Dealing with azoospermia?

Thanks MrsMo....when did you had review appointment after your first appointment ? My prayers are with you and all other who are going through this phase may we all have a successful end ...all the best hun ...stay blessed .:):)
We didn't have a review appointment, we got sent the blood results and he just asked in the letter if we wanted to progress to MESA/TESE to contact his secretary to arrange it which is what we did. (He had already explained about the procedure at the first appointment.)
Hi MrsMo,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My husband has Sertoli-Cell Only as well which is a real kicker! His FSH was raised. We were diagnosed after a minimally invasive fine needle aspiration but our doctor still wants to try mTESE as improvements in the technique apparently mean there is still a chance of finding sperm. I'm a little skeptic to be honest but since they gave us 20% chance of finding sperm we'll most probably go ahead with it. It's unlikely that they will find many sperm so it'll be done in sync with an IVF cycle so we can use fresh eggs and sperm.

It took me a while to get my dh to discuss the donor sperm option. I found a website that's called the Donor Conception Network and he was able to read stories written by the resulting children, parents and donors. He is now fully on board with that being our backup if we don't find sperm during our mTESE. At our clinic you also have to go to a mandatory counseling session if you are about to use donor sperm or eggs and this may help you.

Thanks for your replies Mikihob and Hopeful Cat. We've already been told the sperm bank which will give us the best choice here is the European Sperm Bank but that's interesting about the facial recognition. Even looking on the European site, I was amazed and pleased about how much information you can actually find out about donors.

I have an appointment with the gynaecologist today (was booked hoping it would be to sort out the IVF side of things using DH sperm and sort out all the drugs I'll need due to my low AMH) so I will ask for more info about donor sperm, how we go about it and whether they recommend/insist on counselling. Hopefully should have a lot more information this afternoon!

I am so glad I found this forum! Thank you everyone for the support!! :hugs:
Good luck to all of you ladies!

Yes, I noticed every dr do things differently even if they are in the same country sometimes. :shrug: I think the diagnosis becomes easier to deal with over time, as we get more answers or get closer to a solution to getting our forever babies. I still need to undergo blood screening before I do the iui procedure with donor sperm, about 2 more cycles before I officially start that.
hi Hopeful

this really helped me as we have our first app with urologist on 9th may and wasn't sure what to expect.
My hubby has told me quite straightly unless we get a high of them finding sperm we are going straight to donor!!! Dont know if he will still feel like that after our app.

Hi MrsMo,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My husband has Sertoli-Cell Only as well which is a real kicker! His FSH was raised. We were diagnosed after a minimally invasive fine needle aspiration but our doctor still wants to try mTESE as improvements in the technique apparently mean there is still a chance of finding sperm. I'm a little skeptic to be honest but since they gave us 20% chance of finding sperm we'll most probably go ahead with it. It's unlikely that they will find many sperm so it'll be done in sync with an IVF cycle so we can use fresh eggs and sperm.

It took me a while to get my dh to discuss the donor sperm option. I found a website that's called the Donor Conception Network and he was able to read stories written by the resulting children, parents and donors. He is now fully on board with that being our backup if we don't find sperm during our mTESE. At our clinic you also have to go to a mandatory counseling session if you are about to use donor sperm or eggs and this may help you.

Mrs G30, I know everyone reacts differently to procedures and anaesthetics but my husband had no pain and said he actually felt like he hadn't had anything done after the TESE. He was off work for just one day after the procedure and would have gone back that day if it wasn't for the GA meaning he couldn't drive yet. His stitches are dissolvable and his only complaint after the surgery was having a sore back from lying so flat. He was only in theatre for about 45 minutes. He was surprisingly alert straight away and wanted to leave to go and have lunch very soon afterwards! Just some more information for your DH in case he does change his mind. :hugs:

hi Hopeful

this really helped me as we have our first app with urologist on 9th may and wasn't sure what to expect.
My hubby has told me quite straightly unless we get a high of them finding sperm we are going straight to donor!!! Dont know if he will still feel like that after our app.

Hi MrsMo,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My husband has Sertoli-Cell Only as well which is a real kicker! His FSH was raised. We were diagnosed after a minimally invasive fine needle aspiration but our doctor still wants to try mTESE as improvements in the technique apparently mean there is still a chance of finding sperm. I'm a little skeptic to be honest but since they gave us 20% chance of finding sperm we'll most probably go ahead with it. It's unlikely that they will find many sperm so it'll be done in sync with an IVF cycle so we can use fresh eggs and sperm.

