Dealing with azoospermia?

It is SO unpleasant that the first thing they suggest is Donor or Adoption. Nothing wrong with either but why make people believe there are no alternatives when there are SO many Azospermia babies out there?

If you want a bit of hope tigerlilly1975, a few years ago we were right where you are today, an urologist shook his head and said "well you won't have your own children but donor is always a possibility" and today we spent the day worrying about the impossible-child's chicken pox and researching which IVF clinic we'll make her a brother at!

What an inspiring and wonderful post. :hugs:

Our GP didn't even realise that a biopsy to the testicles existed, let alone that those with azoospermia could father children with sperm retrieved. You should have seen his face when he found out. I felt it was my place to educate him at our last visit :haha:

Our doc wrote to the Urologist that he doubted my DH would ever father his own children and the Urologist didn't exactly dismiss it. It makes me mad and just glad we're seeing a real specialist in a couple of days, as at least we'll know 100% that there's no chance or some chance instead of professionals who aren't actually clued up at all on this subject making flippant and unsubstantiated comments. :growlmad:

Thanks for your positive post and for reminding those of us who haven't been through an SSR/TESE that there is still a bit of hope out there, despite what so many in the medical profession seem to suggest.
You're very welcome. I well remember the heart ache and complete brain freeze. After crying for 3 days straight I told myself "hold on a minute, this can not be, there HAS to be a way, Google, here I come!" and 2 days of research later I was on all infertility forums possible and had an appointment booked with an IVF clinic in Spain and a bank manager :rofl:

Now let me get this straight, I do not advise creating huge debt to go have your first ICSI with SSR abroad because at the time it sounded like a much better idea than waiting one more hour:D but then again I know not many people are that mad ;)

On a more serious note, this journey is horrid, we get thrown in Infertile mode after joyous rose-petal-BD-for-baby-TTC mode and it's a real psychological shock followed by expense, wait, information overload and more headache and heartache than imaginable (each step of IVF is darn hard, the SSR nerves of not getting any sperm, the stimulation nerves of not having any eggs, the Petri dish nerves of poor fertilization reports, the wait in between, EC, scans, OTDs and all that, hell the acronyms alone and they're daunting!) but we don't need this difficult journey to start with misinformation from the medical profession!
Just come across your post sorry its so long since u wrote it.

Well my hubby has Azoospermia all his sperm samples said no sperms found, Burton Centre For Repoductive Medicine tested his hormone levels and all seemed normal, so they suggested SSR well they found 3 ampules of sperm, was told it was healthy and could be frozen. So we started ICSI AND IVF. First cycle they over stimmed me so was abandoned 2nd cycle ive just finished it was all going great then they decided to up my Menopur dosage and when i went back for a scan one folly had gone mental and taken all the drugs :( so was rushed to egg collection for one folly. We pinned all out hopes on that one as it was 23mm well had egg collection 13/07/11 they said they collected the one folly and it had a mature egg but later on in the afternoon when they checked it, it was empty. So our cycle was over!! As we was NHS funded we was told that was the end of our funding as we have had SSR funded and 2 lots of ovulation induction. even tho i was supposed to be funded for one full cycle of IVF and i never actually received that due to Burtons mistakes.

Were so gutted and im launching an appeal to our PCT as it wasnt down to any fault of ours why i over stimmed they knew my AMH levels were 77.7 so had high risk of over stimming but they still carried on there answer was tp use this as a trial run and have offered us a fresh cycle but done differently but that will cost us £4000 which we dont have so our only option is to appeal. I cannot believe they actually got it wrong twice but yet were being penalised doesnt seem right or fair!!1

Anyway i hope u had more luck than us.
BTW i have endo and poly cystic ovaries
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm really hoping and praying that there was a problem with the collection. He collected at home and it was almost two hours before he dropped it off, but the instructions said no more than two hours. If not then I hope there is a quick and easy fix. I'm over 35 and DH is older and I don't know if he would be open to surgery since we already have a child. So much to think about over the next three weeks. No one knows we are TTC so, it's good to know you all are out there to listen as we deal with the next chapter in our journey.

Hubby has always done his samples at the clinic, but I'm sure I've read that sample should be at clinic within 45 minutes if doing it off site. 2 hours seems a very long time :shrug:
Hi Tigerlily and Mrs Mazzeo and welcome :flower:

Tigerlily - we are seeing Mr Ramsay in London - I'm sure he does some NHS work and if you're in the area there wouldn't perhaps be the stress of trying to fight to get the funding transferred. I've just found something that seems to suggest that he doesn some NHS work at West Middlesex hospital and he really is an amazing guy!

MissAma - lovely to see you back and very excited that you're planning number 2 :happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok and that anyone with upcoming appts gets some positive news xx
Hubby has always done his samples at the clinic, but I'm sure I've read that sample should be at clinic within 45 minutes if doing it off site. 2 hours seems a very long time :shrug:[/QUOTE]

I thought so too, but it says in the paperwork that they suggest you collect at home and have it to them no longer than 2 hours. I've also read about people keeping the sample next to their body for an ideal temp, but we were never told to do that. I wish they would just order another SA so we know what we are dealing with. We have 18 days before our appointment with the doctor.

