Melissa - that is great that all 12 eggs were mature!! And I would say your fertilisation rate is great too!
For our tries, it was similar to yours (for all tries except the last, they managed to get enough sperm out of the sperm sample to do ICSI - the last try they had to take some frozen sperm, because there was nothing in the TESE for them to use).
Or fertilisation reports :
June 2012 : 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilised (fresh transfer + 2 x FET = BFN)
September 2012 : 11 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 fertilised (fresh transfer + 1 x FET = BFN)
February 2013 : 23 retrieved, 18 mature, 15 fertilised (OHSS, so no fresh transfer; FET = BFN)
July 2013 : 12 retrieved, 10 mature, 5 fertilised (fresh transfer : chemical)
December 2013 : 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilised (fresh transfer : chemical)
February 2014 : 15 retrieved, 14 mature, 9 fertilised (this one gave us our BFP)
So really, I wouldn't worry - I think your results are great (if you look at our last try, the results are similar to yours and that was the try that gave us our BFP) ... you can see that we had so many eggs retrieved and so many fertilised - and yet only one gave us our BFP : even if the eggs are fine, and the sperm is fine, the embryo might still not develop due to chromosome issues etc. (which is probably what happened in our case) - so no, I would say that that is not a sign that there is something wrong with your eggs or DH's sperm!
I think your fertilisation results are great and now we just have to pray for nice development and healthy embies