It took me a while to get my dh to discuss the donor sperm option. I found a website that's called the Donor Conception Network and he was able to read stories written by the resulting children, parents and donors. He is now fully on board with that being our backup if we don't find sperm during our mTESE. At our clinic you also have to go to a mandatory counseling session if you are about to use donor sperm or eggs and this may help you.

where in the Uk are you? where Newcastle.

To be honest i don't think hes frightened or anything like that, Im really worried if he can take anymore knocks and I don't know how high the % of chance would have to for him to think it was worth it. Its such a mess.
After the inital fine needle, will they then decide if the tese is needed? im Even confused as too what tests are and will be needed. Doesnt help my hubby works away from home too.

What your next plans? xxxx:hugs:
Mrs G30, I know everyone reacts differently to procedures and anaesthetics but my husband had no pain and said he actually felt like he hadn't had anything done after the TESE. He was off work for just one day after the procedure and would have gone back that day if it wasn't for the GA meaning he couldn't drive yet. His stitches are dissolvable and his only complaint after the surgery was having a sore back from lying so flat. He was only in theatre for about 45 minutes. He was surprisingly alert straight away and wanted to leave to go and have lunch very soon afterwards! Just some more information for your DH in case he does change his mind. :hugs:

hi Hopeful

this really helped me as we have our first app with urologist on 9th may and wasn't sure what to expect.
My hubby has told me quite straightly unless we get a high of them finding sperm we are going straight to donor!!! Dont know if he will still feel like that after our app.

Hi MrsMo,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My husband has Sertoli-Cell Only as well which is a real kicker! His FSH was raised. We were diagnosed after a minimally invasive fine needle aspiration but our doctor still wants to try mTESE as improvements in the technique apparently mean there is still a chance of finding sperm. I'm a little skeptic to be honest but since they gave us 20% chance of finding sperm we'll most probably go ahead with it. It's unlikely that they will find many sperm so it'll be done in sync with an IVF cycle so we can use fresh eggs and sperm.

It took me a while to get my dh to discuss the donor sperm option. I found a website that's called the Donor Conception Network and he was able to read stories written by the resulting children, parents and donors. He is now fully on board with that being our backup if we don't find sperm during our mTESE. At our clinic you also have to go to a mandatory counseling session if you are about to use donor sperm or eggs and this may help you.

Hi everyone. I've just been reading your messages and it's really helped me to read some success stories. I am so sorry you are all having to go through this, I know it's rough as my DH and I are going through it too.
We've been TTC now for just over a year. We went to the GP in November as we were concerned that nothing was happening and found out after 2 SA that he was azoospermic. I couldn't believe it but at the same time I'd kinda known there was something not right. DH has been told by the urologist in late Jan that he probably has non-obstructive azoospermia and there's little chance of finding any sperm. We were left feeling completely deflated with no-one to talk to about it, I wish I'd found this thread sooner!
After being referred to the FS in December we FINALLY got an appointment through for May 15th. I'm hoping that they will get the ball rolling and get DH booked in for a biopsy so that we know for certain that there are no sperm, then we're thinking of using a DS.
Anyway, thanks again for all sharing your experiences. It really helps to be able to talk to someone in the same boat, as I've not been able to talk to anyone else about it and it's such a relief to get it all out!
Wishing you all the best luck in getting your babies! X
your at exactly the same stage as us- our app is the 9th may xxx
Hi everyone. I've just been reading your messages and it's really helped me to read some success stories. I am so sorry you are all having to go through this, I know it's rough as my DH and I are going through it too.
We've been TTC now for just over a year. We went to the GP in November as we were concerned that nothing was happening and found out after 2 SA that he was azoospermic. I couldn't believe it but at the same time I'd kinda known there was something not right. DH has been told by the urologist in late Jan that he probably has non-obstructive azoospermia and there's little chance of finding any sperm. We were left feeling completely deflated with no-one to talk to about it, I wish I'd found this thread sooner!
After being referred to the FS in December we FINALLY got an appointment through for May 15th. I'm hoping that they will get the ball rolling and get DH booked in for a biopsy so that we know for certain that there are no sperm, then we're thinking of using a DS.
Anyway, thanks again for all sharing your experiences. It really helps to be able to talk to someone in the same boat, as I've not been able to talk to anyone else about it and it's such a relief to get it all out!
Wishing you all the best luck in getting your babies! X
Mrs G, we're in Glasgow. Today went OK, GP wouldn't do blood tests as we've gone private so says he's not allowed. Just means more waiting as can't complete all paperwork until results are back so can't proceed. Appt next week for consents and they've said they'll take my blood then but we can't start the treatment until we have results. We will have to wait for sperm to be delivered now anyway so not a big issue really. Just need to choose some! :wacko:

