Dealing with azoospermia?

My hubby had blood tests which was ordered by GP..and those test results shows that hormones were in normal the urologist again asked for blood tests according to him which will show whether this is obstructive or non obstructive question is that do you girls think there would be any difference between the previous blood tests results and the current blood test result which we will receive very soon ? I think so all of your hubbies had blood tests so were those of urologist blood tests result differed from the previous one ? and another thing what urologist told us that if there would be no production of sperms so we could not do anything in that case but what I have seen on internet nowadays there are treatments available for the most worst case as well ..

Loved your post about making time for each other and fun time together.You and your hubby stay strong.

Ive heard/seen lots of people reporting about DR Ramsey, If you could share what you find out about him?

What date is your app?
My hubby is all wound up about this app and we know this is going t decide if we go for it with hubby (if we can) or if its deffo donor.

Got so many questions we need answered xxxxx
I still need to research him properly, but will let you know what I find out about Dr Ramsay.
Our NHS appointment is 15th May. Can not come soon enough!
Fingers tightly crossed for you both. XXXXX
Tulip - the blood levels can definitely change (they did with DH), and therefore it's always good to do them at least twice (or even 3 times). I'm not sure how blood tests will show if it's non-obstructive or obstructive. They can only give you a partial answer to that. If his FSH is very high it probably means non-obstructive, but if it's normal it could mean both. He needs to get an ultrasound then. For example DH has fairly normal hormone levels but still non-obstructive.

To find out if there is no sperm production at all he'll need to have an mTESE. I don't want to sound too negative, but the truth is that if they find nothing in a surgical sperm extraction there is really not much that can be done (most likely nothing). Then you'd have to consider donor sperm.
My hubby had blood tests which was ordered by GP..and those test results shows that hormones were in normal the urologist again asked for blood tests according to him which will show whether this is obstructive or non obstructive question is that do you girls think there would be any difference between the previous blood tests results and the current blood test result which we will receive very soon ? I think so all of your hubbies had blood tests so were those of urologist blood tests result differed from the previous one ? and another thing what urologist told us that if there would be no production of sperms so we could not do anything in that case but what I have seen on internet nowadays there are treatments available for the most worst case as well ..

Tulip - A urologist will always want to take his own blood tests. I believe they test for other things as well as what the gp took.
My DH's blood results were the same both times. If all his levels are in normal range, they do seem to lean towards obstructive azoo. Which then start the ultrasounds and such.
There has to be a reason for no production of sperm before they can tell you they cant do anything. No doctor should tell you they cant do anything before testing every option out first. If someone makes you feel that way, change doctors asap! A good doc should want to try every option before going the donor route!
If his tests come back normal, even if they are slightly high or low, I would highly suggest getting a TESE done....BUT have them FREEZE anything they find!! You wouldnt want to go through that again if you dont have to.
When they did that to my DH...they found a couple "normal" sperm, but had plenty of sperm in the tissue that could be used for IVF. Doc put DH on clomid thinking it could help production, but then figured out it was a blockage. He found a cyst in his prostate, we removed it, but it was not the blockage. Apparently the blockage is much lower. He told us to do one more round of IVF and if it did not work, we would do reconstructive surgery to re route the main vessel that produces/shoots out sperm. Sorry, I forget the proper terms, but you get the point. Thankfully this round of IVF was a success.
Ask all the questions you can possibly ask. If they are cold and rude, LEAVE. The OBGYN that gave me DH's results basically told me donor was our only route....I feel like sending her all my ultrasounds confirming our biological twins! Bitch!
This is a super hard process that takes time, you just have to be as patient as possible and very on top of things/apts.
Thanks AuCa and Stinas.. its ok Stinas n congratulation for a successful IVF round. Have H & H 9 months :)
Stinas- lol @ the bitch bit hahaha.

Girls can i ask you a question and be honest, I want to be as prepared as possible and i know stinas and auca have been through this-
after reading tulips post im a bit worried.

My hubby has FSH @ 351 and on the low test, the S said its pointing towards NOA, which we thought as hubby at mumps as an adult, so we know/presume it affected production.

He has only had 1 set of bloods but it was done at the urologist clinic, he hasnt had any physical exam or ultrasound, will this still be done in a NOA case?

am i right in thinking this is worst case scenario and Donor is more likely here? will he still hav to have some of the tests regardless?

thanks xxx
Stinas- lol @ the bitch bit hahaha.

Girls can i ask you a question and be honest, I want to be as prepared as possible and i know stinas and auca have been through this-
after reading tulips post im a bit worried.

My hubby has FSH @ 351 and on the low test, the S said its pointing towards NOA, which we thought as hubby at mumps as an adult, so we know/presume it affected production.

