So hubby had his mTESE today, and it did not go as we expected. Last time the embryologist took it back to the lab/office and searched and searched and found sperm. This time he "combed it" for an hour, and found nothing. I guess he had to leave to go do transfers at another clinic. So they put the tissue in an incubator overnight and they will look again in the morning. Has anyone ever heard of this? Has anyone ever had success 24 hours after mTESE? I'm freaking out because I guess we just expected them to find something this time because we had success last time. But now they are telling me I need to decide tonight about back up donor. I'm really not ready for this. I was SO excited to be pregnant, but now that this has popped up I almost want to tell them to freeze my eggs and we will try again in the summer. But, then what if they don't find anything again and these stellar eggs that I've been working on for three months are no good after thawing.
I don't know, I guess I need some words of advice or encouragement from people who know and understand. When you made the decision for donor, did it feel right in your heart? Did you just know? Or was it a tough decision? My husband is on board and super supportive of anything I want to do. I just want him to be happy too, I wanted him to have a baby with his genes. But he is saying no matter what it will be ours.
I'm all over the place. I'm sorry, I just am totally thrown off and confused. Hubby is sleeping, I am trying to prepare for possibly being out of work for three days next week, and mentally preparing for retrieval tomorrow. Just a mess.