Rainbow, I wish I'd found this forum earlier too! Even in the last couple of days I've found it a comfort to know I can come here and vent and find out about others' experiences.
I have a question...Are urologist and FS appointments two different things? Like after urologist appointment and review appointment do they refers person to FS appointment ?
Sorry I forgot to answer your question Mrs G - our urologist does the MESA aspiration and the TESE (if MESA doesn't work - the embryologist is there to check it straight away) during the same procedure so does it all under GA. He says you don't really know you won't find anything until you look (unless there is a result in bloods which would mean there's definitely no sperm) so once all usual blood tests/genetic tests done we just scheduled that.
I have a question...Are urologist and FS appointments two different things? Like after urologist appointment and review appointment do they refers person to FS appointment ?
Is FS fertility specialist? We saw urologist first, got this done and then had to see gynaecologist to discuss the actual IVF/ICSI side of things (we did that today so also discussed donor sperm and how we go about that).
Hi girls

Just wondering if any of you has heard anything from CM after the death of her husband...been thinking about her a lot and just wondering how things are going.
we had to see our GP's for my bloodwork then i had ultrasound etc.
Then hubby did first SA.
azzo result.
Sent to see FS.
referred to urology then back to FS for a treatment plan.

seem likes its different all over the UK never ind overseas.

tulip- i would b e expecting after the urologist has done his/her bit they pass you back to the FS.

MrsMo- Where you getting sperm from? (thats sound awful dont it) ha
Will you get your IVF/ free?

hopefully were all gonna b getting down to it at the same time xxx
All the too-ing and fro-ing between specialists takes so bloomin' long doesn't it?! I was hoping that when we have our appointment on the 15th with the FS they might be able to start the tests to see whether they could find any sperm but it sounds like he'll have to go back to the urologist (who said that he was discharging DH as there was nothing else he could do!?).
I wish we could afford to go private as it seems like with the NHS there is just waiting list after waiting list. We got our pre-appointment letter through saying that we would be given appointments/slips to make more appointments with different departments for certain scans and blood tests for me to have (which I can understand is useful) but it would save a lot of time if they just told me to book scan appointments now so that I have the results when we go and see them on the 15th. ARGH!

MrsMo - how do you go about choosing a sperm donor? Have your clinic been able to advise you on where to look for it? Do you get a catalogue or something? Good luck with choosing it anyway, it must be exciting to know that the other genetic half of your baby will be in those pages!

Have a lovely weekend ladies XXX
All the too-ing and fro-ing between specialists takes so bloomin' long doesn't it?! I was hoping that when we have our appointment on the 15th with the FS they might be able to start the tests to see whether they could find any sperm but it sounds like he'll have to go back to the urologist (who said that he was discharging DH as there was nothing else he could do!?).
I wish we could afford to go private as it seems like with the NHS there is just waiting list after waiting list. We got our pre-appointment letter through saying that we would be given appointments/slips to make more appointments with different departments for certain scans and blood tests for me to have (which I can understand is useful) but it would save a lot of time if they just told me to book scan appointments now so that I have the results when we go and see them on the 15th. ARGH!

MrsMo - how do you go about choosing a sperm donor? Have your clinic been able to advise you on where to look for it? Do you get a catalogue or something? Good luck with choosing it anyway, it must be exciting to know that the other genetic half of your baby will be in those pages!

Have a lovely weekend ladies XXX

Providing you don't use a known donor, your clinic find a suitable match. They tend to match ethnics, eye and hair colour x x
Hi girls as I have told you guys about our today appointment when we reached there they said that our appointment has been cancelled that would be on coming Tuesday we said that what we received is that review appointment would be on tuesday we were not informed about cancellation of today appointment as what I know there is difference between cancellation and review appointment. ?.now we ill go again on Tuesday ...
Hi girls

Just wondering if any of you has heard anything from CM after the death of her husband...been thinking about her a lot and just wondering how things are going.

I have been too but have not heard a thing.
Hi girls as I have told you guys about our today appointment when we reached there they said that our appointment has been cancelled that would be on coming Tuesday we said that what we received is that review appointment would be on tuesday we were not informed about cancellation of today appointment as what I know there is difference between cancellation and review appointment. ?.now we ill go again on Tuesday ...

That's really crappy Tulip :( It takes a lot of mental preparation before appointments, so for you to get there and be told it was cancelled is totally unfair :( Glad you've got your appointment on Tuesday and hope it goes well :flower: X

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