Wow, similar stories. Maybe both of his were undescended too. He only has a scar on the right side though, where the one we know was undescended. Does your DH have scars on both sides? Obv something is wrong with the "normal" testicle though, if he's only producing 2 to 5 sperm. I have no idea if they're even good sperm. I hate waiting...I have so many questions now. I read somewhere on this forum that scar tissue from the testicle surgeries is a possibility for zero count in semen too. Once the scar tissue is removed, sperm counts go back up to normal. Did they look into that at all? Oh no, I didn't know that. I thought I read that ICSI was cheaper, Maybe it's IUI I'm thinking of. I'm still trying to grasp all the terms and information. How much are you looking at, if you don't mind me asking? I'm praying for you. I hope all goes well in January!