the ICSI, but he was still totally delighted for us and kept sitting back in his chair saying "WOW 25 weeks! - incredible". He's made us promise to send photos although we will probably pop in and see him with the baby as Terry's cousin only lives about 20 mins away from the clinic.
Oh and he also said he should pay me to sit in his waiting room with a big smile on face, looking nice and pregnant to encourage his other patients! I told him I'm all for that as it could pay for our next cycle!!!
Oh and something funny that happened - we drive 130 miles away. walk into the clinic and are greeted by a brochure on the wall for cosmetic surgery with a picture of our PE teacher at school on the front!!!! Not that he's had any surgery done, but he's done a lot of modelling on the past and his pictures get on all sorts of things - very bizarre to walk in and see that!
Sorry for the essay!