I was just stopping by to say hello. Nothing much has changed at our end. We had decided to not share our condition with anyone other than our siblings. I had told my sister a few months ago. DH finally spoke to his sister and as you can imagine I felt my wounds were raw again. Trying hard to deal with it. At times I feel people are very insensitive and since an option might be ok for them they thing it should be for others as well.
My sis in law has fertility issues of her own and going through IVF, after multiple failures she is now considering surrogacy or donor egg. It was an easy decision for her. But using DS isnt for me and I feel somehow she is not able to understand why it isnt. Sigh!
I dint have a good weekend, everywhere I went there were mothers playing with babies or friends who were talking about starting family or asking me what our plans were. I am tired of lying that we are thinking about it. I dont want to tell anyone we are trying cause then they will know soon that we have tried and failed.
We have our next appointment with Ramsey on 19th, nervous about it. Almost dont want the days to pass.