Dealing with azoospermia?

Auca that is an interesting point you make about the volume. My DH has considerably low volume but his FSH is high which indicates tesicular failure over blockage. We are in the limbo state still waiting to see the specialist. I will post a note if I get to know something from the specialist.
Also, has anyone come across any connection between Azoo and size of the testicles?

Non-obstructive azoospermia and small testicles go hand in hand seemingly. My DH also has high FSH and has been told his testicles are on the small side. X
same here.
DH has high FSH, slightly smaller "balls" (not noticeable to us) but volumes normal.
NOA diagnosed due to mumps.
From what I hear from the Urologist, the tests just give an idea of what is going on, but they won't know until they go in there whether there is anything being produced.

My hubby has high FSH and LH, has normal sized/type balls, normal (but low end) testosterone, and normal semen volume. When they did the surgery they found 3 sperm, so they're going to do a second mTESE, but still even with HCG shots, still no guarantee they'll find anything.

I think because this diagnosis isn't really harming the health of the guys, there isn't a ton of research on it. I recognize it's a nightmare for building a family, but compared to cancer that is killing people, it's a low priority disease compared to others.
Thank you all for sharing the information. I am just trying to find answers while we wait for the test results and the specialist appointment. Getting very nervous as the day gets closer.

In the mean time I came across this site, which though repetitive lists down the various causes:
Madcat sorry about the diagnosis of xxy. :( hopefully there are some answers for you. I do believe some with xxy have been successful at retrieving some sperm through mtese.

My dh diagnosis is unexplained primary testicular failure/NOA. He has low testosterone and slightly elevated FSH. The urologist said his testicles are slightly smaller than normal. Normal chromosomes and all other test. He has been on the Hcg shots also Brandy. We will know tomorrow if it's helped at all but he would most likely stay on them until TESE if we have to do a full ivf cycle because RE said even if none is coming out the Hcg/clomid will improve what's in there making it better quality sperm.

Arzo thanks for the link. I've been telling dh he needs to lose weight (he's about 60-70 lbs overweight) because I think it is contributing to his issue. I look at it as if women who are obese can have hormonal imbalances due to theo weight then men can too. But he's been completely unmotivated to lose weight :( Its very heartbreaking for me that he won't even try for our family.
Hi during first appointment the dr did some general checkup so he told my hubby that your testicles seems to be small but during ultrasound the size of testicles came out to be I dont know which one was right .
I have also read that there have been successful sperm retrieval in men with XXY

I will look around my saved links and see if I have the page
Hi Ladies
We are back from our 1st FS app after deciding on Donor sperm.
I had another scan, to make sure my womb and ovaries are fine, thankfully they are.
I have extra blood work to be done this Friday, repeat of what I had in Jan, but just to make it current. I was given a drug to bring on a period as FS thinks stress has made my periods disappear, I'm way late.
Waiting on my AMH results, hopefully they will be ok.

FS told us after our donor has had his sperm tested, frozen and thawed we have a treatment plan. she is expecting to be doing medicated IUI unless her sperm doesn't thaw then it will be straight to IVF.
she told me a don't need my tubes check just yet.

Net step is for our DR to consult with the DR who Is dealing with our donor (same clinic and devise a plan, they hoping to cut some of the testing out as he is family and as long as we sin to say were happy with his health etc the process an be shortened. Obviously the legal tests, HIV etc are compulsory.
BIL does his 1st sample Friday so hopefully we should have a treatment pan in place soon.
I feel quite positive tonight, fingers x'd this treatment will work.

How are you ladies? xxxx
Madcat sorry about the diagnosis of xxy. :( hopefully there are some answers for you. I do believe some with xxy have been successful at retrieving some sperm through mtese.

My dh diagnosis is unexplained primary testicular failure/NOA. He has low testosterone and slightly elevated FSH. The urologist said his testicles are slightly smaller than normal. Normal chromosomes and all other test. He has been on the Hcg shots also Brandy. We will know tomorrow if it's helped at all but he would most likely stay on them until TESE if we have to do a full ivf cycle because RE said even if none is coming out the Hcg/clomid will improve what's in there making it better quality sperm.

Arzo thanks for the link. I've been telling dh he needs to lose weight (he's about 60-70 lbs overweight) because I think it is contributing to his issue. I look at it as if women who are obese can have hormonal imbalances due to theo weight then men can too. But he's been completely unmotivated to lose weight :( Its very heartbreaking for me that he won't even try for our family.

