Good luck Bubumac for your scan on wednesday. Really happy to know things are progressing well for you.
Thank you Bubumaci for sharing your experience . I did consider if we should go elsewhere but the issue is , DH is being seen by the best urologist in UK, (so we are told) and for a synchronised cycle we have to go private and the urologist does private with this hospital.
You mentioned you have done more than one ICSIs, does it all involve multiple micro tese? If not, what was the procedure for sperm retrieval? Our urologist thinks we should only do one mTese
Thank you Bubumaci for sharing your experience . I did consider if we should go elsewhere but the issue is , DH is being seen by the best urologist in UK, (so we are told) and for a synchronised cycle we have to go private and the urologist does private with this hospital.
You mentioned you have done more than one ICSIs, does it all involve multiple micro tese? If not, what was the procedure for sperm retrieval? Our urologist thinks we should only do one mTese