Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi Love
TMI post-in the words of the Dr he said as hubby works in construction he would need 2 weeks min but 4 preferable.
he said they will slit the scrotum, peel the skin right back off both testes and biopsy bits from here and there, theen sew and glue up- he said there right a chance of infection and rupture!!
I was pretty pleased with 40/50% but then he added ICSI success % on top of that and the chance of the sperm being mobile/viable reduces the actual chances further. Was a bit of a blow. He gave hubby a info sheet about the op and even that seems severe so we were v confused.

He didnt however rubbish our chances and said there happy to proceed if thats what we want.
Weve got 2 months to discuss and make a decision?!?!?!?!?
very strange day today xxx
I am confused about what he told you about the mTESE. Every doc we have talked to told us that it is really a very minor procedure, and that the recovery is fairly quick - maybe one week off, but certainly not four!
And 40-50% is a pretty good number :hugs:

And IVF-ICSI success rates are really not that bad either. I don't know why he is being so pessimistic. I find that a bit odd. IUI success rates are actually WAY lower than IVF success rates.

I think it's a good idea for you two to take some time and think about this. It is a very important decision to make. Wishing you all the best! :hugs:
Thankyou Miki

I know, I feel so sad for hubby.
He didnt seem to fazed bout the ops/pain but i could see the time off work worried him, personally I think hes more concerned about how much more he can take. Im not sure he can cope with many more knocks. Like i said to Auca 40/50% is more than what we expected but then he added the other bits on and now we dont seem as postive!!!

Not that there is any easy decision in any of this but I dont want my hubby to rubbish his own chance because he knows how desperate I am for a baby and that we have a donor/back up.

its a bit of a mess xx
MrsG30 I am so sorry that you received such terrible news from the doctor. At least they gave you a chance during the MTESE. I didn't know the MTESE required the hubby to take 4 weeks off work. That is crazy. My husband is feeling the same as yours. He says that he doesn't want the biopsy or the TESE because of the pain and the time off work. He has mentioned that we should use the donor and deal with it. But over the time we have mentioned it and talked about it, he now really wants to try. He wants to know every aspect of each procedure risks, outcomes, etc. Then we will have to talk. I think our DH's are just scared about what might happen plus long term effects.

I hope that you and DH are doing ok. If you want to talk and vent, you can message me ANY time.

Oh I see, its' because your DH does hard physical work. That does make sense.
It's really interesting how different docs describe the procedure though. We actually had a talk about mTESE at our last appointment as well. Once we do our IVF cycle the doc will be there to do an "emergency mTESE" if required (DH will probably have enough sperm, but if on that day he doesn't they will do the mTESE on him). And he literally said to us "Don't worry it's a 5 min procedure which is not very invasive at all; I do this all the time, and it's no big deal"
Do you pay for your treatment or are you insured?
I guess cost might have something to do with it?
doc said because of my hubbys results and the reason behind his azoo (mumps) thy wouldnt want to do the MTESE more than once as it can lower his testsorone levesl further and they dont want to do that for later in life for complications, however if they got in there and they was more than a few they would consider it if the ICSI wasnt a sucess first time round, he said in his whole carrer (20 odd years) he can count on 1 hand how many sperms from MTESE could be frozen. So it always has to be done with a fresh cycle, in our case numorous biopsys might not be safe.

It was a lot to tak it xxxx
Oh I see, its' because your DH does hard physical work. That does make sense.
It's really interesting how different docs describe the procedure though. We actually had a talk about mTESE at our last appointment as well. Once we do our IVF cycle the doc will be there to do an "emergency mTESE" if required (DH will probably have enough sperm, but if on that day he doesn't they will do the mTESE on him). And he literally said to us "Don't worry it's a 5 min procedure which is not very invasive at all; I do this all the time, and it's no big deal"
We pay ourselves. Our insurance might cover some of the meds, but not the actual IVF/TESE etc.

Yes, I think they don't want to do it very often because of the reasons you mentioned. I thought there was quite a few women on here who got a few vials of frozen sperm through TESE though. Maybe they can give you some input....

