Dealing with azoospermia?

Welcome Allie, Really twice.Hard to believe such bad luck can hit twice. Sorry to hear that. You have come to the right place, I really dont know what state of mind I would have been if not for the understanding of other ladies here on this forum.

Sorry to hear that you have to wait longer Mikihob, hope the wait does not seem long.

Update :
Further bad news at my end. I had gone for my HSG test at the end of September, appointment to see the doc is only in November, but I was anxious about the results and the doctor was kind enough to call me back. But the results are not all good. he said I had good reserves but there was some issue with the left tube and would have to do laproscopy before any further analysis. The line was bad and to be honest I could not follow all the medical terms the doctor was using, and so not really sure what the issue is. I was in a state of disbelief and was not quick to writ down what he said. I think he said something about bifurcation of the tube, and asked me if I had any infection before or an operation etc. which I have not. Now I wish I had not called him and had waited to see him face to face. I kind of feel numb after my phone conversation.
Does anyone here have similar diagnosis and can shed some more light on what the issue could be?

Our wedding anniversary is around the corner and the last time DH has written in the card that - he was eagerly looking forward to the next phase in our life. So much has changed in the last one year. I feel very sad reading those words which he had written last time.
Oh Arzoo, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so unfair to have another thing like that on top of the azoospermia. My friend has a blocked tube. She didn't want to go the surgery route, and is taking clomid (I think her cycles were a little loopy too) so every other cycle there is the chance of her conceiving. From what I understand, a blocked tube isn't a massive issue, but it's one more slap in the face, isn't it? At least by speaking on the phone you now know. Are you still going in for your November appointment? Hopefully you'll have a good chance to get researching and questions ready for the next time you see the doctor and be sure of what your next move is going to be. Thinking of you lady.
Oh, and btw, I found a card from Valentine's Day, just before my DH and I started TTC nearly two years ago. My DH had written something like 'Happy Valentine's Day, year of the baby'. Broke my heart to read it. Threw the card away so that I wouldn't have to see it again. I never throw away cards from him!
If you ever need to talk/vent please feel free to PM me :hugs: XXXXXXXX
Hi Girls,

so sorry ive been missing for so long. Just spent 30 mins catching up.
Hi and welcome Allie, were a good bunch and pretty much in same boat just in diff stages of our journeys.
I think about you all often and wish you all good luck always.

Who has appointments looming and who is waiting to test???

Some people are so insensitive, so pleased we have this forum

love to you all xxx
MrsG- I have been testing and so far all of them are bfn. AF is due tomorrow so I am doing one last test tomorrow. If that's still saying bfn, then I will give AF until Tuesday to make her arrival or I go in for a blood test to see what is my body's status regarding pregnant or not.
Hi Ladies, sorry to hear about the tube issue Arzoo, I hope you find out properly what is wrong soon, I hate it when you have to wait :( I've just had a phone call saying my blood results are back and they want to see me but can't get in till Tuesday. I'm now worried sick. I know already that I have a blocked tube and I really don't think I can face having any more problems placed in front of us. To top it all off, this comes the day after my best friend has given birth and I've got the most intense period pains ever but still no actual period. I spent much of last night and today crying. :( I've also got the pleasure of my sis in law giving birth any day now too. I really want to crawl away and hide from the world right now. :'( xxx
Oh Allie, hope the appointment on tuesday goes ok. Its heartbreaking to see so many friends and family having babies. I think each time , next time I be strong and be part of their happiness. but that never works. Hope the better days are just around the corner for us.
Deaf- any luck? been thinking about you and had my fingers crossed xx
MrsG- I have been testing and so far all of them are bfn. AF is due tomorrow so I am doing one last test tomorrow. If that's still saying bfn, then I will give AF until Tuesday to make her arrival or I go in for a blood test to see what is my body's status regarding pregnant or not.

Allie- I know that feeling too well, my best friend had a baby in July and going onto the maternity ward killed me, lots of love to you and fingers x'd xxxx
Hi Ladies, sorry to hear about the tube issue Arzoo, I hope you find out properly what is wrong soon, I hate it when you have to wait :( I've just had a phone call saying my blood results are back and they want to see me but can't get in till Tuesday. I'm now worried sick. I know already that I have a blocked tube and I really don't think I can face having any more problems placed in front of us. To top it all off, this comes the day after my best friend has given birth and I've got the most intense period pains ever but still no actual period. I spent much of last night and today crying. :( I've also got the pleasure of my sis in law giving birth any day now too. I really want to crawl away and hide from the world right now. :'( xxx
The witch finally showed last night. So I will contact office tomorrow morning and see if the protocol is the same this cycle or if anything changes.
So sorry to hear that.
let us know whats next and lots of love xxx
The witch finally showed last night. So I will contact office tomorrow morning and see if the protocol is the same this cycle or if anything changes.
Another round of IUI for sure but no idea if anything changes like blood draw a week after or paperwork before IUI.
Hi ladies,

I've read a lot of inspiring stories on here. Did not realise a lot of people are going through same thing as myself and my partner are going through.

