Dealing with azoospermia?

How exciting Miraclbaby! Glad the cysts aren't going to mess things up!

Tulip - I pretty much ALWAYS had to chase up my clinic to make sure that we were going to get the appointment when we were supposed to. Did my flipping head in! One time it was like they hadn't even been given a referral note for me when it was 8 weeks after our previous appointment where they'd said the next appointment would be in 8 weeks! It's the last thing that you should have to do, but unfortunately with some clinics they do need chasing up!

Miki - Good luck with your scan tomorrow! Hoping they see some lovely follies developing! You're right about all the photos going up of people's babies, I nearly deleted my Facebook account because of it, but decided to just stay off for the most part when we were going through our darkest days.

Lots of love to all you lovely ladies! XXX

yeah yesterday we asked so they said today theyl will let us know at 4 pm about whats going on ? we were waiting but didnt receive any call :(
:( now that's just rude! How annoying! I hope you hear today. If you haven't by noon, call them!
Just got back from the ultrasound appt. Doc saw many follies on my right ovary but they are still too small to measure. He was checking for my left ovary and couldn't find it. He searched and searched and finally found what he believes was it. Now I am worried there is something wrong since he couldn't find it. :wacko: He seemed ok after he "found" it. :winkwink: I go in again next Tuesday to check the progress. :happydance:
If we want to go on private route as I am thinking of Dr Ramsey what would be the procedure as NHS is giving us free first attempt? Do we have to tell them that we want to go through private or if we mention the desired Dr name so they will refer us?
Miki - I wouldn't worry about him "not being able to find it" ... sometimes, the ovaries are *hiding* (I had one side that didn't always want to show itself), but that is nothing to worry about! I am very glad to hear that you are being monitored more closely now! :kiss: :dust:

Tulip - I'm sorry, I have no idea as to how to proceed in the UK! :(
Finally got another appointment letter after 5 weeks. It's on 4th of august let's see what's next as we had all done with tests stages.
Glad you've managed to get another appointment Tulip! Arzoo went with Dr Ramsay, maybe you could PM her?
Hello ladies. Quick update from me. We are in the middle of our third IVF cycle. My hubby had his tese yesterday (third one) and I had my egg retrieval today. They got 12 eggs from me, but very sadly did not find any sperm. I am devastated. I had to go into my retrieval crying and woke up the same. We had to make the very hard decision to use all donor. I really did not think this would happen. We changed our protocol and was excited for a new drug they were going to use to help the embryos stick, and now we wont have that opportunity. My DH was a complete rock. I was in recovery for a few hours this time, not sure why but I am in a lot of pain this time. In those few hours he came to terms with our situation and was smiling when he saw me. He said I am ready to be a dad, you want to be a mom, and this is our only choice now. I dont know where he pulls this strength from. He amazes me every day. So we are moving forward with DS. I guess I am just looking for some reassurance from those using DS that you feel happy with your decision. Does this sadness disappear when you get your BFP? I am just so sad, scared, angry and excited at the same time that I need some of my girls to talk me through this. We find out about our embryos tomorrow, and hopefully transfer on Monday. To make matters more challenging, we kept this cycle a secret. Not even my mom knows. Which is good in many ways, but hard in others. I am hoping to ahock everyone if we do get pregnant. But we are not telling anyone we used donor. My DH is not comfortable with that. Anyway, any thoughts or advice are much appreciated. I have been watching from the sidelines and thinking of you girls always.
I am sorry that they didnt find any sperms. Hopefully everything will go well with the donor sperm. I think once you have your baby in your arm you will be thrilled. I know its a diffcult decision but your husband supports you and your love will only grow more :-)
Hello ladies. Quick update from me. We are in the middle of our third IVF cycle. My hubby had his tese yesterday (third one) and I had my egg retrieval today. They got 12 eggs from me, but very sadly did not find any sperm. I am devastated. I had to go into my retrieval crying and woke up the same. We had to make the very hard decision to use all donor. I really did not think this would happen. We changed our protocol and was excited for a new drug they were going to use to help the embryos stick, and now we wont have that opportunity. My DH was a complete rock. I was in recovery for a few hours this time, not sure why but I am in a lot of pain this time. In those few hours he came to terms with our situation and was smiling when he saw me. He said I am ready to be a dad, you want to be a mom, and this is our only choice now. I dont know where he pulls this strength from. He amazes me every day. So we are moving forward with DS. I guess I am just looking for some reassurance from those using DS that you feel happy with your decision. Does this sadness disappear when you get your BFP? I am just so sad, scared, angry and excited at the same time that I need some of my girls to talk me through this. We find out about our embryos tomorrow, and hopefully transfer on Monday. To make matters more challenging, we kept this cycle a secret. Not even my mom knows. Which is good in many ways, but hard in others. I am hoping to ahock everyone if we do get pregnant. But we are not telling anyone we used donor. My DH is not comfortable with that. Anyway, any thoughts or advice are much appreciated. I have been watching from the sidelines and thinking of you girls always.
Gem - I am so sorry that this TESE wasn't successful! :( Your DH sounds absolutely amazing, I must say! (btw - my DH had a TESE in February the same day as my ER - and while I was still waiting for my turn to go in for the ER, the nurses told me that they hadn't been able to find anything useable in the TESE sample ... so I lay there with silent tears running down my cheeks, much like you did ... it was this try that brought us our BFP - we did have a frozen sample from two years ago ...).
I know it isn't the same and you asked for experiences with BFPs with DS. That I cannot say anything about. But you do know our journey - how many ERs we had, how many transfers ... and what I can tell you about our journey is : the second (really, literally the second) I knew that this try had worked and knew I was pregnant ... EVERY SINGLE TRY, EVERY SINGLE TEAR (the pain; emotional, physical, psychological ... financial - the frustration, not knowing) - it was all behind me and I knew it had all been worth it! Really, it was immediate. The sadness, everything was gone and I just felt happy and excited and (couldn't believe it - still can't most of the time!!) felt that it was worth having gone through it all, for that :bfp:

I look forward to hearing good news about your embryos tomorrow! And just wanted to say again : your DH is fabulous, he is entirely on board, they are YOUR (plural) embryos, will be YOUR child/children and he is the Daddy! <3 :kiss: :hugs:

I know how you feel. My hubby had a second mTESE and they found nothing. We used 3 sperm from the previous mTESE cycle and didn't get pregnant from that. We subsequently got pregnant through dIUI. I'm about 7 months pregnant. I am so excited to meet our little girl, and look at it this way - if we hadn't used donor, we wouldn't have her. I'm sure as time goes on that feeling will get stronger (especially once she's born and I get to know her as a little person). It is still hard when people make comments about "I wonder who's nose she'll have?", or "I wonder what colour her hair will be?", but we are dealing with it, and telling people as the time seems right.

So it does get easier with time. It's essentially grief over the loss of your jointly biological child. The happiness of being pregnant is different, so don't let it cloud your grief process, because it will come up later if you don't deal with it now.

Hopefully that helped! :)

Hello ladies. Quick update from me. We are in the middle of our third IVF cycle. My hubby had his tese yesterday (third one) and I had my egg retrieval today. They got 12 eggs from me, but very sadly did not find any sperm. I am devastated. I had to go into my retrieval crying and woke up the same. We had to make the very hard decision to use all donor. I really did not think this would happen. We changed our protocol and was excited for a new drug they were going to use to help the embryos stick, and now we wont have that opportunity. My DH was a complete rock. I was in recovery for a few hours this time, not sure why but I am in a lot of pain this time. In those few hours he came to terms with our situation and was smiling when he saw me. He said I am ready to be a dad, you want to be a mom, and this is our only choice now. I dont know where he pulls this strength from. He amazes me every day. So we are moving forward with DS. I guess I am just looking for some reassurance from those using DS that you feel happy with your decision. Does this sadness disappear when you get your BFP? I am just so sad, scared, angry and excited at the same time that I need some of my girls to talk me through this. We find out about our embryos tomorrow, and hopefully transfer on Monday. To make matters more challenging, we kept this cycle a secret. Not even my mom knows. Which is good in many ways, but hard in others. I am hoping to ahock everyone if we do get pregnant. But we are not telling anyone we used donor. My DH is not comfortable with that. Anyway, any thoughts or advice are much appreciated. I have been watching from the sidelines and thinking of you girls always.
gem I am glad that you have such an amazing DH by your side. DS was a hard decision for us. My DH was totally against it at the start and as time moved forward and we kept getting told he wasn't producing he had a change of heart and said that he wants us to have a baby. Even with DS the baby is still half of me, so he was happy. We also are not telling anyone about the DS. He doesn't like the idea of people knowing that he couldn't produce and couldn't get me pregnant. I can only imagine that any fear or doubt about using DS would be gone as soon as you got your BFP. It would come back during pregnancy because you would wonder what features they would have and then they are born. You are so surprised at how closely they resemble DH as they age. My DH always says genes don't make the daddy, the man does. I think the love that we give them kinda helps their features too. I hope that your embryos are doing great and you can get your BFP!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