It definitely is a lot to take in :hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies, just had time to catch up with all the recent posts - I agree with the comments that it is hard to know what is best to do to make DH feel better. In the same week that mine got told it was probably a "no hope" situation, his Grandad died. I really don't know what to do to help! Really want to book a holiday as something to look forward to but daren't as I don't know how long/when things all happen after we get referred to fertility clinic! Mrs G30 - sorry you had a rubbish day, seems like a lot to get your heads round, hope you and DH are ok :hugs:

Personally I think I spend too much time looking stuff up on net now! I have been looking up NOA as they said DH's problem was congenital - and I have a sneaking suspicion that his diagnosis might be Klinefelter's syndrome. He has quite a lot of the markers for it (although not all) - guess we will have to wait till his blood test comes back for that to know for sure - though I think they said that it takes 3 months for results?

My concern from the reading I've done, is that if it does come back as Klinefelter's, then I know there is a low chance of finding sperm on biopsy, however if they do find sperm you then have to decide whether to go ahead and use his sperm as if you were lucky enough to have a baby and it was a boy then they would be infertile? I think? Does anyone know anymore about this?

So glad this board is here - it is so nice to be able to discuss things with people who understand! Especially as DH is in a "don't want to think/talk about it" phase and yet I can't stop researching on the internet!
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around over the last few weeks but I've just read through and caught up with everything that's happened with you all! I wish we all had more answers.

MrsG30 - my DH had the mTESE and was back at work after 2 days but not physical labour so that might explain your doctor's advice. DH had no pain at all from testicles (he complained only about his back being sore after surgery) until a few days later and then it was just a little achey if touched. He's now pretty much back to normal and it's just over 3 weeks since his op. His scar is still a bit red and hard but that will take weeks/months to settle down like all scars.

Things have been pretty hectic here with lots of 'normal life' things keeping us busy on top of all this. Anyway, this week we ordered our sperm. Pretty pricey especially once they add on the extra fees for us being in the UK so we just went for 3 vials since the chances of them getting eggs from me are so low due to my AMH level. We decided the risk of them running out of stock of our chosen donor wasn't enough to buy more just yet. We have thought about buying extra in case we are successful and want a sibling in the future with the same donor but since the chances are pretty crap for our first go, we're not counting our chickens! We don't even know if they will get any eggs from me yet but we can't start treatment until the sperm has arrived.

Has anyone else looked into buying sperm? We found our choice became very limited when we said we were in UK because of the new laws regarding anon donors. There are obviously far fewer donors who are willing to be open and we can only choose from them. Luckily we found one who matched closely to DH as none of the others available were suitable at all! It's cost us around £2000 just for the sperm (we had to pay an extra £1000 to be able to use the donor as they are limited to creating 10 families with each donor) and after spending £2500 on a failed mTESE and with the costs of IVF as well, things are all mounting up to much more than we first thought. It sucks but I just need to remember how lucky we are that although we're now using all the savings we had for our future home, at least we are able to do that. I just hope it's not all a complete waste! I can't believe how much money we're gambling on such low odds but we just want this so badly, we have to try.

I can't imagine life without children and I'm already devastated that they won't be my husband's biological children. I keep telling myself they will be his children as he has been there from the beginning of this entire process and I wouldn't be doing this without him as my husband but I still keep getting upset that the thoughts I used to have of how proud he'd be when I was carrying his child will not be the same. He's never going to look at me and be thinking - you're the mother of my child, you're carrying my baby. If I even get pregnant! We have obviously thought about adoption as well as it may be our only option but we can't face the thought of going through all that just yet. The invasion of the process sounds worse to me than the physical invasion of IVF.

I keep doing this, being all positive and determined this will work (or I couldn't get through it and spend all this money!!) and focussing on the practicalities but then telling myself it's highly unlikely to work and I need to prepare for that and being all pessimistic! It is the ultimate horrific rollercoaster!