He has only had 1 set of bloods but it was done at the urologist clinic, he hasnt had any physical exam or ultrasound, will this still be done in a NOA case?

am i right in thinking this is worst case scenario and Donor is more likely here? will he still hav to have some of the tests regardless?

thanks xxx

Does your doc know that he had mumps as an adult?
The thing is that every doc just does what he/she thinks is right. Not all of them order the same tests. Therefore it is hard to say if they're going to do an ultrasound or not. I would be very(!) surprised though if they don't do a physical at least.
Actually we specifically asked DH's GP for the ultrasound (our fertility doc said it wasn't needed). If you're unsure, ask the doc at your next appointment and ask them to do it. And like I said, even your GP can probably order one.

There is no way to tell if they'll find sperm or not, but I would still be hopeful in your case! My husband was actually also diagnosed of probably having had an infection (not sure if it was mumps-related or a different virus/bacteria) in his childhood which caused his condition. This was based on the ultrasound (DH cannot remember ever having mumps or anything).
My husband's FSH is not very high, and he actually still produces a few sperm, so his tissue probably was not entirely destroyed. I'm just saying this to give you some hope. Don't give up yet :hugs::hugs:
According to my hubby in his childhood he had some kind of infection so dr said that probably was mumps.
MrsG30 I am really sorry if my posts made you worried...I wish you all the very best.
Stinas- lol @ the bitch bit hahaha.

Girls can i ask you a question and be honest, I want to be as prepared as possible and i know stinas and auca have been through this-
after reading tulips post im a bit worried.

My hubby has FSH @ 351 and on the low test, the S said its pointing towards NOA, which we thought as hubby at mumps as an adult, so we know/presume it affected production.

He has only had 1 set of bloods but it was done at the urologist clinic, he hasnt had any physical exam or ultrasound, will this still be done in a NOA case?

am i right in thinking this is worst case scenario and Donor is more likely here? will he still hav to have some of the tests regardless?

thanks xxx

Auca- oh yeah they know- they looked horrified and his Sa's are always nil- so to be honest they have tried to prepare us for the worst, hence us starting the donor route as back up already.

I know they obviously are going to try.something(s) or we wouldn't be going to the specialist but its the unknown that does my head in.

Thanks for the advice hun xxxx

Does your doc know that he had mumps as an adult?
The thing is that every doc just does what he/she thinks is right. Not all of them order the same tests. Therefore it is hard to say if they're going to do an ultrasound or not. I would be very(!) surprised though if they don't do a physical at least.
Actually we specifically asked DH's GP for the ultrasound (our fertility doc said it wasn't needed). If you're unsure, ask the doc at your next appointment and ask them to do it. And like I said, even your GP can probably order one.

There is no way to tell if they'll find sperm or not, but I would still be hopeful in your case! My husband was actually also diagnosed of probably having had an infection (not sure if it was mumps-related or a different virus/bacteria) in his childhood which caused his condition. This was based on the ultrasound (DH cannot remember ever having mumps or anything).
My husband's FSH is not very high, and he actually still produces a few sperm, so his tissue probably was not entirely destroyed. I'm just saying this to give you some hope. Don't give up yet :hugs::hugs:

According to my hubby in his childhood he had some kind of infection so dr said that probably was mumps.
MrsG30 I am really sorry if my posts made you worried...I wish you all the very best.

dont worry hun, I like to know these things, i like to be prepared and also hear how you are getting on xx
Stinas- lol @ the bitch bit hahaha.

Girls can i ask you a question and be honest, I want to be as prepared as possible and i know stinas and auca have been through this-
after reading tulips post im a bit worried.

My hubby has FSH @ 351 and on the low test, the S said its pointing towards NOA, which we thought as hubby at mumps as an adult, so we know/presume it affected production.

He has only had 1 set of bloods but it was done at the urologist clinic, he hasnt had any physical exam or ultrasound, will this still be done in a NOA case?

am i right in thinking this is worst case scenario and Donor is more likely here? will he still hav to have some of the tests regardless?

thanks xxx

I heard from my fertility specialist as well as the urologist that the hormones will give them an idea, but won't tell them whether they will find sperm. The odds are 50% of finding sperm that is useable in IVF.

I would recommend doing an ultrasound anyways... because it will ensure that there isn't an obstruction in addition to NOA issues.

With low testosterone, I think there are meds (i.e. HCG shots and Clomid) that would be helpful in bringing up his testosterone and start producing sperm and ensure the best possible chance of finding sperm in a mTESE.
Thanks or that its really interesting. Not long to wat now, less than 2 weeks:hugs:
Stinas- lol @ the bitch bit hahaha.

Girls can i ask you a question and be honest, I want to be as prepared as possible and i know stinas and auca have been through this-
after reading tulips post im a bit worried.

