Dealing with azoospermia?

Bubumaci they aren't testing my HCG levels. My doc just wanted to confirm ovulation since I have a history of not ovulating. I plan to POAS this coming week. Eeeek!!!! :baby:

MBABY I actually feel pretty good. My boobs still hurt and I am a little queasy but those are both Clomid side effects I get. Other than being very thirsty and peeing all the time I feel "normal". I started my vacation yesterday morning so I will have lots to distract me from the urge to POAS. How are you feeling?
Mbaby, no, your number is great! When is your second beta?

Miki, I think your progesterone sounds great too! Mine really shot up with this try, but I also had many follicles that all seemed hell bent on producing progesterone :). 44 sound like a good number to me :)
When are you going to POAS this week?? I'm excited :)
This just in- it's official!!!

Beta #1 : 106!!!!!

Beta number 2 on Monday!!

Any thoughts on the number? 1 or 2?

I am SO thrilled!'n

106 falls well within the normal for 1 range. My Betas were 96 at 14DPO (IUI) , 214 (two days later) and 2400 (a week later). We assumed one, TWO ! Progesterone is apparently a better indicator than HcG for multiples
Wow! Adrian!! So I guess I won't know till
Next Thursday anyway...

Next beta is Monday

I'm feeling great!!
Wow! Adrian!! So I guess I won't know till
Next Thursday anyway...

Next beta is Monday

I'm feeling great!!

My first u/s at 6 weeks showed 2 sacs but was too early for HB, so we still held out until week 7 (my picture) where there were certainly 2 babies and heart beats :)
Your numbers are perfect! My last unsuccessful pregnancy (1 transferred) I had even higher betas. I just make a lot hcg.
Hi everyone. Hope everybody is doing well. Our mTese and ivf with Dr. Schlegel are planned for the end of May. The doctor send me prescription for birth control.he told me to start on the second day of my period. Usually my period is perfect. It's perfectly on time. Surprisingly this time I am still waiting for it. It supposed to come Friday evening. Is that happening because I m nervous? Or do I think too much about it?
Hi Miracle
You are probably stressed! Just relax

Are you cycling at Cornell? I am as well!!
Yes I am :-) how was your experience with Cornell? Hope you don't mind me asking if your husband got the mtese done. I'm glad it worked for you.
I don't know if I m stressed... I just came back from vacation and we spend wonderful days at the beach. But maybe you are right and it's not clear to me...
Mbaby, still so happy for you! And Miki, I'm sending lots of good thoughts for your test this week!

So here's something weird- I had lunch with 2 separate friends this week who I knew had struggled with infertility (but I didn't know the details). One has been trying for 6 years, the other has a beautiful son via IVF. I told both of them this week about hubby's azoo diagnosis, and both of their partners HAD THE SAME THING!!! 2 people in one week, both with zero sperm count!! It makes me wonder how many others are going through and we don't even know it. My friend via IVF used a sperm donor, too, and I am so happy I shared with her and know somebody in real life who's done the same thing. And their son looks just like his dad- I never would have guessed.
Sharon- no way!! That's funny ;)

Miracle- I love Cornell- I'm with dr.Chung- what about you??

My hubby did have the procedure but not with dr.Shalgel..we used his dads urologist.., as this is the doctor we went to when we first heard about his diagnosis. Dr.Chung was happy to work with him as he is a well known urologist in NYC. We had great results and are currently awaiting beta #2 on Monday. I have heard GREAT things about Shalgel- you are In very very good hands!!

Let me know if you have any questions- when is it scheduled for? Did your P show up yet?
Sharon, thats crazy! It does make you wonder how many of our friends babies have been conceived the same way.

AFM- I am not sure why, but all of a sudden this past week I have felt an overwhelming feeling of depression. Almost as bad as when I first found out my cycles didnt work. It was horrible!! My hubby talked me off the ledge, as always. But strangely enough, my RE called me the very next day to see how I am doing, and to see when we would like to try again. We have to wait until July as our urologist wants at least 6 months for my hubby to heal. I dont think it was a micro tese, but just a tese which is why he is in so much pain. I have decided not to tell anyone we are going to try again. I will try to go about life as normal, and just keep this to myself. I am hoping that maybe since I will not be working, it may help us to have a successful cycle. I have also considered doing half DH and half donor. DH is not feeling 100% about that yet. He feels it will decrease his odds. But I dont want to have to do the shots again of we end up with nothing again. We have never had anything leftover to freeze. We just get one or two to transfer, and thats it. He would rather do full him, or full donor. I dont know though. I also went to purchase lifetime photos of the donor we chose and it turns out there are none. His description is my DH to a tew, right down to the blood type! I cant decide if it is better to know what he looks like or not. What do you ladies think that are using donor? We can always go back and choose another, but as you know it is very costly. Anyway, just trying to not put so much pressure on myself this time. I feel myself doing the research and cutting this and that out of the diet, but it made no difference last time, except helping me lose ten pounds! Lol. Thoughts? I just cant wait to not feel like this anymore. I know our time will come, but its so hard not knowing when our how. I have been fine, but out where this feeling has overwhelmed me again. AF is probably on her way! Lol.

