Just need a little rant!
Another of my colleagues is expecting (the other just had a baby!) out of a staff of SIX! So LOTS of talk of babies in the staffroom, woop! Today, the girl expecting - who is also a friend and knows about our situation - says what they are thinking of calling their baby and it just so happens to be my number 1 choice of baby names should we have a boy. WTF? Out of all the millions of names out there! Ok, so I can cope with this, breathe deeply! Then 10 minutes later there is still so much baby talk, I make my excuses and leave the staffroom. Another member of staff, who is the BIGGEST GOSSIP ON THE F-ING PLANET (so I have NOT told her anything), makes a comment about how my friend should be more sensitive around me. How the hell has this gossip woman found out? And who is she to tell my friend to "be more sensitive"? Then she proceeds to discuss my infertility issues with my other colleagues (who also didn't know)! So my pregnant friend was left feeling terrible. She came to apologise and told me about 'gossip-face', so I break down in the middle of the corridor at school and have to run to the toilets! Not the best situation when I have a class of seven and eight year-olds who have just come in from playtime! ARRRRGH! I've reassured my friend that I would feel awful if she doesn't talk about her baby, as it is a very exciting time for her. It seems every time I manage to come to terms with things and think positively a whole new load of rubbish like this comes falling down on my head!
Rant over!
Hope everyone is doing ok? Thinking of you all, as always