Arzoo- It is so nice to talk with and know others who are facing the same situations. It really is a source of comfort. We are in the US and although we were told we should have a back-up DS, we were not told that was a requirement. I cannot even imagine your DH suggesting that! Especially at the phase you are in now. I mean, it's an emotional roller coaster with already too much to think about. I have wondered what we would do with my eggs if no sperm is found with the mTESE but we have not discussed it because it seems like that is at the bottom of the importance list at this time. Our Dr's MA keeps suggesting DS like it is no big deal whatsoever. Just another day, you know? Irritating.
Sharon- Hello and welcome. Thank you for sharing your experience. I don't think it is an easy decision at all to decide on DS and then if you decide you are going to use it, it must be even more difficult to decide what DS to use. It definitely adds a new dimension to a relationship, so many emotions to work through.
Sharon- Hello and welcome. Thank you for sharing your experience. I don't think it is an easy decision at all to decide on DS and then if you decide you are going to use it, it must be even more difficult to decide what DS to use. It definitely adds a new dimension to a relationship, so many emotions to work through.