Dealing with azoospermia?

��������GEMMMMMMM ��������

I haven't been on the site- and just saw your good news!! I'm so so very happy for you! This is it!! Your beta is fantastic!!

Your gonna be a mama!! ����
Thanks ladies!!! My second beta came back at 1,970! The nurse scared me though. She said those numbers were high and was wondering if the embryo split. She asked me if I had twins in my family, and I do. My moms mom had twins. As cool as it sounds, I dont know if my bicornurate uterus can handle that...thats why we only put in one! I didnt tell dh, it would totallly freak him out. We just gotta wait until the first ultrasound. Do you ladies think those numbers are high? They were taken at 12dp5dt and 14 dp5dt. I hope its a really strong singleton!!!

Congrats melissaelaine! Here comes the fun stuff!!
I was 691 11dpt and 2500 (or 2400) 13 dpt just one. Congrats on great numbers!! I have a unicornuate uterus which makes twins very risky so I imagine with a bicornuate uterus it's risky too as embryo implants on just one side.
Fantastic numbers Gem!!! This is it :happydance: Really excited for you ... :hugs:
Melissa :wohoo: congrats for triggering - will be thinking of you tomorrow :) :dust::dust::dust:
YAY on the great numbers, Gem!!! I never had betas done so I don't have any to compare to... but I've heard of plenty of "high" betas for healthy, vibrant singletons.

Sorry I don't have any wisdom to share with the IVF-ers... but good luck to everyone!

Bubumaci, about 3 weeks away from my due date!!! And still feeling really good for the most part! I feel so, so lucky that my pregnancy has been so smooth- knocking on wood for a similarly smooth labor & delivery. You can't be that far behind me- how are you feeling?
Ahh - Sharon ... only 3 weeks away :)
I feel the same way, really blessed to have been able to enjoy everything so far! I am 5 weeks away ;)

Today we were quite busy and put together the rest of the furniture (room has been ready since beginning of August) - the playpen for downstairs, the babybay for our bedroom, the heater for above the changing table, the isofix for the car, put it in and made sure it works properly with the car seat ... even though we are still a bit away, I just wanted to have that all ready - and for the wood from the furniture to air :)
Just got home from my ER and it went well. They got 12 eggs! We won't know until tomorrow how many were mature/how many fertilized. But, even better news, they did not have to do the tese on my DH! They were able to get enough sperm from the ejaculate for the eggs! This is such good news because his samples have been all over the place. It took them a while to give us the news, so I think we were probably pretty close. We thought they were going to have to do it to get enough sperm. We even stocked up on ice packs just for him. Fingers crossed that the sperm do their job and fertilize those eggs!!

I am a little crampy, but not too bad. I had deep sedation anesthesia and didn't feel a thing or at least I don't remember feeling anything. The doctor said that I said hello to help and had some pain when they were getting to my left ovary. But, I certainly don't remember any of it. Thank God for anesthesia!
MoBaby, just out of curiousity, were you put on bedrest bc if your uterus. My biggest fear is complications later in, or miscarriage bc if my uterus.
Congratulations Melissa, that's great news! Rest up and all fingers and toes crossed for a good fertilisation report for you for tomorrow! :dust::dust::dust:
Gem no but I had c section at 37 weeks. Lots of contractions since week 12 (braxton hicks) and my cervix was checked with ultrasound every 2 weeks. Bed rest isn't necessary unless signs of pre term labor. My pregnancy was easy too.
Just been catching up - so much wonderful news to read!

CONGRATULATIONS GEM! I am SO happy for you!!! When's your first ultrasound?

Melissaelaine - Fantastic news on the ER and DH not having to have MTESE. Keeping fingers tightly crossed that you get loads of embryos to choose from!

Deb - I've not done IVF, however December sounds like a good plan to me! I had similar worries about when was the 'right' time because of work commitments at school too, but then I realised that my family comes first and it wouldn't be the end of the world if I wasn't there for a particular event, and that school would find a way without me! I think when you work with kiddies, you get so emotionally involved and you just want to do what's right for them, but there are some situations where you really need to put yourself first.

