Dealing with azoospermia?

Grow eggies GROW!!!!!!!!! Sorry that 4 didn't fertilized but 15 is a good number. :thumbup:
Mobaby - 15 is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYY!!!!! Grow embies grow!!!!!!
Hi everyone!
Thought I'd poke around a little bit today, and am trying to catch up! Sorry for being a crap stalker / member but I'm trying:kiss:

Mo- Thats great! Hope things keep going well!

Deb - you are SO CLOSE!!!:happydance:

Afm, stimming is going well (so they say!) my Sono yesterday showed 14 on the right and not sure how many on the left! I have a 9mm on one side already and an 11mm on the other. I am continuing on menopur/gonal f each night... go back for monitoring Sunday. Hoping that things keep going well:flower:. I am starting to get excited again!!! Yay for something hopeful. I also talked to DH about wanted to put 2 embies in (if we have enough). I'll explain more in my journal, not trying to take up a bunch of room here.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful week!
Sunup - Sounds like your right on track! I felt like the stimming process flies by, but after ET takes FOREVER! Im sure the doc will tell you whats best when it comes to how many to transfer. My doc originally told me due to my age(28) and the fact that its a male factor not female, one is suggested to transfer, BUT...she also said if we only have 2-3 embryos, we are better off transferring two, ultimately it was up to us.....we transfered two. Dont stress out about the rating of the embryos either...TOTALLY not worth it. I had one ok and one perfect hatching embryo and it didnt dont stress......once they are in, you did all you can do. Hope for the best! I am routing for you!
Hey everybody :wave:

Long time, no speak. I've been wallowing in my own journal :blush:

Lots of IVF stuff going on lately - good luck to you all, as well as to those of you doing IUI and awaiting the results/operation dates for retrievals. :dust: I think of you guys always. :hugs:
Transfer complete!! 2 beautiful blasts!!! We have 5 morulas cooking so may turn into some frosties...will get update tomorrow.

Also they used dh fresh sperm!!!! No frozen required!!! The embryologists said she has to really search around but had plenty good ones from his sample :) Yay! Sooo see girls anything is possible!! If there are a few there in the sa then you can do icsi without the biopsy... Our doctors were doubtful but we kept our faith and believed :) now my 9 day wait for beta!!!!
What wonderful news, MoBaby. Very pleased to hear this and keeping everything crossed for your sticky :bfp:
Hi girls!

Well I'm so glad I found this thread, been searching all over the net for info but it's all so vague! Was hoping you girls would be able to answer some of my questions. Forgive me, unfortunately I only briefly scanned through the first few pages of the thread - it's SOOO long! But here's my story:

Today 2 weeks ago DH went for an SA and they found NO sperm in his sample. As far as I can tell from the report, they "spinned" some of it and still couldn't find anything. The semen was alkaline and there was fructose present, the amount of semen ejaculated was within the normal range. The sample was submitted 2 days after our last intercourse and it was apparently tested 90 minutes after the emission. Everything was fine, except that there was 0 sperm.

We have been together for 10 (almost 11) years and married almost 4 (I'm 27 and he's almost 29). We only started TTC at the end of January this year, but I immediately intuitively felt that something was wrong somewhere. So I went for a pelvic exam and ultrasound (end July) and because I'm a bit overweight since very recently, I also had some bloodwork done to test for various things that could potentially influence my fertility. All came back normal, save for a very slight degree of insulin resistance (but NOT PCOS). After knowing this, we were confident that DH's SA wasn't going to be coming back too good, but we didn't expect THIS!

DH had 2 operations as a child to correct retractile testes and also had an emergency operation for a testicular torsion when he was little. I'm not too sure how long his testes were retracted for, so I can't say if that could be a factor. However, I do suspect that these operations may have caused an obstruction leading to the azoospermia. I also suspect that he might have a varicocele since he has quite a big blue vein visible in those parts. We are seeing a urologist about the matter on October 15th.

My question:

Do you also think that the above surgeries could have caused the problem? Have any of your DHs experienced post-surgery fertility problems?


