Dealing with azoospermia?

Yes, exactly. And dont get upset if they dont find anything during surgery. Both times they found nothing in surgery. It took our embryologist 8 hours of searching to find sperm both times. I know the anticipation must be killing you. Stay positive. I will keep you in my prayers!!!

As for the first time, they said its probably the quality of both egg and sperm. I guess there is less of a chancr of testicular sperm embryos implanting. This.time they are suggesting we put in three! That scares me bc heart shaped uterus, but I am willing to try it if the doctor thinks its necessary. I also think changing my diet helped a lot this round to improve the quality of my eggs. I hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any other questions. I am wishing you the very best of luck this week!!!!!!
Wow, so much good news on here! That makes me very happy. :) Yay, Gem!! That is wonderful news!

Brandy- YAY!! Big congratulations, I hope you're just basking in happiness right now.

SND, I don't think sharing good news is "rubbing it in"- I for one LOVE to hear the good news- it is a beacon of hope and helps me be more hopeful about my own happy ending. Congratulations, and please keep us updated!

Good luck, Mbaby! We used to live in NYC too- but the noise & craziness got to us! I hear you guys are having a bitter cold winter...

Olive, we're not quite cycle buddies then- I had my 2nd dIUI on Wednesday. I have a much more positive feeling this time than last time around. I don't know, I just feel more at peace with our decision. I'm still a little uptight & emotional (I SOBBED at this "Kid President" video I watched last night), but am also feeling calm and, dare I say- excited? :)

Yes, exactly. And dont get upset if they dont find anything during surgery. Both times they found nothing in surgery. It took our embryologist 8 hours of searching to find sperm both times. I know the anticipation must be killing you. Stay positive. I will keep you in my prayers!!!

As for the first time, they said its probably the quality of both egg and sperm. I guess there is less of a chancr of testicular sperm embryos implanting. This.time they are suggesting we put in three! That scares me bc heart shaped uterus, but I am willing to try it if the doctor thinks its necessary. I also think changing my diet helped a lot this round to improve the quality of my eggs. I hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any other questions. I am wishing you the very best of luck this week!!!!!!

Thank you so very much! I am staying positive!! Hubby and I have both been doing acupuncture and on supplements and cut out gluten ( or tried to) so I am trying to give us the best shot here!!!

Was everything healthy from your end?
Congratulations Brandy, that's fantastic news!

Wow Gem, 7 embies! That's amazing! Will be thinking of you on Monday!

We're still waiting for our mTESE date MBABY. We've been told by the nurse that we should have an idea by some time before Valentine's Day. Will be nice to know so that we have a date to work towards. Glad your hospital is not too far away. It will make things a lot smoother being able to get home so easily. I'm really worried about after my DH's op as we will need to take a taxi, train and then plane journey for us to get home (rubbbbiiissh hehe!).

I love seeing everyone's updates, so please don't stop sharing! Everyone's in the same boat, just in different stages of their journeys, so it's reassuring to know where everyone is in this process. I know we talk about feeling rubbish when we hear about people in our lives getting pregnant so easily, but I can promise you that I have never felt like that about anyone on here. I am always overjoyed to hear the happy endings for you lovely ladies and I can't wait to be able to share mine with you too!

Lots of love to one and all XXXXXX
Rainbow, my hubby had his crazy vasectomy reversal surgery, we stayed one extra day in the hotel, then we hopped on a plane, including a layover, and then a 3 hour drive home from the airport. He was NOT a happy camper, and was SOOO glad when we got home. He said in the end, he was happy we came home when we did cause he'd much rather recover at home then the hotel room.

After his biopsy, we drove home 1.5 hrs and he could have worked the next day no problem. We never did get the TESE, but I think it's closer to the biopsy scenerio.
Rainbow, my hubby had his crazy vasectomy reversal surgery, we stayed one extra day in the hotel, then we hopped on a plane, including a layover, and then a 3 hour drive home from the airport. He was NOT a happy camper, and was SOOO glad when we got home. He said in the end, he was happy we came home when we did cause he'd much rather recover at home then the hotel room.

After his biopsy, we drove home 1.5 hrs and he could have worked the next day no problem. We never did get the TESE, but I think it's closer to the biopsy scenerio.

DH already has chronic testicle pain, so I'm just a little worried it will make it loads worse :wacko: but I guess they'll have some nice painkillers for him which will hopefully help if it is awful.
It's good to know that the biopsy wasn't so bad if that's what it's going to be like. We'll be staying over night in a hotel too so I'm hoping we'll be able to get a nice quiet train back to the airport and keep it as comfy as possible for him.
Just been looking at holidays together. We should know in the next few weeks when he'll be having the mTESE, so I want something to fall back on and look forward to if it's not going to be until after the summer.
So im a little confused. Is a mTESE less invasive as a TESE? DH had a rough time with his TESE…they literally cut each ball in half. It was really bad.
Wow, so much good news on here! That makes me very happy. :) Yay, Gem!! That is wonderful news!

Brandy- YAY!! Big congratulations, I hope you're just basking in happiness right now.

SND, I don't think sharing good news is "rubbing it in"- I for one LOVE to hear the good news- it is a beacon of hope and helps me be more hopeful about my own happy ending. Congratulations, and please keep us updated!