Anyway, I'm grateful we have the chance. I was surprised when DH was so quick to say he wanted to go down the donor route. We've talked about it with our parents and they are all behind us and support us in our decision. After reading this forum, we did consider a known donor after initially deciding against it but we decided we didn't want to ask his brother (younger, newly married, no kids yet) and if he and his wife offered we would think about it but we couldn't ask and put them in that position of feeling awkward if they didn't want to be involved.

Because of my AMH we don't want to wait any longer and decided to just go for it with the donor option. We both said we'd rather have a donor child than wait longer for a better option and end up with none due to my fertility! If all goes to plan, I'll be starting the drugs soon and I'm terrified! We're booked in for a counselling session next week which I hope will help. We now have so much to think about if things DO work as we have to decide how to handle the donor parent thing, etc.

I'm sorry, this has turned into such a rambling post! I guess I've been thinking about all of this a lot while we've had so much other stuff going on and it's all just come blurting out and is probably very incoherent! I'll stop now! :dohh: :blush:
Hi ladies!
Havent posted in a while. Hope everyone is closer to getting the answers you need!
As for me...the twins heartbeats started to slow down and eventually stopped. Had a D&C on wed. Pretty upset about it all, but happy we got a step ahead. Going to do a frozen cycle end of July. Hopefully that brings us our forever baby.
Got our results today, over 3 months since last test. Still zero. Dh is very down this time, more than last time.
MrsMo- Good Luck and yes weve thought about buying sperm and would deffo be doing that if we didnt have our own donor.

Stinas- that is so sad- so sorry for you- keep tying lady

Awifey- So sorry for your hubby- my hubby is also feeling very low at the mo.

Hi to all the others xxx

AFM- were still trying to come to a decision about what to do :hugs:
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around over the last few weeks but I've just read through and caught up with everything that's happened with you all! I wish we all had more answers.

MrsG30 - my DH had the mTESE and was back at work after 2 days but not physical labour so that might explain your doctor's advice. DH had no pain at all from testicles (he complained only about his back being sore after surgery) until a few days later and then it was just a little achey if touched. He's now pretty much back to normal and it's just over 3 weeks since his op. His scar is still a bit red and hard but that will take weeks/months to settle down like all scars.

Things have been pretty hectic here with lots of 'normal life' things keeping us busy on top of all this. Anyway, this week we ordered our sperm. Pretty pricey especially once they add on the extra fees for us being in the UK so we just went for 3 vials since the chances of them getting eggs from me are so low due to my AMH level. We decided the risk of them running out of stock of our chosen donor wasn't enough to buy more just yet. We have thought about buying extra in case we are successful and want a sibling in the future with the same donor but since the chances are pretty crap for our first go, we're not counting our chickens! We don't even know if they will get any eggs from me yet but we can't start treatment until the sperm has arrived.

Has anyone else looked into buying sperm? We found our choice became very limited when we said we were in UK because of the new laws regarding anon donors. There are obviously far fewer donors who are willing to be open and we can only choose from them. Luckily we found one who matched closely to DH as none of the others available were suitable at all! It's cost us around £2000 just for the sperm (we had to pay an extra £1000 to be able to use the donor as they are limited to creating 10 families with each donor) and after spending £2500 on a failed mTESE and with the costs of IVF as well, things are all mounting up to much more than we first thought. It sucks but I just need to remember how lucky we are that although we're now using all the savings we had for our future home, at least we are able to do that. I just hope it's not all a complete waste! I can't believe how much money we're gambling on such low odds but we just want this so badly, we have to try.

I can't imagine life without children and I'm already devastated that they won't be my husband's biological children. I keep telling myself they will be his children as he has been there from the beginning of this entire process and I wouldn't be doing this without him as my husband but I still keep getting upset that the thoughts I used to have of how proud he'd be when I was carrying his child will not be the same. He's never going to look at me and be thinking - you're the mother of my child, you're carrying my baby. If I even get pregnant! We have obviously thought about adoption as well as it may be our only option but we can't face the thought of going through all that just yet. The invasion of the process sounds worse to me than the physical invasion of IVF.

I keep doing this, being all positive and determined this will work (or I couldn't get through it and spend all this money!!) and focussing on the practicalities but then telling myself it's highly unlikely to work and I need to prepare for that and being all pessimistic! It is the ultimate horrific rollercoaster!

