Hey ladies unfortunately after all the excitement and happiness of finding sperm in hubby and getting 2 embryos transferred it seems my first ivf cycle is a bust. Got af yesterday and a bfn on a hpt have blood test on saturday to conFirm. So i guess its down to our 2 frozen embryos and then another mtese if they fail too. Im feeling so disheartened.
Hi Tulip, sorry dont know if a little difference is an indication of anything, all I have read is , if FSH normal then azoo is cause of blockage and if FSH high then it indicates failure of the testis. You are best asking this question to the urologist. and if you dont mind , do share what you find out.
Hi Tulip, sorry dont know if a little difference is an indication of anything, all I have read is , if FSH normal then azoo is cause of blockage and if FSH high then it indicates failure of the testis. You are best asking this question to the urologist. and if you dont mind , do share what you find out.
Hi Tulip, sorry dont know if a little difference is an indication of anything, all I have read is , if FSH normal then azoo is cause of blockage and if FSH high then it indicates failure of the testis. You are best asking this question to the urologist. and if you dont mind , do share what you find out.
Hi, Just thought of checking in to see how you ladies are . I have another 10 days of agonising wait before we see the specialise. I know it is not as long as some of you had to wait. But I am so impatient that I am hating this limbo state before knowing answers to the question .... is there hope of every having our biological child.
. My DH has slightly elevated FSH levels, and has been told it's NOA, ultrasound last Monday showed up calcification in one of his testicles which is what shows up if you've had mumps, apparently. He doesn't remember having mumps, but who knows! It's definitely testicular failure anyway.
Just thought I'd pop in and say baby sunup is here, check my journal for more info! He is amazing! Stay strong ladies this page was a huge support for me, I hope my story can give some inspiration! Xo
Yes dear we ill be having next appointment on 31st july huh I hate waiting..yes definitly i ill share with you guys...yes that made me confused because ultrasound shown no blockage, normal blood flow so that means its NOA. we ill get our urine, blood, two SA results in our next appointment.
My DH had a blockage, and it did not show up on a trans-rectal u/s nor a testicular u/s. My DH's blockage consisted of scar tissue that had built up and "squeezed off" any sperm from coming out - excuse my non-medical term! lol (scarring was from 2 surgeries he had down there as a child)
My DH had a blockage, and it did not show up on a trans-rectal u/s nor a testicular u/s. My DH's blockage consisted of scar tissue that had built up and "squeezed off" any sperm from coming out - excuse my non-medical term! lol (scarring was from 2 surgeries he had down there as a child)
Interesting. Did he have a low ejaculate volume? We were always told that if there was a blockage they would likely see a low-ish volume of ejaculate, but I always wondered if that's true.