Hi Kashish,
I am sorry you have had to make your way here!
Not quite sure how testicular failure is diagnosed, but my DH has unexplained NO-Azoospermia / Oligospermia. At the collections, he would produce none or sometimes very few sperm, with no motility and poor morphology.
For all our tries, they always used the fresh samples, finding just enough sperm to fertilise the retrieved eggs via ICSI - even though we did have a frozen sample, which was a miracle sample.
His urologist prescribed Tamoxifen, which DH took for 6 weeks. The reason I say miracle sample - in May 2012, he produced 13MIO (!!!) with 8% motility - they froze 6 straws.
We tried the tamoxifen last year in February, in the hope that we would get similar results and be able to do IMSI - but DH was back to the non-production / minimal production.
Our RE suggesting doing TESE for this try in February (since he felt that the reason all our tries were failing, was because of the bad quality sperm) ... DH underwent the TESE on the morning of my ER and I went from one hospital with his samples to the clinic for my ER ... even before I went in they told me that they had not been able to find anything to use in the TESE material and would be thawing 3 straws from the (MIRACLE) sample from 2012 ...
Incredibly, whatever it was that made that sample as good as it was (I mean, we are talking about an increase from mostly zero sperm to 13mio) is what brought us our miracle BFP.
I know that there have been several reports of success with Tamoxifen. In our case, I don't know why that one attempt 2 years ago was a success, but the drugs had no effect when we tried it again at the beginning of last year ... but perhaps that might be worth a try?
The other thing that is supposed to also be good for men (I have been taking it, as it supports cell-regeneration), is Coenzym Q10.
Deafgirl : so totally understand you Sweetie! But regardless what route you decide to journey down, you will always belong here and we will always be here for you