Really sorry Miki to hear about your grandmother, so many of us are having one bad luck after the other. Hopefully this is a phase and it will all pass.
An update from me, further bad news, we had been to see Mr Ramsey on Saturday , it was the key sperm analysis after taking tamoxifen for 3 months. The hormones are all at the optimum level, unfortunately they dint find any

I was mentally prepared for this bad news. I am usually a very optimistic person but in this case I think I am more in touch with reality specially after reading about the low success rates. Mr Ramsey said the next step was to go for mtese but with donor back up so that my eggs are not waste and I am not subject to unnecessary risks. We have spoken to him earlier about this and made it clear that we are not prepared for the donor route. but he had to tell us again that from a medical stand point the best way forward was to use donor back up. I was holding my emotions till then but when he said this, I could not hold back again and started crying. I know very embarrassing. DH was strong and he spoke on our behalf and said that we are keen to go for the synchronised mTese knowing full well the risks but dint want to use the donor route. We managed to convince him and now the next steps are for me to go to Lister and see Mr James Nicopolous. His secretary will contact us.
I also told Mr Ramsey that I had been for my ultrasound scan and also done the HSG , for which the results were not that great. He seemed surprised that I was asked to go for something as unpleasant as an HSG when there was no need to know about the status of the tubes as we have no choice but to go down the IVF route given DH condition. and for IVF tubes are not important (does anyone know why?) He has asked DH to take tamoxifen till one week before the surgery, given that we are just coming to Xmas period, January/ Feb seems most likely the date for the synchronised cycle.
Like many of you here, I am keen to know the cause of azoo. I asked Mr Ramsey and he said that , during mTese he will send off some tissue for biopsy and potentially that could give us some answers. He asked us again if DH had undescended testicles , but we dont know . DH parents have never told us anything, DH is planning on asking them soon. I fear I might get very angry if I know that they hid this information from DH. Has anyone experienced this situation before where the parents never told their DH.
@Spark: Whether or not to go for ahead for a mTese knowing the chances are low is entirely upto what you both want to do and offcourse a huge impact on the finances. Insurance does not cover for us, but the way we are seeing it is, we want to try whatever is possible to have our own biological baby. Unless you try you wont ever know. That is what I told Mr Ramsey when he said that our chances stand at around 10 % and if we still want to go ahead. I feel I never want to be in a situation where I have this question in my mind - what if we did go ahead.
I have just been catching up with the other posts. At times it is easier to hold all your emotions in and other times it is so difficult. It is unavoidable to feel sad or jealous about friends and family having babies. We had friends staying with us over the weekend and I was managing ok, but sunday just before I went to bed I logged into facebook and the first 2 pages were full of proud parents posting photos or comments about how cute their kids are or what fun they have with their babies... I could not take it any further than the first 2 pages I had to have a good cry. I cried for a very long time DH was very worried and tried his best to calm me but I just could not stop and go back to sleeping. Feeling much better this morning.