Dealing with azoospermia?

:hugs: oh Olive! Not a great news but you found the best support group possible! Welcome to our group. U will find success stories and discussions on donors and different procedures. Wealth of info here!
Tomorrow we will get result of my husband chromosomal test so fingers crossed .
Ok, I just saw this:

If we were able to get together for imaginary drinks, I would totally wear this shirt! :)

Deafgal, how are YOU? How are you holding up in the TWW?

Olive, I am so sorry that you are here, too! But I agree with Deafgal, this forum has been a great source of comfort for me. I've only been posting a month or two, and I've never joined a forum before- but it is a great place to vent and let your feelings out amongst people who understand.

I feel like I could have written your post myself- we are also about to start our first IUI with DS (sometime this week- I am watching for my LH surge). We also decided not to do mTESE, due to % and $. And, I am also still concerned with our choice to use DS! What are your concerns? The big one for me was deciding between this and adoption. What actually settled it for me was realizing that my husband was already feeling guilty for "causing" this struggle, and he wanted me to be able to experience pregnancy and not deprive me of that.

I also struggle with not having anyone in real life who understands. I have told 2 very close friends, and that actually has been really helpful, even if they don't understand exactly. First of all, when I told them we were thinking about donor sperm, they didn't react like, "WWHHHAAT?"- and it made me realize, oh yeah, this is a normal thing- people do this ALL THE TIME. I was also nervous about telling my mom- I was raised Catholic, and have many family members through adoption. She was totally supportive, though, and said that they would have done the same thing if they had run into problems (my dad had been very sick early in their marriage). So I feel like it's brought us closer together, in a way.

I'm sorry for the long, rambling post! But like Olive, I'm also getting a bit nervous about my first IUI! I feel like I did when we first started TTC and I was all excited and nervous! Fast forward 16 months and the bloom is off the rose. So I'm sure I will be less nervous about our 7th IUI, ha ha.

OK, last thing. I hate with a passion the TWW. Deafgal, what are you doing to take your mind off things? My problem is that I play roller derby- it is pretty much the ONLY thing that makes me relax- the combo of endorphins & adrenaline! But I don't think I will take the chance of playing during the TWW. Yoga is OK but tends to bore me to to tears. Rrrgh, my constant struggle with the TWW!

Tulip, just saw your post. Good luck tomorrow!
Olive - No one will EVER understand unless they are going through the same exact thing. I learned that the hard way. This place is amazing to come to and vent to people who get it.
Tons of luck with your dIUI!!! Once you see the peanut on the screen, no matter where the sperm came from its yours(and dh)!!
Good luck Tulip!

Sharon- I do not see why you can't continue being active in the roller derby. Did the dr discourage you from that during the tww? My understanding is if you have been exercising and active, then there is no need to stop doing that activity especially if it benefits you.

As for how I am doing... Well, I am stressed big time, over everything really, I have school final exams next week so mind is focused on that now. I am nervous about testing Monday. No project to focus on this time around. I could crochet but with final exams around the corner I felt that had a more important need of my attention in order for me to excell at it. Last class for the degree so that will be good.
Today we called them and asked about results they said we don't tell anyone results on phone we will send you appointment letter possibly next appointment will be in January regarding results now I am thinking is there something serious that they didn't tell us because I remember when we asked about SA we were informed via phone .
DG - Good luck with your exams!!!…and with the IUI!! Im routing for you!!!

Tulip - I really don't think they say anything over the phone anymore, so don't think the worse, even though we are all used to getting the worst news.
Welcome Olive, Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. You have found the right forum , the ladies here are absolute bestmates to share your feelings. No one understands us better other than here.

Good luck tulip, agree with Stignas, these days they dont share and also it depends on the person who is at the other end. I had gone for my AMH test and the lady who responded sauid the doctor would call me to discuss the results. sat around nervously and called back as well, Got a letter from them yesterday saying I have excellent AMH levels (for my age ! )

Good luck deafgal... thinking of you.

Wishing every body else loads of luck and hopefully by next year this time everyone has realised their wishes
Tulip, that is so aggravating that you have to wait to hear the results! I agree with everyone else- doesn't necessarily mean bad news. Just sucks that you have to wait!