DH has smallish firm testes (I have - to my nausea - had to surf the net and look at pics - ugh - to compare, and his definitely aren't big). I am KILLING myself worrying that these might be cause for concern since I've read that it can be a sign of Klinefelter's syndrome, which is basically a death sentence to our dreams of having a biological family. He does not have ANY other signs of this syndrome except maybe for his testes and the infertility. He has a cousin with unexplained infertility (don't know if it's similar to DH's case; I have never met the cousin). Do you guys think it's possible he has Klinefelter's? I sure hope not!

I was so pleased to read about some BFP's! It really gives me a glimmer of hope!
Hi BettiS

I'm so sorry you find yourself here.

There are indeed a few other ladies on this thread that have husbands who had surgery in their younger years that caused the azoospermia and I'm sure they'll be along to post their experiences soon.

I also just wanted to say that my husband has Klinefelter's and although we weren't lucky, there are cases of men with Klinefelter's having sperm retrieved via biopsy (we were told there was a 5% chance in men with KS). So it's isn't necessarily the end of your plans of a biological family together, though of course I can understand that a 5% chance is pretty shocking. We're now using donor sperm to try to get the family we've always wanted.

I'm not sure where you live, but I would get to your doctor prior to the October appointment and see if they will arrange genetic blood tests for your DH to exclude Klinefelter's and other genetic issues that could have caused the azoospermia. The tests required are karyotype (for KS), Y-microdeletions and Cystic Fibrosis carrier. The results can take a good couple of weeks to come through. You may need to do some investigations about where these tests are done, as for us it wasn't a local hospital and so I had to tell my local hospital where to send the bloods for analysis. Your DH should also have his Testosterone and FSH checked by a blood test (plus possibly LH and prolactin). Again, hopefully this is something the doctor can sort for you.

I hope you get lots of answers at your appointment in October. :hugs:
hi BettyS: everything silverbell said. My DH had operations for the same things when he was a child and he was diagnosed with azo by the urologist.... we were devastated... the urologist did all the test silver was talking about and found nothing. Only explination was the surgeries. The urologist said that wasnt it and he needed a biopsy to extract sperm and it would cost all this money. We refused to believe this and asked for a repeat SA. This showed some sperm and we were thrilled (it was only a few, but still there were some!!). So we decided that we were not going to do the biopsy and we went with IVF with ICSI... I wont go into all the details now but I recommend a repeat SA and having the test silver talks about. They can also do a scrotal ultrasound which can check for varicocele and may see a blockage. My DH does not have klinefelters or anything genetically wrong with him. Karotype is normal male. Our urologist refused to do any futher testing for us except the biopsy. I think once you see the urologist you will get some more answers. Sorry you have to deal with this :(
Morning girls! Sorry I have been away for a while... just don't feel like I fit in much anywhere at the moment as I am at a stand still for right now. But I have been lurking and cheering you all on silently!!! :flower:

Firstly, I want to say welcome to the new girls, but am SO sorry to see you here! This is not a "club" any of us want to be a member of, but it is what it is and we are all here for you whenever! :hugs:

:dust: to those in the 2WW and those fixing to get started again!!!

AFM- Since my last failed IUI, I decided to take some time off to figure out my next move and try to loose some more weight, only to piss around for the last two months and not do squat! So, for the past 2 weeks, I have finally gotten back in the gym! :bodyb: 1 lb. down, a cazillion more to go!

After some soul searching, I decided to bite the bullet and go for IVF this last round, only to find out my clinic's IVF financing program decided to quit financing fertility procedures 2 months ago!!!!! :brat: My freakin' luck!!!!!! So they are trying to find another company to hook up with. I gave the girl a few I had found on the net and told her to get busy!! :haha: Although they would have paid for the procedure, I still have to come outta pocket for the meds, a whopping $3000! I was going to ask my aunt to borrow the money for the meds, and my other aunt suggested now asking her for the whole amount, but I just can't do that! So now I am back to square one! What to do?!! Should I try one last IUI with my last vial, or keep waiting to see if they find another company?! IDK!!!! If I only would have decided to do this sooner...... :nope: If, If, IF!!!

You know what I miss? I miss being niave! l miss having a glimmer of hope in trying the old fashioned way! I miss not knowing anything about azoospermia or that it even existed! I miss being the "old" me!!!! Now I'm this medical junkie with information overload!! I just wish we could all be "normal" like others and get pg without effort!!! Sorry to spazz out and scare any of the new girls, but this is not an easy road for some of us! :cry:

And on a last note, I miss some of the old girls from here... I've been on this thread for a little over a year; so many have moved on and some of us are still here in limbo azoo-hell! Guess I am a little hormonal today! :blush:

:hugs: to all that have made it this far in reading!!!
Welcome BettiS. Sorry you find yourself here.