Sharon - 3 weeks! HOW BLOOMING EXCITING!

Bubumaci - 5 weeks! It's gone so fast!

A little update from me - we found out at our 20 week scan that we're having a little boy - I'M SO EXCITED! :cloud9:

Lots of love to all! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Rainbow- Congratulations on the baby boy!! I am so excited for you!

I just got our fertilization report: all 12 of my eggs were mature, so they did ICSI on all 12. Of those 12, we have 7 embryos today. I am a little concerned about that fertilization rate because it is typically higher with ICSI than traditional IVF, but I am still really excited. I am just worried that maybe that's a sign there is something going on with the underlying eggs or sperm. Did anyone else with super low sperm counts (sometimes zero) have these issues? Lots of prayers for continued cell division and healthy embryos!! We'll find out more tomorrow.
Melissa - that is great that all 12 eggs were mature!! And I would say your fertilisation rate is great too!
For our tries, it was similar to yours (for all tries except the last, they managed to get enough sperm out of the sperm sample to do ICSI - the last try they had to take some frozen sperm, because there was nothing in the TESE for them to use).

Or fertilisation reports :
June 2012 : 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilised (fresh transfer + 2 x FET = BFN)
September 2012 : 11 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 fertilised (fresh transfer + 1 x FET = BFN)
February 2013 : 23 retrieved, 18 mature, 15 fertilised (OHSS, so no fresh transfer; FET = BFN)
July 2013 : 12 retrieved, 10 mature, 5 fertilised (fresh transfer : chemical)
December 2013 : 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilised (fresh transfer : chemical)
February 2014 : 15 retrieved, 14 mature, 9 fertilised (this one gave us our BFP)

So really, I wouldn't worry - I think your results are great (if you look at our last try, the results are similar to yours and that was the try that gave us our BFP) ... you can see that we had so many eggs retrieved and so many fertilised - and yet only one gave us our BFP : even if the eggs are fine, and the sperm is fine, the embryo might still not develop due to chromosome issues etc. (which is probably what happened in our case) - so no, I would say that that is not a sign that there is something wrong with your eggs or DH's sperm!

I think your fertilisation results are great and now we just have to pray for nice development and healthy embies :) :dust::dust::dust:
melissaelaine -We found sperms through mTese, started with 19 eggs and 19 sperms but only 11 fertilised. And as days went by, the numbers slowly decreaesed by Day 5 we had only 7. Doctors did warn us that sperms retried through mTese are not the best quality but all it takes is just one egg and one sperm.
I am pregnant with Twins now :)
arzoo- Thank you for sharing your story! We did not have to do an mTese, thankfully, but we also don't know how many sperm DH produced from his ejaculate, so the numbers may have been comparable to the numbers you all retrieved from your mTese. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Thanks all for your advice on follicle count and blood tests.

Debs toughie decision on timing. I have asked my manager to put me on light duties for nov/dec because of a planned procedure. Can you tell headteacher something similar? Then if you have tp miss a rehearsal or meeting ypu have his/her backing? If it ends up being jan it is only a few weeks later really so whilst it would be annoying I know, I can't imagine your age would be significantly more important if you know what I mean?

melissa seems like all is looking good so far, fingers crossed!!xx
Gem the excitement continues! Your docs will look after you I'm sure xx

Arzoo interesting you only got 19 from tese yet ended up with twinnies, that's awesome! Did you have imsi to select the best of those 19?

bubamaci has your dh had repeated mteses for your icsi attempts? Your numbers are great!

Lots of love to everyone else, tough doing personals on a phone with vv low battery and unstable 3g...
Jacks we dint do imsi. Imsi is usually done when you have surplus sperms to choose from! In our case we just had enough, infact they found 19 after looking for a long time so the question of imsi dint come up at all

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