Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi mbaby .
Yup period came. Starting my birth control tomorrow. I m cycling with Dr. Pfeiffer. Dr. Schlegel recommended her. But I'm having a hard time getting anybody on the phone :-( hope the nurses are nicer in person.
I'm sorry you're feeling so down, Gem. Faced with so many big decisions, it seems perfectly natural to me to feel overwhelmed and depressed. It's a lot to deal with. In answer to your donor photo question... I did see adult pictures, and I can't really say if I am happy I did or not. We had pretty much settled on that donor anyway, based on a lot of the things you mentioned- background, health, personality, etc. DH didn't want to see adult (he was fine with baby)... and, I don't know. It's like Rainbow said, you can't unsee a photograph- and he doesn't look much like DH anyway. So if it's just the photos, I'd say don't let that hold you back- seeing the pictures is a mixed bag, anyway.

Rainbow, good luck!! Weird that they advertised a 6-year-old picture as a "baby photo"... but kids/people change a ton from that age. I know when I see "celebrity baby photos" I can never tell a Brad Pitt from a George Clooney.

Bubu, your ultrasounds are beautiful!!! Congratulations!

Mbaby, yay for the great numbers!!
Hi Ladies, I found a very interesting article on Azoo, specifically to men with genetic issues, just thought it would be interesting to some of you.

The just of the article: Sperm cells have been created from the skin of men who have a genetic defect that makes them infertile.

Scientists believe the technique could bring hope to men who are unable to generate enough sperm to conceive.

More immediately, the breakthrough offers researchers a method for studying sperm development and male infertility treatments.

Lead researcher Dr Reijo Pera, from the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University in the US, said: “It might even be possible to transplant stem-cell-derived germ cells directly into the testes of men with problems producing sperm.”

Infertility affects up to 15 percent of couples, and Dr Pera, whose findings were published in the journal Cell Reports, said genetic causes were surprisingly prevalent among men.
Oh my goodness Bubumaci, those photos are so beautiful! I LOVE the photo of her waving, amazing that she is so perfectly formed when she is still so tiny! Thank you so much for sharing them, and thank you so much for all your positive messages. It is so lovely to come on here and see the progress that you and your Punktchen are making. :-) XXXXX
Hi any successful stories of high fsh? My husband FSH is 13.2 today we had appointment they said we will look for sperms but there is no guarantee because fsh level is high :(
My dh either was 11 or 13.. But it's not that high looking at range. Our urologist gave us 65% chance of finding sperm. We never did the mtese b/c dh has a few swimmers (under 100 per sample) and that was good enough for my re for icsi.
Im so confused, my DH has been on chlomid sincr September and his FSH went from 18 to 28 and the doctor was happy that it went up because it meant that the chlomid was working and telling his body to make sperm. Is it something different?
Gem- I think it depends on the 'diagnosis' and the cause for the AZzospermia...
Hello and thank you for your link. my husband contacted this researcher about a year ago. he recommended a Stanford urologist to us. that urologist performed a varicocele repair on my husband. we were very happy at Stanford :thumbup: But on last minute we switched to Dr Schlegel for the mTESE because he is specialized on mTESE procedure.

Hi Ladies, I found a very interesting article on Azoo, specifically to men with genetic issues, just thought it would be interesting to some of you.

The just of the article: Sperm cells have been created from the skin of men who have a genetic defect that makes them infertile.

Scientists believe the technique could bring hope to men who are unable to generate enough sperm to conceive.

More immediately, the breakthrough offers researchers a method for studying sperm development and male infertility treatments.

Lead researcher Dr Reijo Pera, from the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University in the US, said: “It might even be possible to transplant stem-cell-derived germ cells directly into the testes of men with problems producing sperm.”

Infertility affects up to 15 percent of couples, and Dr Pera, whose findings were published in the journal Cell Reports, said genetic causes were surprisingly prevalent among men.
Thanks MoBaby and MBABY2014 . All tests have been done just left internal ultrasound about which Dr was saying we will look for some tube which is absent in some males then we will proceed towards sperms search. My question is that if that tube is present does it makes any difference and yes my hubby testicles size is normal. Chromosome test is normal. Just problem is high fsh :(
I'm afraid I can't comment on the FSH levels, as DH's were all normal...

