Oh Gem, I am sorry that you are feeling so crappy! I hope that today things are looking a bit brighter again?
Ooooh Rainbow ... 2 weeks

how exciting!
MBaby ... when do we hear your numbers? Can't wait!!!!
Copying from my journal:
Today finally arrived (nope, my suitcase hasn't yet, but we are expecting it some time tonight) and we drove to the gynaecologist this morning ...
Pünktchen is perfect! There is simply no other word to describe it!
... OK - I will get it out right at the beginning. The doctor looked and looked and said "well, I don't see anything ... the umbilical cord is a bit in the way ... but ... *provisionally* I think it is a girl" ... so it looks like it will be team

and a Miss Pünktchen! (We go again in around 3 weeks or so, perhaps we will get more certainty then?) ...
NT-Scan - also perfect! She said there was practically nothing there! So we still have to wait for the bloods and can expect to hear in about a week or so, what our "statistics" are - but we are not worried!
Pünktchen waved at us, measures just under 8cms CRL ... at one point, she turned on her belly and stuck her bottom in the air .. "that's my girl, I thought" *grin* And DH was so sweet, he was stroking my foot and - looked like - blown away by what we were seeing. Proud Daddy
Blood pressure perfect, iron levels perfect, plenty of amniotic fluid for her to swim around in ... perfect looking spine, ribs, hands (you'll see on the pictures), sweet little profile... she is just perfect
We have about 9 pictures, but I am only uploading three. One full body picture, one with her waving and the last one, where we can see (we heard) the heartbeat