Good luck, Mbaby! We used to live in NYC too- but the noise & craziness got to us! I hear you guys are having a bitter cold winter...

Olive, we're not quite cycle buddies then- I had my 2nd dIUI on Wednesday. I have a much more positive feeling this time than last time around. I don't know, I just feel more at peace with our decision. I'm still a little uptight & emotional (I SOBBED at this "Kid President" video I watched last night), but am also feeling calm and, dare I say- excited? :)

Wow so much going on on the site.

Bradi - Congrats!!! It's nice to hear that it worked for you.

Sharon - I hope this is your month! I skipped a month so we will see what happens. I feel better about our decision, there are things that its sad to think about. We just want a family.

Good luck to everyone that is trying something (IUI,IFV)
Hello ladies! Thank you all for the well wishes. Sorry I didnt come on for a couple days. We were a little disappointed as 5 of our embryos we were told "may stop developing" and were "degenerating". We were really hoping to have something to freezd, but they told was not wortg it to freeze them. So we had to good embryos left so we transferred them both. I am PRAYING that this works bc hubby doesnt feel like he can do the mtese again. He is in a lot of pain this time. So I am calling on everyone for prayers, we need all we can get. I am going to do my best to stay off the internet for the next two weeks. I find the 2ww to be the worst. But for now I keeping thinking I am PUPO!

Snd good luck today! Mbaby only two more days to go! Keeping you in my prayers!!!
Sorry for all those typos! Stupid phone...cant type on it! We had *two good embryos. Lol
Gem, I am crossing everything and praying for your lil' embryos! I hear you about hating the TWW- I hope you're able to do what you need to do to have a stress-free two weeks.

SND, your transfer is today, right? Good luck!!!

Olive, I'm with you- it's still sad when I reeeaallly think about it, but I think DH and I are slowly getting over the trauma of the diagnosis and actually making our decision. Like you, we just want a family.

AFM- no really, I hate the TWW. I was able to forget about it for the most part last cycle since I was on vacation, but not so much now. I freelance from home, so even though I'm really busy this week I still have a LOT of alone time. I feel like a lunatic- my emotions are all over the place. I don't know if anyone here is a 30 Rock fan, but this pretty much sums me up for the past few days:

And I'm like that WITHOUT hormone shots! I don't want to imagine me on Clomid.

Good luck to everyone else!!
Oh, that embedded video doesn't seem to work- Well, you can google it- it's worth a google! :)
Gem, I am crossing everything and praying for your lil' embryos! I hear you about hating the TWW- I hope you're able to do what you need to do to have a stress-free two weeks.

SND, your transfer is today, right? Good luck!!!

Olive, I'm with you- it's still sad when I reeeaallly think about it, but I think DH and I are slowly getting over the trauma of the diagnosis and actually making our decision. Like you, we just want a family.

AFM- no really, I hate the TWW. I was able to forget about it for the most part last cycle since I was on vacation, but not so much now. I freelance from home, so even though I'm really busy this week I still have a LOT of alone time. I feel like a lunatic- my emotions are all over the place. I don't know if anyone here is a 30 Rock fan, but this pretty much sums me up for the past few days:

And I'm like that WITHOUT hormone shots! I don't want to imagine me on Clomid.

Good luck to everyone else!!

On Clomid I am EXACTLY like that. I started Clomid two weeks before our wedding because we wanted to be prepared knowing it could take months because of my PCOS, and I got upset because DH didn't want to look at my flowers I ordered. I was crying and crying and mad and telling him that he doesn't care, etc. Finally I came out of the bathroom and tried to play off like I didn't care and wasn't crying. DH says, "Are you done? This medicine is making you really moody." I told him I know. Lol. It sucks being over emotional. I guess it's part of the journey.

Great video! Thanks for posting.
Tina Fey starred in the movie Baby Mama and she was having emotional issues with the hormone injections there too. She is too hilarious for words.
So im a little confused. Is a mTESE less invasive as a TESE? DH had a rough time with his TESE…they literally cut each ball in half. It was really bad.

The mTESE is similar, just more delicate I think. From what I understand, mTESE is a smaller incision and they take out small pieces of tissue to examine under a microscope. My hubby only had 1 cut in the middle, and said he had pain on the right more than the left, because the doctor pulled the testicle on the right when he was doing the mTESE, so he had expected my hubby would have pain on that side.

I don't know about the TESE, but for the mTESE they do a general anesthetic, and it is about an hour or more for the surgery.

My hubby didn't have much terrible pain after the two mTESE he had, and he healed very well, so I think it might depend on the doctor because I've heard horror stories, but our doctor is one of the best in the country (Canada not the UK), so I think that helped.

Best of luck!
Brandy - ok I thought so.
Yeah dh was in a lot of pain for a couple weeks. I'm happy we went with the more invasive surgery. I'm guessing with the mTESE they wouldn't have found as much sperm.
Brandy - ok I thought so.
Yeah dh was in a lot of pain for a couple weeks. I'm happy we went with the more invasive surgery. I'm guessing with the mTESE they wouldn't have found as much sperm.

They usually find the same amount. The mTESE surgery takes longer because they are more strategic about what they take, and examine what they've taken under a microscope during the surgery so they have to take less tissue. The TESE has a higher risk of testosterone being a problem after the surgery because it is more invasive, although, they both carry that risk.

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