The information in this thread has been so helpful. I'm sorry that it had to be created, but I'm thankful that everyone is coping and doing what they can to become parents or increase their family. Each of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Yes, I've read about keeping it warm too. Also, when you have next one done, ask them if they centrifuge it - sometimes centrifuging the sample can find a few that might be missed otherwise.

I'm really glad you have found this thread helpful xx
Hello everyone :hi:

Thank you for the very warm welcome. It's nice to know we're not going through this alone. :flower:

We're still reeling from the results and have only just begun discussing the situation and what we might decide to do - depending on the outcome from our next appointments. Speaking of which, we're not sure how long we're going to have to wait to see the specialist.

Deb, that's very interesting news about Mr Ramsay. We actually live in North-West London, so we're not too far from where he practises. Our Dr is referring us to Hillingdon hospital, so I'm not sure if we can approach him and ask to be referred to Mr Ramsay instead. We were also suprised that the GP didn't send DH for a second test to be certain, but then again, he was very honest and said he's not an expert and that we'd be better off seeing the specialist.

A big concern I have is my age. If we are to go down the IVF route (which seems inevitable), I think we only get one NHS funded procedure, do we get 'bumped up' the list or any additional attempts? I guess it's impossible to make any decisions until we know all the facts.

I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense (not that I normally do!), I'm in a daze at the moment. You just don't expect this sort of news, do you? I know you all understand what I'm going through all to well, thank goodness I found you!

Okay, it's lunchtime, so I need to step away from the Computer and go for walk to clear my (fuzzy) head.

Thank you all again and I hope that we all have our wishes fulfilled.

Much love and :hugs:

C xx
Tigeriliy - it is so hard dealing with this kind of diagnosis, but you have to try and hold on to the fact that our hubby's have obviously had this problems a fair while at the least and until the diagnosis, we were all living in blissful ignorance that 'it will happen eventually'. I remember my husband saying "yesterday everything was fine and today I have no sperm" but I pointed out that he didn't have any sperm 'yesterday' ; the only difference 'today' was that we actually knew and until you know, you can't do anything about it :nope: At least we have a chance of dealing with it now we know. I'm just glad you sought help so soon and try not to worry too much about your age - I'm 37 - yes of course it worries me too, but you've got a year on me :winkwink:
Hi girls. I wanted to give you an update. Welcome newbies too :)

So my oh had his ultrasound and tubes up his penis. Basically one of his testicles is severely damaged with scar tissue, the other has some damage. No turning back for one but the other, he thinks some of the scar tissue might be causing a blockage and it 'may' possibly be removed. He has referred him to a surgeon so he can decide what to do next.
They also took 2 samples, one tissue and one sperm (not 100%).
So that's where we are :( At least we know and at least there is hope :)

For the girls that have had just 1 sa done, please don't try to worry, there are lots of reasons why no sperm shows, after my OH's first sa, they put him on 2 rounds of strong antibiotics incase an infection was affecting this.
Also I would have thought 2 hours is way too long, when my oh went for sa, he was given 1 hour max to bring it to the hospital and keeping it warm (container on his skin).

Good luck everybody :) x x
Ps when I say sperm I mean particle's where they hope to find sperm :) (sorry I read it back and it didn't make sense)
Wanbmum - I'm glad the dr has given you some hope. Have they sent the samples to pathology to look for sperm?

Hope you're both doing ok xx
Wanb, I'm glad there's a bit of hope. Do you know when you'll get the results?


So excited about tomorrow! Can't wait to just know what to do next.
Very excited for you! Have a safe trip and look forward to hearing your news xx
Wanbmum, glad to see you got some hopeful news from your appointment.

DH called the Dr.'s office to get the records that he had his hernia surgery, and had to fill out release forms for them. Now even though they were looking at them when he was there it takes a week for them to be released and then he has to pay a fee to get them. Go figure a Dr.'s office would charge you to get your own medical records for yourself :).
We had to pay £50 for hubby's records from the fertility clinic :growlmad:
Thanks Girls :)

Good luck tomorrow Silverbell, keep us posted :)

My OH has to go back on 19th Aug, he is also trying to get an app with the surgeon before then, so he will look at all his files etc and they will send any further results to the surgeon. So fingers crossed he can get the app before 19th.
My hubby is chuffed with the results as he really had expected and prepared for the worst. Because I have been more optimistic, I think I am in shock really, the confirmation that one testicle is basically not functioning is kind of sad really :( But I will remain optimistic and positive, at least we werent getting that news about the 2 of them. I am so glad my OH is happy and its great to see the scariness/terror off of his face.
I live in QLD MissAma. I've never been to WA but have heard its gorgeous. Lots of beaches and awesome wine regions too!

Good luck today Silverbell. Have my fingers crossed for some positive news for you and your OH.

I hope everyone else is feeling ok too. Its such a rollercoaster ride isn't it. One minute I think I'm fine the next I'm crying my eyes out...
I'm so glad wanb that your DH is feeling a bit more positive and I do hope his test results give you guys even more positivity.

Yes,KB. It sure is a roller coaster of emotions. It's just horrible.

Thanks for your well wishes ladies. On the ferry now (hence the Internet access). Very excited to get some explanations of blood results and his thoughts on the next step.

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