Anyway, I'm grateful we have the chance. I was surprised when DH was so quick to say he wanted to go down the donor route. We've talked about it with our parents and they are all behind us and support us in our decision. After reading this forum, we did consider a known donor after initially deciding against it but we decided we didn't want to ask his brother (younger, newly married, no kids yet) and if he and his wife offered we would think about it but we couldn't ask and put them in that position of feeling awkward if they didn't want to be involved.

Because of my AMH we don't want to wait any longer and decided to just go for it with the donor option. We both said we'd rather have a donor child than wait longer for a better option and end up with none due to my fertility! If all goes to plan, I'll be starting the drugs soon and I'm terrified! We're booked in for a counselling session next week which I hope will help. We now have so much to think about if things DO work as we have to decide how to handle the donor parent thing, etc.

I'm sorry, this has turned into such a rambling post! I guess I've been thinking about all of this a lot while we've had so much other stuff going on and it's all just come blurting out and is probably very incoherent! I'll stop now! :dohh: :blush:
Hi MrsMo! Can I ask re buying sperm? (there's a sentence that I never thought I would be writing!). Did your clinic just give you donors to choose from, or did they give you companies to look at? DH and I are probably going to be going down donor route, (we've been told he is NOA and though they will do a biopsy they are not hopeful of anything being there). We are in UK too.

I agree it is like some horrible turmoil rollercoaster, I'm starting to worry about my sanity! I really hope that we all get what we hope for. I was reading a piece written by a guy who is a sperm donor and he said "I believe in karma, and I come from a broken home. I think if you have considered having a child enough that you're contemplating insemination, then you have put more thought into it than most parents". I liked that.

Stinas - I was so sorry to read your news, my heart goes out to you x
awifey - Im sorry you didnt get the results you deserve! This is a hard thing to process. It just takes time.

Thank you all for your support. It really sucks getting soooo close and having it taken away. I have taken a week off of work to kind of deal with it all in my own way. Im bored, but ok with being alone at home.
Today sucks big time. I would have been 9 weeks. To top the cake, I went out to get coffee and 3 of the people there told me Happy Mothers Day. Totally not their fault, but it hurt this time around.
Oh well. What hurts us just makes us stronger right? Eventually we will all get our forever babies, someway, somehow, we will all be happy mommies!
So sorry to hear that Stinas, that's so sad. You will get your babies, I hope you don't have to wait too much longer.
Lots of love :hugs: XXXXXX
Hi Ladies, I havent seen this thread in a while but I wanted to say that my new RE clinic is trying DH on clomid and HCG injections to see if we can get some better quality swimmers. RE does not think we can get enough to do IUI with but thinks we can improve what is there and hopefully have better quality ones for better quality embryos.

DH results so far are:
SA max 600,000 per mL (but usually < 100,000/mL)
FSH 13
LH 9
Testosterone around 200

Dr said since he has "mild testicular failure" these drugs may work but if his FSH was any higher (like around 30) then it would be worthless to try. No guarantees but since I have to wait 2 months to get started (waiting for labs, etc) then its worth the try. Doesnt hurt! We will most likely do the TESE at time of ER for me as well. (New dr does less invasive TESE for 1/3 the cost!) Anyone DH try these meds and help?

if this IVF doesnt work (we will do a freeze all; PGD; FET) then we will use the 2 frosties left then move onto donor IUI. But I am hopeful as the new RE is hopeful he can get us pregnant!!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I am hoping to give some hope to those of you thinking of DS... I am 1 month out from due date and baby boy is looking perfect!

It is such a hard struggle at first! But now I barely even think of any of it - we are just so excited to have our son here soon! He is still our miracle baby and we can't wait to watch him grow up!

Big hugs to you lovely ladies! And to the ladies I was going through the roller coaster emotions with, a year ago or so, I have not forgotten you and am still praying for you!

Good luck ladies :) Its hard but azoo does not end up the worst thing in the world (although I totally understand how it feels like it is)

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