Deafgal, GOOD LUCK with everything!! School final exams sounds like a good project to keep you occupied! My hubby is in school too (finals too) and I've been feeling guilty going to bed at a reasonable hour while he's still up working. I've never tried crocheting, but recently picked up needlework again (I used to do it as a kid)- maybe I'll do that in my TWW! I think you're right, the derby thing is probably more in my head than reality. Actually, one of my leaguemates is an OB/GYN, and she said it would be fine in the early days. I just know me, and I would get worried every time I fell or got hit that I would be ruining my chances. I'll probably end up going to some practices & just taking it a little easier.

Arzoo, congrats on the good AMH levels!
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Sharon99 - I struggled with the decision thinking about the consequences and how different we would feel about this. After talking to my husband we decided we wanted a baby and have all of the stages that come with it. I didn't think about adoption much, no one that I know have adopted so I wouldn't even know where to start. Plus finances, all I have read is that is very expensive and it takes time. I was also raised catholic and my mom didn't think it twice when I told her. She is just happy that we are moving forward with something since I was very sad the first couple of months after the diagnosis. I know no mother likes to see their children suffer.

I think about how our child/children will think about this. We plan to tell, because we think is the right thing to do. I'm trying to live day by day and cross that bridge when we get to it, but it's so difficult for me since I'm a planner and a worrier (not good combinations)

I had my CD 12 u/s yesterday and I have 3 follies on the right (18,17,11) and 2 follies on the left (19,11). I trigger tonight and go in for the IUI on Saturday. I'm getting really nervous. I really haven't thought too much about the donor since my husband is going to all my appointments with me.

Anyone that has information about AMH...

Also about AMH what is the importance of it. All of my tests came back normal except AMH is .59. I just found out yesterday and they told me it wasn't a big deal since I had responded well to clomid. They said AMH only tells them how the body will react with fertility drugs. Now I'm reading it might be DOR? I'm starting to really worry, but I should wait at least after this IUI is done and we know the results.
Hi all!! I've been a bit MIA, but posted a long update in my journal.

Olive - My understanding is that AMH tends to give information about the number of eggs you're likely to produce in response to stimulations, but it doesn't mean that the eggs are of lower quality. I was told that it is generally used to help doctors decide how aggressive to be with medications.

Deafgal - How's it going? I find that studying doesn't keep me interested enough to not think about these issues. I have to get really involved in a project, too. Maybe you could make some sort of project out of studying? Maybe you can make note cards or outlines. Things that will keep you more active than just reading?
melissaelaine - thanks for your response. That is what I got from the doctors, so I'm going to try to stop worrying about that since I did respond well to fertility drug.
Hi all! DH started his HCG and FSH injections yesterday afternoon. The time it took to get all the meds ready and learn how to use the FSH pen was incredible. Lol. He isn't happy about all the injections (honestly, who is?) but is happy that we are FINALLY moving in the right direction. We have some of our 401K money in our savings ready and waiting for IVF, if we need to go down that road. In March of 2014 DH goes for his first SA. I am hoping and praying that the meds help. He is worried that this will all be for naught. But he keeps saying that if we don't at least try all the avenues we can, we might regret our decisions later. As long as the meds help his testosterone levels too, I am happy. Double good.

I hope all of you are doing well. Welcome to the forum Olive, sorry you had to join us, but I am glad that you found us. This is a great thread with strong, smart women and we are all here to help you.

How is everyone doing?
I agree Melissa but this class I am in has no study guide for the final. I have a receptive part and an expressive part so pouring my energy into the expressive part practicing my story for it. Midterm was impossible for me to focus on so I find school is not a great distraction in terms of the tww.
Hi Olive,
I am sorry that you have had to make your way here! But as the other ladies have said, with this diagnosis, you couldn't have found a better, more supportive forum! I wish you the best of luck!
Hi girls i got another problem since last few days . Bloating and after every meal i feels so full and sick and want to throw everything i eat , lower backache, feeling nauseated and feeling pressure inside my abdomen like something is exerting pressure. I don't know what happened if I drink water so feels so full it never happens before to me like this.
It's crazy how we're all dealing with similar situations, yet when you get down to specifics our experiences are really so different.

I saw above about an FSH pen? My husband actually has the opposite problem- his FSH is a bit high, but LH and all other hormones are normal. We got some promising news though...after two semen analysis at the regular Kaiser showing no sperm, his urologist sent him to a speciality lab where he did a 3rd semen analysis. They posted the same results on the website- "TND" and "See Note" so I emailed his doc expecting the same response- no sperm! But guess what? Although no sperm was found under the microscope, upon centrifuging the sample they found 2 to 5 sperm in the pellet!! So, he's not considered azoospermic. His urologist said he is "Cryptospermic". I've read online that means there's a few live "hidden" sperm in the semen. Anyone heard of this? There isn't much info on it online. He goes in for his in-person exam with the urologist soon, so I guess we'll find out then. But I'm hoping ICSI is possibly an option now. I'm probably getting my hopes up, but I really couldn't take anymore bad news.