HCG shot today and IUI#4 tomorrow! I put a heating pad on my bum like mbaby I believe told me too. It hurt way less going in, it burned a little when the HCG got in and then afterwards I gushed blood like no other. I got a bandaid and DH was all, "You won't need a bandaid. I never needed one and it's not that bad." Afterwards, "Get me a bandaid- you are gushing." :rofl: Hoping for no welt and no major bruise.

Hope everyone is doing well and getting great news! :hugs:
Well, I got the call. All twelve embryos fertilized. Goes to show what a difference it makes when you have normal sperm. We only ever got half. It was hard to get the call. It was not nearly as exciting for us than when they called for my DH's sperm. He kind of got upset. This is so bittersweet. &#128532;
Gem, I'm so sorry you guys are going through this emotional turmoil with not having any of hubby's sperm...amazing news that you have 12 embryos to work with, though! I'm no help with the donor side of things, but I for sure know that you've got some grieving to do, so please take care and allow yourself to feel all the feelings! And yah, what an amazing hubby you have! Best of luck to you!

And miki, you as well!!
gem congrats on having all 12 fertilize! I am sorry it's such a bittersweet moment. I know DH feels bad because his sperm barely fertilized half and now this donor fertilized all. It's hard feeling like that. On one hand he's happy you have a fantastic shot for a BFP but at the same time he feels like he's less of a man for not being able to do that. I hope that he can continue to feel happy that you two are able to have babies together. He will move past this hard spot and love that baby more than anyone in the world (other than you of course :winkwink: ) :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
hi everyone
my question is when dr refers you to fertility specialist who will do sperm retrieval and then putting female on certain drugs for retrieval of eggs etc etc in uk so how much time all this process takes from start to end if nhs is giving you first try for free ? just a wild guess ? i am asking because since we came to know about hubby diagnoses so all the tests took long time so will it be the same for the second stage as well where they will try to find out something then if they get something so further process etc does it also takes long time ?
Good luck Gem and Miki!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:!!!

DS was a hard choice for my hubby as well, but he knew how important it was to me to have a child and wanted to make me happy, and now that we are at 29 weeks with twins, it has all faded into the background! After our last ultrasound, he was showing his sister one of the boys picts and said to her "look at them lips... looks like ours don't it?" (him and his sister look just alike) and all I could do was grin! It's not even a thought in his mind anymore! And as I watched him work night after night in our nursery painting and getting it ready, I know he will love them both weither they are his blood children or not! :cloud9:

Hope everything works out for the best for you and hubby in this decision. I feel like over time he will be like mine... never even think another thought about it!!! :hugs:
Hi everyone we have been TTC for over 2 years. My results came back fine, DH finally got an SA and it was bad. He wasn't given a letter so I only have what he said to go by which was 7% slow moving, 0% fast moving from what I could gather very low count in the first place. They asked if he had waited longer than the hour (which he hadn't) and said they couldn't liquidize it???? (That's what DH said) He goes for another SA soon then I need to take the results to the doc so that we can be referred to a gynecologist. They said not to let anyone make money out of our situation. I'm thinking that's not a good sign since the NHS would surely love us to spend out of pocket rather than use them.

We only get 1 free IVF, I know it's not much to go on I'm really frustrated with the lack of info myself but it's hard enough for DH without me badgering him. Does it sound like we have a chance?

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