Hi everyone!!
It has been a long time since I have been here but every once in a while I have visited to see how you are all getting along. I joined way back about 3 years ago when my dh was diagnosed as being azoospermic. Since then as I'm sure you can all identify with, life has been a rollercoaster. First we spent a year or so doing tests on my dh and finally a TESE. To cut a long story short,
all his tests came back within normal ranges (FSH, citric acid, genetic tests etc). The TESE was successful as in that sperm was found but they are immature and it couldn't be determined if they were alive or not. Or this is what we were told at the time.
We were always advised to go down the ICSI route but without knowing why my husband has this problem we really didn't want to and decided against it, not wanting to carry on this unknown problem through our family. We got a second opinion about a year ago and it was much the same. What he said to us about male fertility was 'With male fertility all we can see is the forest, we don't know what trees are in there, and we certainly can't see the leaves on the trees, it's up to you whether you want to venture into that forest or not'.
After that we decided to go with donor sperm. We have had 2 diui with 2 bfns
Jumping on to why I am writing all of this. This weekend we were in Barcelona and decided to try a doctor there. We literally picked a clinic from nowhere as they had first appt free. It was Fertilab. Anyway...we finally got a possible diagnosis with treatment! It may not be it, and we don't want to get our hopes up but the doctor seemed pretty sure. He noticed that while my dh FSH levels were within normal range, there was a lot of variation in his levels from one analisis to another and this was unusual. He said putting all the symptoms together there is a very good chance that my husband has chronic prostatitis. This causes obstructive azoospermia but untreated could later turn into non-obstructive (hence the
variation in FSH levels). This is caused by an infection in the prostate which has never been cured. 2 years ago dh was given an antibiotic to rule out infection but we were never told where or why. So he is now on a 20-day shock treatment including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills. He has to eat lots of pumpkin seeds and ejaculate as much as possible, the more excited he is the better! This will help get rid of the bacteria. Pufff...what a post. Please ask me any questions you might have. I have gone on for so long as I feel this could be interesting to some of you as its something we had NEVER come across throughout these 3 years.
Sending positive energy to all!!