My hubby has FSH @ 351 and on the low test, the S said its pointing towards NOA, which we thought as hubby at mumps as an adult, so we know/presume it affected production.

He has only had 1 set of bloods but it was done at the urologist clinic, he hasnt had any physical exam or ultrasound, will this still be done in a NOA case?

am i right in thinking this is worst case scenario and Donor is more likely here? will he still hav to have some of the tests regardless?

thanks xxx

I heard from my fertility specialist as well as the urologist that the hormones will give them an idea, but won't tell them whether they will find sperm. The odds are 50% of finding sperm that is useable in IVF.

I would recommend doing an ultrasound anyways... because it will ensure that there isn't an obstruction in addition to NOA issues.

With low testosterone, I think there are meds (i.e. HCG shots and Clomid) that would be helpful in bringing up his testosterone and start producing sperm and ensure the best possible chance of finding sperm in a mTESE.
My DH and I went to a local urologist after two SAs showing zero sperm. The urologist did a physical exam and went over family and medical history. He said that he didn't feel any vas deferens, and this makes sense considering one of my DH's brothers is unable to conceive.
He referred us to a reproductive specialist.
We don't necessarily want to go through IVF or any other assistance, BUT I do want to make sure that missing vas deferents is the cause....
Does anyone know what the next steps would be at the reproductive center? Physical exam, blood tests, ultrasound????
Hi sdb123 we had our first appointment with urologist on 23rd April where he did physical examination, asked about history, some general questions...he explained about azoospermia. Then he ordered blood tests at the same time, so my hubby submitted blood samples and yes before everything nurse came to my hubby and asked for urine sample as well...they told us that we ill receive our appointments for ultra sound and SA by post or telephone then when we ill have our appointments
we ill be informed about urine and blood tests results. .but dr said that blood result ill show whether this is obstructive or non obstructive azoospermia he didn't refer us to FS.
Seems every clinic does things differently.
We went to a FS first, they did SA's and bloodwork then were going to urologist in May, We only go back to FS once were completly finished with urology.
There is plenty girls on here who's Hubby's have been through the exct saee so im sure they will be along soon to explain what they did/didnt do.

Take care xxx
My DH and I went to a local urologist after two SAs showing zero sperm. The urologist did a physical exam and went over family and medical history. He said that he didn't feel any vas deferens, and this makes sense considering one of my DH's brothers is unable to conceive.
He referred us to a reproductive specialist.
We don't necessarily want to go through IVF or any other assistance, BUT I do want to make sure that missing vas deferents is the cause....
Does anyone know what the next steps would be at the reproductive center? Physical exam, blood tests, ultrasound????
My DH and I went to a local urologist after two SAs showing zero sperm. The urologist did a physical exam and went over family and medical history. He said that he didn't feel any vas deferens, and this makes sense considering one of my DH's brothers is unable to conceive.
He referred us to a reproductive specialist.
We don't necessarily want to go through IVF or any other assistance, BUT I do want to make sure that missing vas deferents is the cause....
Does anyone know what the next steps would be at the reproductive center? Physical exam, blood tests, ultrasound????

Your DH should do a test for CF (Cystic Fibrosis). As far as I know a missing vas deferens is very often caused by being a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis.
I'm pretty confident your specialist will order this test as a first step, as it seems the most intuitive. He'll probably order hormone blood tests, most likely will do an ultrasound.
Thank you ladies for the replies. I think I will call the reproductive center this week and explain the situation. Hopefully they can give us insight as to what they will be doing before we travel and pay to see them!
Hey, ladies, just a quick update for anyone following what's going on with our experience with azoos...DH has obstructive azoospermia, had surgery Sept.28th/12, and we just got another SA done today, and his count more than tripled in 2 months! Hoping we see more improvement in 2 months time...

Ok I am new to both forums and just starting down the path of infertility and the treatment that comes with it and feel I know nothing! Been TTC for over a year, after six months they did initial tests on both me and hubby and said everything was fine - after a year we went back and on looking back on those first tests they realised that the somewhat incompetent first Doctor was wrong and actually hubby was azoospermic! (Don't ask me how the hell he managed to interpret that test result wrongly).

Anyway, after a consult on Monday the Urology guy said that he thought it was congenital and that there would be little chance of any sperm being there on biopsy. He won't do a biopsy though as he wants fertility clinic to do it as then they can freeze anything they do find there and then.

I'm awaiting tests to make sure all's working with me but so far so good.

Does this sound usual? We were somewhat taken aback that he could make such a certain diagnosis off examination, hormone levels and a sperm sample. Think we're both feeling completely lost at moment as have no idea what happens now and what, if anything is possible. Urology guy said it would have to be IVF with sperm donor or adoption - is that right?

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