I will post more when i'm not on my phone, but just wanted to say that small testicles is not necessarily a sign of ks. It is a sign of some degree of testicular failure, but not necessarily total failure. There are many causes of this failure - ks is just one of many x
Welcome BettiS- I myself am just learning about all of this so I cant shed much light on the subject. But, did want to welcome you. As rough as this is to go through, its good to know there is support and people dealing with the same thing you are.
Morning girls! Sorry I have been away for a while... just don't feel like I fit in much anywhere at the moment as I am at a stand still for right now. But I have been lurking and cheering you all on silently!!! :flower:

Firstly, I want to say welcome to the new girls, but am SO sorry to see you here! This is not a "club" any of us want to be a member of, but it is what it is and we are all here for you whenever! :hugs:

:dust: to those in the 2WW and those fixing to get started again!!!

AFM- Since my last failed IUI, I decided to take some time off to figure out my next move and try to loose some more weight, only to piss around for the last two months and not do squat! So, for the past 2 weeks, I have finally gotten back in the gym! :bodyb: 1 lb. down, a cazillion more to go!

After some soul searching, I decided to bite the bullet and go for IVF this last round, only to find out my clinic's IVF financing program decided to quit financing fertility procedures 2 months ago!!!!! :brat: My freakin' luck!!!!!! So they are trying to find another company to hook up with. I gave the girl a few I had found on the net and told her to get busy!! :haha: Although they would have paid for the procedure, I still have to come outta pocket for the meds, a whopping $3000! I was going to ask my aunt to borrow the money for the meds, and my other aunt suggested now asking her for the whole amount, but I just can't do that! So now I am back to square one! What to do?!! Should I try one last IUI with my last vial, or keep waiting to see if they find another company?! IDK!!!! If I only would have decided to do this sooner...... :nope: If, If, IF!!!

You know what I miss? I miss being niave! l miss having a glimmer of hope in trying the old fashioned way! I miss not knowing anything about azoospermia or that it even existed! I miss being the "old" me!!!! Now I'm this medical junkie with information overload!! I just wish we could all be "normal" like others and get pg without effort!!! Sorry to spazz out and scare any of the new girls, but this is not an easy road for some of us! :cry:

And on a last note, I miss some of the old girls from here... I've been on this thread for a little over a year; so many have moved on and some of us are still here in limbo azoo-hell! Guess I am a little hormonal today! :blush:

:hugs: to all that have made it this far in reading!!!

BIG :hugs::hugs: to you, darling.

I can relate to everything you've said, it's the pure frustration and just, plain unfairness of it all. This really is a condition that no-else can understand unless they are actually going through it themselves.

I'm not around much these days, as we too are at a standstill, BUT always here for you - and all the lovelies who find themselves here.

Much love and :hugs: to all,

C xx
Betti - Im soooo sorry to find you here, but you did find an amazing group of ladies with tons of knowledge that can help guide you through this shitty situation. I agree with the ladies when it comes to blood tests. Go right away to your doc and have all those tests done BEFORE going to the urologist. Its soooo much easier and saves you TONS of time! No matter what, the Urologist will make you do them, so better now than later. Azoo is a big waiting game, so knowledge is power and makes things go by a little faster. Once they get all those results back and they determine what it can be, I would do the biopsy and make sure you freeze whatever they find....your husband wont want to do the biopsy again.

Snd - Hiii!!! Sorry you are in limbo! It sucks. If your aunt offered, I would go for it, if you get the funding that is.
Your not alone with missing TTC the old fashioned way. I wish I could go back to that mind frame. I was frustrated then after a while too, but nothing like this. We cant change azoo, so we just have to suck it up and move along...make it as best as we can.
Snd - So sorry you're going through such a tough time right now. I think what you say is where a lot of us wish we were. Wouldn't it be so easy if all of us could just have sex and pop out babies with ease? Hope that you find the best next step for you and congrats on losing weight! I need to get that motivation again!

AFM - Still in 2ww limbo. 1st week went by pretty easily but now I'm starting to get impatient again.

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