Wow, Arzoo... Monday... that is just the weekend away

I am so excited for you and think it is great that DH was there for the scan and you had a relaxing coffee! My fingers will be tightly crossed for you both on Monday!

I am so sorry to hear about the team being given their notice! How much notice does the company have to give? We had that at my previous company (in fact, I had to give the people in my team notice) and it is just one of the worst feelings ever

I hate that you guys have to go through it
Miki - I totally get it! In fact, my DH was totally against it as well - but then for this last try he said that he did at least want to have tried it so that a) we couldn't say we hadn't tried everything and b) perhaps it would make all the different and c) perhaps the biopsy would even tell us where the infertility comes from. As it happened, they didn't find any usable sperm in there and the histological report indicated, that he was just probably born infertile

I had no idea that being given testosterone could cause infertility! What was DH given testosterone injections for 4 years for? If you don't mind my asking? That is so sad

I really hope that the FSH will do something so that they can find something in May!!
I think the step moving to Donor is really difficult (I know my DH wasn't at peace with the idea) and kudos to yours, that he is OK with it ... but we will keep fingers and toes crossed, that the dream of the biological baby stays alive!
BTW. my DH was sore for a while after the TESE, but it wasn't too bad and has healed really well ... he was uncomfortable for a few days.
Well, I hope that the sweet little dot continues to grow like this (I was so proud of him/her today - sounds really silly, I know - because he/she measured the 4,3mm on Wednesday and then the 6,2mm today and the u/s at my gynaecologist said that I was 6w+4d along and the EDD is 3rd November - which is spot on considering the dates of ER + fertilisation etc. So I was feeling really proud, that my little baby is doing just what he/she is supposed to *lol*).
Yes - the only wish is healthy. DH is unable to be really happy and excited yet, he is terrified, that because of his poor quality sperm, that our baby will have something genetically wrong with it. He will only start believing that everything is OK, once the test results are in (in quite a few weeks, when we can have them). It's a shame. I am the other way around - happy, calm, excited ... and if we have to deal with something then, then I will...
As for gender... secretly, I have always preferred girl (and have loads of girls' names in mind) and DH would prefer a little boy. But at the end of the day, neither of us really care, as long as the little mite is healthy