Did you husband's samples get centrifuged? I've read online that many men get misdiagnosed as azoospermic, when really there are a couple sperm they can find when they spin the sample.

Good luck to you all!
It's crazy how we're all dealing with similar situations, yet when you get down to specifics our experiences are really so different.

I saw above about an FSH pen? My husband actually has the opposite problem- his FSH is a bit high, but LH and all other hormones are normal. We got some promising news though...after two semen analysis at the regular Kaiser showing no sperm, his urologist sent him to a speciality lab where he did a 3rd semen analysis. They posted the same results on the website- "TND" and "See Note" so I emailed his doc expecting the same response- no sperm! But guess what? Although no sperm was found under the microscope, upon centrifuging the sample they found 2 to 5 sperm in the pellet!! So, he's not considered azoospermic. His urologist said he is "Cryptospermic". I've read online that means there's a few live "hidden" sperm in the semen. Anyone heard of this? There isn't much info on it online. He goes in for his in-person exam with the urologist soon, so I guess we'll find out then. But I'm hoping ICSI is possibly an option now. I'm probably getting my hopes up, but I really couldn't take anymore bad news.

Did you husband's samples get centrifuged? I've read online that many men get misdiagnosed as azoospermic, when really there are a couple sperm they can find when they spin the sample.

Good luck to you all!

This actually sounds a lot like what we're experiencing. We haven't gotten his FSH results back yet, but he does consistently have some sperm in there, just never very much. I'm not really sure where this leaves us, though.
It's crazy how we're all dealing with similar situations, yet when you get down to specifics our experiences are really so different.

I saw above about an FSH pen? My husband actually has the opposite problem- his FSH is a bit high, but LH and all other hormones are normal. We got some promising news though...after two semen analysis at the regular Kaiser showing no sperm, his urologist sent him to a speciality lab where he did a 3rd semen analysis. They posted the same results on the website- "TND" and "See Note" so I emailed his doc expecting the same response- no sperm! But guess what? Although no sperm was found under the microscope, upon centrifuging the sample they found 2 to 5 sperm in the pellet!! So, he's not considered azoospermic. His urologist said he is "Cryptospermic". I've read online that means there's a few live "hidden" sperm in the semen. Anyone heard of this? There isn't much info on it online. He goes in for his in-person exam with the urologist soon, so I guess we'll find out then. But I'm hoping ICSI is possibly an option now. I'm probably getting my hopes up, but I really couldn't take anymore bad news.

Did you husband's samples get centrifuged? I've read online that many men get misdiagnosed as azoospermic, when really there are a couple sperm they can find when they spin the sample.

Good luck to you all!

This actually sounds a lot like what we're experiencing. We haven't gotten his FSH results back yet, but he does consistently have some sperm in there, just never very much. I'm not really sure where this leaves us, though.

Really? My DH had one undescended testicle as a child, which they did surgery to bring down but it went back up into his abdomen. I've read online that elevated FSH levels indicated testicular failure, so I'm sure this has to do with the undescendes testicle (which is actually still in his abdomen...his parent's never took him back to get it removed. It raises his chances of cancer enormously, so this is something we need to talk to his urologist about as well). However, his other testicle is normal. Actually fairly big. But after 3 samples, only 2 to 5 sperm found after centrifugion? Not promising, but all we need is one! I know natural conception is not possible, but ICSI may be an option. Looks like that may be an option for you too. Have you talked to your doctor about it? From what I've read, it's a lot cheaper than IVF.
Hey Nicole-

Same story here! Both of DH's testicles were undescended at birth. We originally thought it was one, but the urologist said that based on his physical exam, bother appeared to have been undescended. He had them repaired, but one had to be repaired twice due to complications. We're still planning to move forward with ICSI in January, unless the tests in the interim show something different. ICSI is actually more expensive than IVF because it is an additional procedure used with IVF. So, you have all of the IVF charges, plus they use ICSI to insert the sperm into the egg. Seems like that is going to be our only chance.

Now I am really anxious to get his FSH results back. Do you know if there is any medication to take for that condition that could help with sperm production?

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