Hi Love
TMI post-in the words of the Dr he said as hubby works in construction he would need 2 weeks min but 4 preferable.
he said they will slit the scrotum, peel the skin right back off both testes and biopsy bits from here and there, theen sew and glue up- he said there right a chance of infection and rupture!!
I was pretty pleased with 40/50% but then he added ICSI success % on top of that and the chance of the sperm being mobile/viable reduces the actual chances further. Was a bit of a blow. He gave hubby a info sheet about the op and even that seems severe so we were v confused.
He didnt however rubbish our chances and said there happy to proceed if thats what we want.
Weve got 2 months to discuss and make a decision?!?!?!?!?
very strange day today xxx
TMI post-in the words of the Dr he said as hubby works in construction he would need 2 weeks min but 4 preferable.
he said they will slit the scrotum, peel the skin right back off both testes and biopsy bits from here and there, theen sew and glue up- he said there right a chance of infection and rupture!!
I was pretty pleased with 40/50% but then he added ICSI success % on top of that and the chance of the sperm being mobile/viable reduces the actual chances further. Was a bit of a blow. He gave hubby a info sheet about the op and even that seems severe so we were v confused.
He didnt however rubbish our chances and said there happy to proceed if thats what we want.
Weve got 2 months to discuss and make a decision?!?!?!?!?
very strange day today xxx
I am confused about what he told you about the mTESE. Every doc we have talked to told us that it is really a very minor procedure, and that the recovery is fairly quick - maybe one week off, but certainly not four!
And 40-50% is a pretty good number
And IVF-ICSI success rates are really not that bad either. I don't know why he is being so pessimistic. I find that a bit odd. IUI success rates are actually WAY lower than IVF success rates.
I think it's a good idea for you two to take some time and think about this. It is a very important decision to make. Wishing you all the best!![]()