So here's my story. I have a 7 years old son and been with my partner for 5 years since my son was two, we had always said we were going to get married, but i think i kinda wanted to have kids anyway. So early jan/feb this year, I decided for both of us to get checked. Results came back that he had no sperm:nope: it was quite strange as we had never heard of anyone not having sperm before.
I felt like the doctor did not give us any information about this condition and just said to come back after 6 weeks for more tests. After the results, we both went into depression mode, it was the worst 6 weeks of our lives. I am actually studying and actually flunked most of my exams as I was crying every single day. I did not know how to deal with the situation or who to talk to and my partner on the other hand was contemplating suicide. It was horrible.
Anyway, after 6 weeks.He did the SA again and it was same thing. This was when the doctor then checked him over and said everything looked normal and his FH levels seem ok. He then suggested to surgery to see if there is a blockage.

But since then, I feel my partner has kinda given up just like I have in a way. He says he wants to do the surgery but does not make any effort to contact the urologist we were referred to. I feel we're drifting a[art day by day and I don't know how long we can carry this on for.

I just needed to let this out somehow, as I feel I am still depressed deep down even though I refuse to accept it. I have recently just cut off almost all of my friends and just wanna be in doors most days even when am supposed to go to Uni. Half the time I feel like just running away from this situation, I honestly do not know how to deal with this.

I am sorry if my story is too long, but just wanted to tell my story and how I feel to someone.
Ophelia- counseling might be helpful. It sounds like you both are not coping too well with the situation. Are you still in school right now or taking a break? This kind of thing is very emotional and maybe a break from school to refocus on what can be done would be helpful. There are other things they can do so don't lose hope. Some guys actually just have blockage and can still have babies from their swimmers while others (unfortunately) like mine have nothing, not even anything explainable so we are going with donor. By the way, where are you from?
Ophelia :howdy:

I am sorry that you are being confronted by this issue!! It is so hard for anyone who has to deal with any form of infertility. I think in a way, it is even tougher for men than for women, as it "curbs" their masculinity. DG is right, counselling might be a very wise step for the two of you. It will take time for him to digest this information - it sounds like you are both still young, so give him some time for it all to sink in ... and then go forward together. As DG says, there are still options - and it is so important that you are there for each other on your journey down this road. So give yourselves the time you need ... it also sounds like you are also well on your way to depression : don't let that happen, get help, go speak to someone - you mention Uni - is there a University counsellor?

Certainly with my DH, everything took time - from him accepting that he needed to get an SA done (he kept postponing, "if this month we don't get pregnant" ... this was a couple of years ago)... each appointment at the clinic, while I was raring to go - another month or two didn't matter to him ... and I couldn't understand why. At first, donor sperm and adoption were out of the question ... in the last few months, his opinion of those two options is changing - as he digests it all - as he sees me go through the treatment + disappointment time and time again. And me - I didn't want to waste one second ... two years into the fertility treatment, I am also more relaxed - if we take a break for a month or three, then so be it.

Look after yourselves Sweetie - it is such a tough journey to be on, please be supportive of each other, please take time to let this sink in and please, do go speak to someone!!

Sending you huge :hugs:
Ophelia - if oh is contemplating suicide, he needs to see someone. Surgery or not, this is a long and hard process to go through. It's not an easy fix. Unfourtunately you have a few more tears to shed. Sorry, but it's the truth.
But let me tell you....after all those tears, the end result makes it all worth it.
Call the urologist ASAP, once oh is ready. Maybe you can tell him some of our stories to make him realize he's not the only one.
My dh had same diagnosis...pretty much nothing was wrong...did TESE and got sperm...started IVF...didn't work....did an unblocking surgery....ended up not being what was causing the blockage....started IVF preg but mc .....started our final frozen transfer before going to surgery again and am now 10w preg with twins.
So long story's a long process you both just have to be strong and somewhat patient.
Good luck. You found a great thread!
Welcome Ophelia and I am sorry you have to be in the same boat as us. As Stinas said you found a great thread. I myself some days have the desire to sit in bed and not get up. Since I stay home most days I find reasons to not go anywhere, I hate baby showers because that means I need to find baby gifts. Sometimes looking at the baby section makes me cringe. It's normal for such sadness and anger and, and, and to creep up, but you two need to stick together. My DH doesn't have testosterone either. He has no sperm and no T. He is miserable and doesn't care about anything in the world because of how he feels. Let your OH know he isn't alone. Have him read our thread posts. He will see that he isn't alone. There are also male infertility threads out there for men to talk to each other. If he wont' see a counselor, at least have him try that. Talking to these fantastic ladies is the only reason I am still sane and can cope with all of this. Hang in there, we are all here for you.
If we buy DH's HCG and FSH three months at once, we get a $500 discount. A total of $1,000 saved for his whole six month treatment. Yes please. BUT, we have to pay $4,143.52 for each three month cycle. I was heartbroken. We can only afford to do it once, and the doc said he isn't sure if three months would be enough and if it's isn't he still needs to be taking both during his biopsy.

We have decided to postpone starting until we can afford to do both cycles back to back like instructed. It's terribly sad that now we have to wait for who-knows how long to even start the six month regimen. I am just heartbroken. I sure hope we can get to that point soon. Some days I don't feel like I am strong enough for this battle. :cry:

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