Not sure, but I think in the ultrasound they also check for blockages, which might be causing the Azoo ...? If there is a blockage, then the TESE / mTESE is likely to be successful for retrieval, because that is what's causing there to be little or no sperm in the ejaculate. I might be wrong, but I think that is what they checked when they did the internal u/s for DH.

For my DH unfortunately, we have absolutely no explanation - it is non-obstructive, genetics were fine, FSH levels were fine, hormones were all fine ... seems to have been born with it. We had the one freak success after the Tamoxifen, one time ... he does produce few sperm, which are not good quality and we have no explanation as to why or where it comes from.

When will DH be getting the ultrasound? Good luck for it :) :) I hope you get some helpful results! :hugs2:
I'm afraid I can't comment on the FSH levels, as DH's were all normal...

Not sure, but I think in the ultrasound they also check for blockages, which might be causing the Azoo ...? If there is a blockage, then the TESE / mTESE is likely to be successful for retrieval, because that is what's causing there to be little or no sperm in the ejaculate. I might be wrong, but I think that is what they checked when they did the internal u/s for DH.

For my DH unfortunately, we have absolutely no explanation - it is non-obstructive, genetics were fine, FSH levels were fine, hormones were all fine ... seems to have been born with it. We had the one freak success after the Tamoxifen, one time ... he does produce few sperm, which are not good quality and we have no explanation as to why or where it comes from.

When will DH be getting the ultrasound? Good luck for it :) :) I hope you get some helpful results! :hugs2:

thanks hun:hugs: they checked the blockage in first ultrasound so there was no bblockage and we will get referral letter for next ultrasound within 6 weeks. I am feeling so down as everyone is getting so pregnant easily around me sometimes think may be I will never be a mother :cry:
I just wanted to post this poem that I found on a girl's website. I am not sure, I think she tried IVF a couple of times / IUI ... and has been approved to adopt from Haiti. The couple has a lovely website / blog and at the very beginning, is this poem. It is very beautiful and very very true... The journey is long and hard and I believe that all of us in one way or another will be Mothers :kiss:

Thoughts on Becoming a Mother

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss, and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will be better.
I will be better not because of genetics, or money, or that I have read more books, but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have longed and waited. I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover. I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold, and feed him.

I will not wake to track another temperature, take another pill, prepare another injection or shed another tear.
I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends and family will never see.

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain. I have been tried by fire and hell many may never face, yet given time, I stood tall.
I have prevailed. I have succeeded. I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.
I listen. And even though I can’t make it better, I can make it less lonely.

I have learned the power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth, and when life is beyond hard, I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes, I will be a wonderful mother.

- Anonymous
Tulip, I just wanted to chime in about the ultrasounds - my hubby had a scrotal ultrasound and a rectal ultrasound, and neither showed anything, and he does in fact have a blockage, it just didn't show up on the scans. He has a ton of scarring that basically cinched him off. Once hubby got the biopsy we decided to have a surgery to by-pass the blockage (basically a vasectomy reversal) that was successful. So it's possible even if the next ultrasound doesn't show anything, that it could still be a blockage. Best of luck!
Just wanted to come on and wish all of you a happy mothers day. For those of you who have a little one, have a bun in the oven, or, like me, just have a baby in your heart, we are all mothers in a way. This day is always hard for me, but one day it will be our turn. If you have a baby in your heart and dreams, you deserve to celebrate this, celebrate those fur babies!! Anyway, thinking of each of you today my azoo girls.
Me too, deafgal. Hating facebook today especially. It will be our turn someday. I feel like it should be womens day. If you dont have kids, you are a still the woman of your family, and thats what counts. Just know youre not alone today. Have a cocktail and toast to your DH. I have a friend who I work with in her fifties, they never had kids, so they celebrate "Sweethearts Day" instead. I really like that idea

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