I can't wait to hear the results of the tests on your hubby. I haven't found a lot of info about HCG usage, and its results, so I'd be interested to know how it went for your hubby.

My hubby goes for his second SA since he started HCG, on Friday. He's been on it about 2.5 months now. My clinic's policy, is no news means there's no sperm, so if I hear nothing on Monday, I know there was nothing there, and I can report back just so you know.
MrsG- thanks for asking how we all are.

I'm sad to see more ladies get more devastating news. It's hard to take another step forward only to be told more bad news, been there, done that. Hang in there. I think it seems faster when you do have IUI or IVF or whatever other methods to get pregnant in place (either with donor or your husband's sperm if they find any).

As for me, we are in the stage where the dr keeps running tests on me. I've had a blood test done (both for day 3 and diseases screening that's required prior to donor) and HSG. I have a 3D ultrasound scheduled that is coming up in a week. So far I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but I keep getting good reports on all my stuff. My donor that I had chosen, he is scheduled for his tests on the 20th of this month. I am hoping we won't have to wait too much longer after that to start using the donor (but deep down inside, I'm also prepared to expect the clinic to say wait 6 months so that they can complete the FDA's required freeze time and their tests) although they can always test each sample before use on me. So I'm at the point where I'm sort of ready to proceed but still on hold/wait due to tests.
So dh SA showed no sperm. No surprise. I'm disappointed but dr told us not to expect anything. I've decided to just do the fet and hope for a baby. If fet doesn't work I'm moving on to donor sperm for IUI. We have spent so much already trying to have a biological child for DH. It's heartbreaking to think that this is it for a biological child for dh but we've given it all we have. 2 frosties left to make it happen. I pray god has mercy on us this time :( I just can't do all the shots and monitoring again, etc. it's just too much. Hopefully in a few weeks we will get a bfp though.
Mo - I really hope this FET works for the both of us!!! Im exhausted too!
Oh Stinas and MoBaby :hugs: Sounds like you both need hugs! :hugs: It's hard waiting and then being disappointed over and over again. I hope the FET works for both of you!
Well ladies DH has been on HCG for a month. He is tired of the injections and the constant headaches. He has a headache the entire day after his shots plus, he has a back muscle that's giving him fits and it's worse after the shots. We are really hoping that the HCG is working. But, his sex drive has improved which means the HCG is helping his testosterone. That's a good thing.

I have started taking Inositol 500mg daily. The pills are supposed to aid in cell growth and regulate my hormones to help my PCOS. The pills cause nausea, headaches and tiredness, but I sure hope that the pills and the HCG works for us.

I am sorry that so many of you ladies have gotten bad news. I hope that the bad news leads us all in the right direction to get our babies!!
just dropping by to check how everyone is doing. dh blood results are back , both Karyotype and Y chromosome micro deletion tests are normal. We are seeing the specialist on Monday, until then a nervous wait to know what the cause of azoo is and also if there is any hope ahead for us.
Hi everyone how all are you doing ? Today I am really sad as few of my friends who are mums and expecting few of them again asked me why havent you conceived till now ? Oh that broke my heart and I wanted to cry at that moment but controlled myself and when I came back I cried a lot idk why people who conceived easily thinks that its very easy job for everyone ? One should care about other feelings ..:cry::cry:
Tulip - they do not realize the pains people go to try to get pregnant. They never had to deal with a partner's diagnosis of infertility so out of innocence they may make comments or questions that seems inappropriate or makes us tear up.

I found that saying this to people helps me cope- I'm sort of spiritual though less since starting this journey but I tell them I'm waiting on God, I'm ready anytime He decides to bless me with a baby.

A friend made a good point recently. She said by time we have our babies, people will be done having theirs so we will get lots of good hand me downs! Thus saving money in long run.
Hi Tulip, those people never realise the pain some of us have to live with. They think it is as easy as it is as it was for them. I have come across many people and such comments and I just tend to ignore them. When things get tough, the tough gets going. None of us here have given us on our fights, we are stronger than many of those on the other side of this fertility lottery.
Hi Ladies

Hope u all had a good weekend.
NoBaby- Good plan, fingers x'd for you.
Arzoo- that's good about DH tests.

Tulip- people just don't think I think as time has gone on with us, people have started to realise something is not quite right, therefore they stop asking in fear of offending.
I don't know if I prefer people saying the wrong thing or people not asking.

Hi ladies
Hope you are all ok.
Just found the attached link online so thought I would share x

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