Mik, thinking of you and hoping you have success!

Bub, hope you are feeling well, and Sharon too!

To anyone I missed, I hope you all are doing well, no matter the stage you are in. I continue to watch from the sidelines and keep you all in my thoughts everyday!
Hi Gem. Sorry you are feeling so rubbish at the moment. This has happened to me recently too. I had a roller coaster of emotions after DH's mTESE (no sperm found). Went from feeling really rubbish to feeling excited and optimistic for the first time in 2 years, to feeling absolutely rock bottom again. I'm now feeling pretty positive, with our DIUI coming up in about two weeks, but it is strange how you can feel like you're doing ok then suddenly be back in that dark place, seemingly overnight.
With regards to the photos, I was really curious about them and really wanted to see a photo of our donor, but DH was so against it, there was no changing his mind. I think he felt that it would be etched on his/my mind and then there's nothing you can do to take it back. So then I suggested we looked at the baby photos of our two favourite donors, which DH was ok with. Problem is, after looking at the first one, which was a cute little baby, the second one (can I just point out it was advertised as a BABY photo), was of a child who must have been at least 6 years old. That was a bit weird. He looks nothing like my DH. We did end up going with the second one, not because of how he looked, but because of his profile. I liked reading about his reasons for becoming a donor, and I got a good feeling about him from other things he had written, like how it was a privilege to be a parent (he has a daughter). I do kind of wish I hadn't seen his "baby" photo now, but you can't turn back time!
Good luck with your choices Gem. I hope you are feeling lots better today. Lots of love XXXXXXX
Oh Gem, I am sorry that you are feeling so crappy! I hope that today things are looking a bit brighter again?

Ooooh Rainbow ... 2 weeks :) how exciting!

MBaby ... when do we hear your numbers? Can't wait!!!! :dance:

Copying from my journal:
Today finally arrived (nope, my suitcase hasn't yet, but we are expecting it some time tonight) and we drove to the gynaecologist this morning ...

Pünktchen is perfect! There is simply no other word to describe it!
... OK - I will get it out right at the beginning. The doctor looked and looked and said "well, I don't see anything ... the umbilical cord is a bit in the way ... but ... *provisionally* I think it is a girl" ... so it looks like it will be team :pink: and a Miss Pünktchen! (We go again in around 3 weeks or so, perhaps we will get more certainty then?) ...

NT-Scan - also perfect! She said there was practically nothing there! So we still have to wait for the bloods and can expect to hear in about a week or so, what our "statistics" are - but we are not worried!

Pünktchen waved at us, measures just under 8cms CRL ... at one point, she turned on her belly and stuck her bottom in the air .. "that's my girl, I thought" *grin* And DH was so sweet, he was stroking my foot and - looked like - blown away by what we were seeing. Proud Daddy :)

Blood pressure perfect, iron levels perfect, plenty of amniotic fluid for her to swim around in ... perfect looking spine, ribs, hands (you'll see on the pictures), sweet little profile... she is just perfect :cloud9:

We have about 9 pictures, but I am only uploading three. One full body picture, one with her waving and the last one, where we can see (we heard) the heartbeat <3


  • US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 - Profil - Ganzkörper.png
    US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 - Profil - Ganzkörper.png
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  • US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 - Waving 2.png
    US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 - Waving 2.png
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  • US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 HB.png
    US Pünktchen 05.05.2014 HB.png
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How did I miss Mbaby's news?!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


And with twins, my first beta was like 263, second was 750 and third was over 9500. So could be, could be not?! You'll know come first scan!!!! :winkwink:

How is everyone else? :hugs:
Rainbow, thank you. Your experience helped me feel better about my decision. We did see a baby photo (not very good) and his profile. Its hard to tell what they truly look like. I find myself looking
at my husbands profile, and I think, he wouldn't look all that great in a silhouete either! :rofl: Part of me feels I should stick with my original choice. I chose him because his description was perfect, he was healthy, and the staff raved about his personality. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.

I am still up in the air about our July cycle. Part of me feels let's give DH one more full shot with all of my eggs. The other half of me worries it wont work again and I will wish I had some frozen back up eggs. I go to the doctor for my June period, and wont cycle until the end of July. Retrieval will be around the 28th, so we have some time.

In the meantime, I going to try my best to stay happy, healthy and positive! Not always easy, but I have to try!

Thanks for your kind words Rainbiw and Bub, it really helps! Bub, I cant believe how big your little girl is! It seems like yesterday you found out you were pregnant! I am so happy for you! You are my inspiration, I give you lots of credit for never giving up. Snd, how are you feeling with the twins! You must be very excited! Rainbow, I will keep my fingers crossed for your DIUI!
Hi ladies!

Gem- sorry your feeling down... But excited that you have some steps coming up this summer!! Any updates with the herbs/supplements?

BuB- wow- I'm amazed those pictures are beautiful
- she's beautiful, you must feel so blessed!

AFM- did I forget to share my beta??? OPPS!!

Beta 1- 106 (5/1)
Beta 2- 548 (5/5)

Next up- beta 3 and 5 week US!! I'm so nervous! BUT SO HAPPY with today's beta! I'm so curious to see if it's 1 or 2!!

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