Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi everyone!

I havent posted in a while, nothing happening my end for a while but got great news! DH and I have an appointment for our treatment planing 30th July! so will be going through IVF in August.

Question for anyone who used Donor Sperm... we have been told to look for a donor depending on the CMV result (negative or positive) i've had my blood test to see which i am but waiting on the results. We have looked at the donors and most seem to be positive not negative and im getting concerned that if i am negative, i cant use a positive donor. Does anyone know how likely it is to be pos/neg? anyone had a similar issue?

Thankyou x
I don't know the answers to that bump. I've not used donor sperm so hopefully others can help you.

Nicole any luck this cycle?

My fet is scheduled may 22. Lining scan ay may 11th and if it's good pio may 16th. I'm nervous but excited. If this fails then we won't be trying again for a while which sucks but financially and emotionally that's what we need to do.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
I don't know the answers to that bump. I've not used donor sperm so hopefully others can help you.

Nicole any luck this cycle?

My fet is scheduled may 22. Lining scan ay may 11th and if it's good pio may 16th. I'm nervous but excited. If this fails then we won't be trying again for a while which sucks but financially and emotionally that's what we need to do.
Hope everyone else is doing well!

Unfortunately, no :-( I got my period exactly 14 days after the IUI. I went in on Monday (cycle day 4) in the hopes of starting clomid for this next cycle, and I have a luteal cyst. Just my luck! So they won't give me clomid. My only choice is to do another natural cycle. So, I go in for another ultrasound next week for monitoring. My doctor doesn't even want to give me a trigger because Hcg can prevent the cyst from going away and actually create more cysts. I was hoping to do a trigger this round to help with timing. Since we're using donor sperm, timing is everything! I think that's why the last round failed. I either ovulated too early or too late. This is all so stressful. I'm fortunate that IUI's are covered under my insurance, and I've already paid for 6 vials of donor sperm (we have 5 left now), so really the only expense each round is shipping of the sperm, which can range from $200 to $300 for overnight shipping. I really hope we get lucky on #2!
Hey ladies! Just wanted to update. DH and I had our third transfer/2nd FET trying for #2 on May 22nd. Today, at 7dpt, 12dpo, I got a positive digital! I have been testing positive since 3dpt in the afternoon and the lines have continued to darken. Beta HCG is monday! Dreams do come true ladies in the azo journey. I know we have a long road ahead still (beta, first u/s, 12 week scan, anatomy scan, second trimester, third trimester, etc) but I am feeling very hopeful. I never thought I would have the chance to be a mom in the azo journey but I am and now I have the chance hopefully to have #2.


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HUGE Congrats MO!!!!!! :happydance: SO excited for you!!!

I must admit, I snuck over to your blog and seen your beta #s for today...... I'm thinking Twinny Twin Twins!!!! :haha:
Yes beta is 609 at 10dpt, 15dpo
I only transferred one embryo though. I'm hoping it didn't split but if it did I will have to accept what I've been given. Will find out in a few weeks!
Thanks ladies for the hugs. I'm just checking in. Not sure how long til the next time I check in again. It's been a month, or feels like it anyways.

Nicole- sorry the first IUI didn't work out.

Bump- I don't have an answer to your question. I know that depending on what the lady is (positive or negative) it can sometimes be better to use a donor that matches (if negative, then you need to find negative, but if you're positive, then it doesn't matter either way but don't quote me on that, i'm out of touch so I'm not remembering all the details I learned from my time going through IUI). I'm thinking it's somewhere along that - which is why they do that type of testing before doing donors.

Congrats Mo!
I have some devastating news..
Despite super high betas, a perfect blast and a perfect transfer my body rejected the pregnancy at almost 6 weeks. I miscarried at home yesterday. This was after a scan showed a baby measuring right on track in the right place just a few hours earlier. I passed the sac intact after a huge clot. Ultrasound today comfirmed the miscarriage was complete. I did see the RE today and he is running a RPL panel again. This marks miscarriage #4 (on top of the 2 chemicals I've had). RE says things could potentially change but I doubt it. I did save the products but I decided not to have it tested since the last ones were normal. I guess I could take it in tomorrow but I am not sure it will give any more answers since my prior miscarriages all had normal embryos and it really didn't help at all. The RE feels like I most likely developed a bleed behind the sac and the bleed was just too large and when the clot broke lose it broke the sac loose too. The clot was 3-4cm and the sac was 1.5 cm. I didnt have any more clots after that one and the cramping settled down. I bleed most of the night but it stopped so I am sure that once the HCG is down and once the progesterone gets out of my system I will have an extremely heavy period since my lining was super thick today. We dont understand what happened exactly and are devestated.
We have 2 frosties left that would be trasferred together. BUT I can not see doing this again right now so I think it will be jan or so next year. Those are our last chance for a sibling for baby unless we ever decide to try a few rounds with donor sperm which right now my husband is not open to after having a "biological" son.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Awh MoBaby I am so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself, I imagine sorting through all these emotions is tough xoxo
:hugs: Mobaby omg that's horrible! Argh... All the struggles you went through to get this far! This isn't fair!
MO, this just utterly saddens me! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and more :hugs: during this difficult time! Praying for you!!!!
Mo, I totally get the devastation. We have 3 frosties left but that's it, no more sperm for "full biological" sibling if these embryos don't work. (So far, We've transferred 5 frozen embryos - no lasting success). Hope you take however long you need. This is such a hard process. Hugs!

DG- as for me, life is moving along here. Graduation is quickly approaching for me! Hoping one of our last 3 frosties are sticky beans, by the end of the year. But we are enjoying our son SO much.

Hope good things are coming for everyone else here!
thats us also sunup. we have 2 biological frosties. We have 2 vials of sperm left but they had to thaw 2 vials for the measly 13 sperm needed. so really we have no sperm. if those dont work our only hope would be iui with donor but DH is against a non-fully biological sibling now we have had success :( I do wish I had 1-2 more frozen but these 2 are one more transfer since one isnt great quality.
I got my bfp this morning ladies! (clear 2nd line on a FRER) and "pregnant 1-2 weeks" on a clearblue digital. I'm 11dpiui. Soooo excited! 2nd iui cycle. I got for beta on Friday. Cautiously optimistic, because I know a lot can go wrong, but I'm thrilled.

I'm wondering if all these uterine cramps I'm having are normal? They hurt.
That's wonderful news, Nicole! So excited for you! :)
My first beta was 6dp5dt (and I tested with a digital that morning - only time I tested with all my tries - also got the same result as you :) - such a fabulous feeling and my beta was good too!! 27 at 6dp5dt and 118 at 9dp5dt). Good luck for your beta on Friday :) <3
Nicole- how was beta?

So far so good! First hcg results were 102 (on Friday the 17th). 2nd beta on Sunday and hcg was 250, so more than doubled :-)

I'm continuing progesterone suppositories till my doctor tells me I can get off them, but my blood progesterone levels look good.

My first ultrasound is this Wednesday. I'll be 5 weeks 5 days. I'm so excited.

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